jquery Programming Glossary: happily
jQuery $.get() function succeeds with 200 but returns no content in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1188976/jquery-get-function-succeeds-with-200-but-returns-no-content-in-firefox URL by copy pasting it from my page into the browser it happily returns content. The error occurs even in Firefox Safe Mode..
Twitter Bootstrap dropdown links not working on mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244357/twitter-bootstrap-dropdown-links-not-working-on-mobile my desktop browser window down to mobile size they work happily. However on a mobile the dropdowns will open up when you click..
jQuery not working in Wordpress 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14288579/jquery-not-working-in-wordpress-3-5 Does anyone have a clue on what I am doing wrong. I'll happily provide more code if needed. All of the above is located in..
jQuery recursive iteration over objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203958/jquery-recursive-iteration-over-objects functionality as a flag would make sense you can quite happily recurse through that object forever believe me I broke firefox..
How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2814007/how-do-i-add-a-jquery-locators-to-selenium-remote-control Remote Control I've been using XPath with Selenium quite happily and even using getEval with a but of Javascript but a colleague..
Adding a Resource View/Gannt chart to jQuery Fullcalendar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269117/adding-a-resource-view-gannt-chart-to-jquery-fullcalendar by asking the people who really know jQuery. I would happily donate the funds saved from using a proprietary solution to..
$(this) OR event.target OR var input = $(this) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3388019/this-or-event-target-or-var-input-this fun introduction to Javascript after 12 years of surviving happily without. I'm at the stage where I'm trying to learn as much..
jQuery's ajax is causing a full page refresh in FireFox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/511947/jquerys-ajax-is-causing-a-full-page-refresh-in-firefox on carrying out a link click or button click event happily. you can try try surround potential problem areas with try catch..
Binding validation script to form within jQuery Facebox plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5583469/binding-validation-script-to-form-within-jquery-facebox-plugin put any old gumpf into the email form and submit it and it happily sends a confirmation to asdsdf or whatever I typed in at the..
jQuery ajaxSetup beforeSend not executing in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5817238/jquery-ajaxsetup-beforesend-not-executing-in-ie8 possible for me. If anyone has any better answer fix I'll happily delete this one and mark theirs as correct. share improve this..
Parsing XML with CDATA with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652159/parsing-xml-with-cdata-with-jquery regex. Unfortunately since regex cannot parse HTML it will happily filter out valid parts of your text that happen to look like..
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery state change with a specific player. My jQuery plugin can happily attach more than one video to a selector and attach events to..
bootstrap.js scrollspy with animated scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8711333/bootstrap-js-scrollspy-with-animated-scroll should be faily simple to combine with bootstrap. I will happily give a more detailed explination on how to implement it if you..
$(window).unload is not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9385778/window-unload-is-not-firing else less intrusive to the user and the event will be happily called. You might also want to checkout the onbeforeunload event...
jQuery $.get() function succeeds with 200 but returns no content in Firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1188976/jquery-get-function-succeeds-with-200-but-returns-no-content-in-firefox downloading is hosted on the Internet. I've tried checking the URL by copy pasting it from my page into the browser it happily returns content. The error occurs even in Firefox Safe Mode hopefully that rules out rogue addins. javascript jquery ajax..
Twitter Bootstrap dropdown links not working on mobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14244357/twitter-bootstrap-dropdown-links-not-working-on-mobile and happy in my desktop browser and also if I resize down my desktop browser window down to mobile size they work happily. However on a mobile the dropdowns will open up when you click on the dropdown but clicking on any of the links within the..
jQuery not working in Wordpress 3.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14288579/jquery-not-working-in-wordpress-3-5 of date but even after updating it I was still unsuccessful. Does anyone have a clue on what I am doing wrong. I'll happily provide more code if needed. All of the above is located in my header.php file within my theme. Here's a portion of the..
jQuery recursive iteration over objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203958/jquery-recursive-iteration-over-objects first time and messed up the code a bit Ok I don't think this functionality as a flag would make sense you can quite happily recurse through that object forever believe me I broke firefox doing it so you need some sort of interaction to make sure..
How do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2814007/how-do-i-add-a-jquery-locators-to-selenium-remote-control do I add a JQuery locators to Selenium Remote Control I've been using XPath with Selenium quite happily and even using getEval with a but of Javascript but a colleague said wouldn't it be great to be able to use JQuery selectors..
Adding a Resource View/Gannt chart to jQuery Fullcalendar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269117/adding-a-resource-view-gannt-chart-to-jquery-fullcalendar a way of getting a resource view inside of jquery Fullcalendar by asking the people who really know jQuery. I would happily donate the funds saved from using a proprietary solution to the developer of Fullcalendar. The developer of FullCalendar..
$(this) OR event.target OR var input = $(this) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3388019/this-or-event-target-or-var-input-this OR var input this jQuery is currently providing me with a fun introduction to Javascript after 12 years of surviving happily without. I'm at the stage where I'm trying to learn as much as I can about optimising the code I write and whilst I have..
jQuery's ajax is causing a full page refresh in FireFox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/511947/jquerys-ajax-is-causing-a-full-page-refresh-in-firefox occurs before you hit that line then the browser will continue on carrying out a link click or button click event happily. you can try try surround potential problem areas with try catch blocks. Alternatively you might try this e.preventDefault..
Binding validation script to form within jQuery Facebox plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5583469/binding-validation-script-to-form-within-jquery-facebox-plugin meant debugging with Firebug was a bit of a no go you can put any old gumpf into the email form and submit it and it happily sends a confirmation to asdsdf or whatever I typed in at the time. The code is below I'd really appreciate any help on this..
jQuery ajaxSetup beforeSend not executing in IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5817238/jquery-ajaxsetup-beforesend-not-executing-in-ie8
Parsing XML with CDATA with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/652159/parsing-xml-with-cdata-with-jquery tries to filter out jQuery custom attributes first using a regex. Unfortunately since regex cannot parse HTML it will happily filter out valid parts of your text that happen to look like HTML attributes. Whoops. Not one of jQuery's prettier parts...
Using Youtube's javascript API with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/786380/using-youtubes-javascript-api-with-jquery playerState . The problem is I'm not sure how to associate a state change with a specific player. My jQuery plugin can happily attach more than one video to a selector and attach events to each one but the moment a state actually changes I lose track..
bootstrap.js scrollspy with animated scroll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8711333/bootstrap-js-scrollspy-with-animated-scroll
$(window).unload is not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9385778/window-unload-is-not-firing