jquery Programming Glossary: hashtags
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript has some if statements detecting if the array contains hashtags # or mentions @ . Ignore that. The imTheCallback is the array.. that. The imTheCallback is the array of names either hashtags or mentions then modArr is the array sorted. Then the .atResults..
facebook like hashtags - word-wrap:break-word; doesnt work on FF and IE9+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17215976/facebook-like-hashtags-word-wrapbreak-word-doesnt-work-on-ff-and-ie9 like hashtags word wrap break word doesnt work on FF and IE9 I'm trying to..
JQuery .append not appending to textarea after text edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4722914/jquery-append-not-appending-to-textarea-after-text-edited box manually and then go back to clicking on any of the hashtags they don't get appended on Firefox. On Chrome the most bizarre..
removing # hash tags from address bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872267/removing-hash-tags-from-address-bar it out. localScroll plugin allows you to hide or keep the hashtags and by default they are hidden. i think many gallery plugins..
Find twitter hashtags using jQuery, and apply a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913555/find-twitter-hashtags-using-jquery-and-apply-a-link twitter hashtags using jQuery and apply a link I'd like to start this off by.. my twitter profile. I would like to know how to select the hashtags from these tweets ex. #foo and then apply a html link to the.. You would craft a regular expression to find those hashtags and replace them with a link using backreferences to get the..
How to change browser address bar without reloading page - HTML/Javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607902/how-to-change-browser-address-bar-without-reloading-page-html-javascript I have no idea how to implement this if not by using # hashtags within the url. In short github uses ajax to load new webpages.. short github uses ajax to load new webpages without using hashtags. How do they accomplish this Any ideas javascript jquery html..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin user.link http twitter.com username Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links String.prototype.parseHashtag function.. twitter.com ' user.replace '@' '' Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links parseHashtag function return this.replace..
Fancybox: link that changes the url in address bar and links to a page with an open Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843823/fancybox-link-that-changes-the-url-in-address-bar-and-links-to-a-page-with-an-o fancybox although by no means required . Then just use the hashtags for your link hrefs and do not use jQuery's preventDefault function..
Sort an array by the “Levenshtein Distance” with best performance in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11919065/sort-an-array-by-the-levenshtein-distance-with-best-performance-in-javascript window.location.href 'http hashtag.ly ' this .html It also has some if statements detecting if the array contains hashtags # or mentions @ . Ignore that. The imTheCallback is the array of names either hashtags or mentions then modArr is the array.. detecting if the array contains hashtags # or mentions @ . Ignore that. The imTheCallback is the array of names either hashtags or mentions then modArr is the array sorted. Then the .atResults and .tagResults elements are the elements that it appends..
facebook like hashtags - word-wrap:break-word; doesnt work on FF and IE9+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17215976/facebook-like-hashtags-word-wrapbreak-word-doesnt-work-on-ff-and-ie9 like hashtags word wrap break word doesnt work on FF and IE9 I'm trying to insert a b whenever on keyup a # is detected like Facebook..
JQuery .append not appending to textarea after text edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4722914/jquery-append-not-appending-to-textarea-after-text-edited loads. However when I then also start editing the text in text box manually and then go back to clicking on any of the hashtags they don't get appended on Firefox. On Chrome the most bizarre thing is happening all the text I type manually gets replaced..
removing # hash tags from address bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872267/removing-hash-tags-from-address-bar #. '' and or .hash put just cannot figure it out. localScroll plugin allows you to hide or keep the hashtags and by default they are hidden. i think many gallery plugins have a similar option to. but when i try and do it myself bit..
Find twitter hashtags using jQuery, and apply a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913555/find-twitter-hashtags-using-jquery-and-apply-a-link twitter hashtags using jQuery and apply a link I'd like to start this off by saying I'm hardly a pro at jQuery and this seems like a non.. and incorporated into the loop it shows tweets from my twitter profile. I would like to know how to select the hashtags from these tweets ex. #foo and then apply a html link to the hashtag as follows... a class hashtag href http twitter.com.. above. jquery wordpress twitter share improve this question You would craft a regular expression to find those hashtags and replace them with a link using backreferences to get the matching tag. hashtag_regexp # a zA Z0 9 g function linkHashtags..
How to change browser address bar without reloading page - HTML/Javascript [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5607902/how-to-change-browser-address-bar-without-reloading-page-html-javascript address bar to the real address representing the content. I have no idea how to implement this if not by using # hashtags within the url. In short github uses ajax to load new webpages without using hashtags. How do they accomplish this Any ideas.. implement this if not by using # hashtags within the url. In short github uses ajax to load new webpages without using hashtags. How do they accomplish this Any ideas javascript jquery html ajax share improve this question By using window.history.pushState..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin zA Z0 9_. b function user var username user.replace @ return user.link http twitter.com username Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links String.prototype.parseHashtag function return this.replace # A Za z0 9 _ g function hash var hashtag.. @ a zA Z0 9_. b g function user return user.link 'http twitter.com ' user.replace '@' '' Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links parseHashtag function return this.replace # A Za z0 9 _ g function hash return hash.link 'http..
Fancybox: link that changes the url in address bar and links to a page with an open Fancybox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7843823/fancybox-link-that-changes-the-url-in-address-bar-and-links-to-a-page-with-an-o the ID of some element on the page you want to display in fancybox although by no means required . Then just use the hashtags for your link hrefs and do not use jQuery's preventDefault function on those links. That way those links will alter the..