jquery Programming Glossary: hashes
Rails 3.2 has_many through form submission http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199572/rails-3-2-has-many-through-form-submission simplest solution is that you need to generate an array of hashes that looks like product_shipments product_id 1 qty_shipped 32.. 32 product_id 3 qty_shipped 23 instead of two sets of hashes shipment product_ids 1 3 and product_shipments qty_shipped 32..
jquery get querystring from URL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656843/jquery-get-querystring-from-url associative array. function getUrlVars var vars hash var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' '.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars..
Youtube API Direct Upload and Return URL, Possibly in Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4752366/youtube-api-direct-upload-and-return-url-possibly-in-ajax vars 'id' function getVars var vars var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' '.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' var hash for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars.. 1 .split ' ' var hash for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars..
jQuery: How to get parameters of a url? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073859/jquery-how-to-get-parameters-of-a-url event .extend getUrlVars function var vars hash var hashes this.href.slice this.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i.. this.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash.. ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate State Handling which goes into explanations about hashbang hashes and the html5 history api. Let me know if you need any further..
Current state of Jquery history/back-button plugins? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513106/current-state-of-jquery-history-back-button-plugins API allows you to modify the url directly so no need for hashes anymore Yay For a listing of the current situation of back forward.. go compared to the old hashchange solutions. Problems with hashes include double load when accessing a hashed url different urls..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac and set plugin global defaults . In this plugin setup all hashes past into methods as objects are merged with the defaults so..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page you can modify the URL directly without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the..
Rails not decoding JSON from jQuery correctly (array becoming a hash with integer keys) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6410810/rails-not-decoding-json-from-jquery-correctly-array-becoming-a-hash-with-intege the JSON object without garbling it into integer keyed hashes with all string values. So to summarize my problem was that..
Change url on ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955430/change-url-on-ajax-request by an ajax request. For more information on how to use url hashes to indicate state on your page you might want to have a look..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas back end is returning a JSON structure with an array of hashes like this id ... value ... state ... pcode ... ... The id key..
Best way to populate select list with JQuery / Json? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9995017/best-way-to-populate-select-list-with-jquery-json the select list. May be an array of strings or an array of hashes associative arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an.. arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the value parameter for the option element.. element @param String textKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the text parameter for the option element..
Rails 3.2 has_many through form submission http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11199572/rails-3-2-has-many-through-form-submission 3.1 has many through share improve this question The simplest solution is that you need to generate an array of hashes that looks like product_shipments product_id 1 qty_shipped 32 product_id 3 qty_shipped 23 instead of two sets of hashes.. that looks like product_shipments product_id 1 qty_shipped 32 product_id 3 qty_shipped 23 instead of two sets of hashes shipment product_ids 1 3 and product_shipments qty_shipped 32 23 . To do this change your view code to hidden_field_tag..
jquery get querystring from URL [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4656843/jquery-get-querystring-from-url Read a page's GET URL variables and return them as an associative array. function getUrlVars var vars hash var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split.. var vars hash var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars For example if you have the URL http.. hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars For example if you have the URL http www.example.com me myValue..
Youtube API Direct Upload and Return URL, Possibly in Ajax? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4752366/youtube-api-direct-upload-and-return-url-possibly-in-ajax javascript var vars getVars document .ready function parent.selectVideo vars 'id' function getVars var vars var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' var hash for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes.. var vars var hashes window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' var hash for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars script title title head body body.. window.location.href.slice window.location.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' var hash for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars script title title head body body And job done D share..
jQuery: How to get parameters of a url? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5073859/jquery-how-to-get-parameters-of-a-url looks like so function '.popuptest a' .live 'click' function event .extend getUrlVars function var vars hash var hashes this.href.slice this.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash.. .extend getUrlVars function var vars hash var hashes this.href.slice this.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars getUrlVar function name return .getUrlVars.. var vars hash var hashes this.href.slice this.href.indexOf ' ' 1 .split ' ' for var i 0 i hashes.length i hash hashes i .split ' ' vars.push hash 0 vars hash 0 hash 1 return vars getUrlVar function name return .getUrlVars name var second..
history.pushState http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5210034/history-pushstate
Current state of Jquery history/back-button plugins? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5513106/current-state-of-jquery-history-back-button-plugins optional hash fallback for older browsers. The HTML5 History API allows you to modify the url directly so no need for hashes anymore Yay For a listing of the current situation of back forward plugins you can check here https github.com Modernizr.. back forward hash hashbang problem it's really the way to go compared to the old hashchange solutions. Problems with hashes include double load when accessing a hashed url different urls sharing hashed links with js disabled users don't work. There..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac . This allows users to override your defaults and set plugin global defaults . In this plugin setup all hashes past into methods as objects are merged with the defaults so this allows users to set global defaults for all your methods...
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6118693/how-can-i-change-the-page-url-without-refreshing-the-page MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. Backbone.js Backbone supplies..
Rails not decoding JSON from jQuery correctly (array becoming a hash with integer keys) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6410810/rails-not-decoding-json-from-jquery-correctly-array-becoming-a-hash-with-intege json' option in the .ajax call and have Rails properly parse the JSON object without garbling it into integer keyed hashes with all string values. So to summarize my problem was that this .ajax type POST url 'http localhost 3001 plugin bulk_import..
Change url on ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955430/change-url-on-ajax-request location.hash to indicate a page which's state was modified by an ajax request. For more information on how to use url hashes to indicate state on your page you might want to have a look at this . There is a library History.js which can be used for..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7410091/jquery-autocomplete-and-php-populating-input-field-with-data-from-mysql-databas not relevant to the client side handling. Ultimately the back end is returning a JSON structure with an array of hashes like this id ... value ... state ... pcode ... ... The id key contains the suburb name and the value key contains strings..
Best way to populate select list with JQuery / Json? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9995017/best-way-to-populate-select-list-with-jquery-json Object values An array of option values to use to fill the select list. May be an array of strings or an array of hashes associative arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the value parameter for.. May be an array of strings or an array of hashes associative arrays . @param String valueKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the value parameter for the option element @param String textKey If values is an array of hashes.. this is the hashkey to the value parameter for the option element @param String textKey If values is an array of hashes this is the hashkey to the text parameter for the option element @param String defaultValue The default value to select..