jquery Programming Glossary: hasn't
jQuery calling click event after taphold event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10502383/jquery-calling-click-event-after-taphold-event 3000 else event.type 'vmouseup' clear the timeout if it hasn't yet occured clearTimeout tapTimer if the flag is set to false..
Why can I not define functions in jQuery's document.ready()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055767/why-can-i-not-define-functions-in-jquerys-document-ready script immediately after ready because the ready code hasn't yet run but you can call the function later on. Just make sure..
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me dequeue the next function and run it if the queue hasn't started. 'inprogress' sentinel Whenever you dequeue a function..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do it face it as. And when it executes the JS block here it hasn't yet parsed the a rel tooltip tags yet as it appears after the..
jQuery and radio button groups http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165627/jquery-and-radio-button-groups find which radio group has checked radio boxes and which hasn't for group in radio_groups if_checked radio name group checked..
Unobtrusive Ajax stopped working after update jQuery to 1.9.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14391867/unobtrusive-ajax-stopped-working-after-update-jquery-to-1-9-0 this javascript error in Firebug when my page loads Code hasn't changed of course just updated the jQuery scripts using Nuget...
How to tell if browser/tab is active [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1760250/how-to-tell-if-browser-tab-is-active run if the current page is in the foreground i.e. the user hasn't minimized the browser or switched to another tab. It serves..
jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244758/jquery-animation-smooth-size-transition it twice on the same element s where the first animation hasn't finished before the second begins. This is because the second..
Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996431/detect-when-a-window-is-resized-using-javascript this window .bind 'resizeEnd' function do something window hasn't changed size in 500ms You can see a working demo of this approach..
jquery need alternative to focusout() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3088738/jquery-need-alternative-to-focusout focusin during the focusout event and as such it hasn't detected focusin yet. Any clever solutions to this problem Am..
jquery mousewheel: detecting when the wheel stops? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3515446/jquery-mousewheel-detecting-when-the-wheel-stops won't be firing. You ca however detect when the user hasn't used it in say 250ms like this #myElem .mousewheel function..
Javascript: do an action after user is done scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4289473/javascript-do-an-action-after-user-is-done-scrolling a way to delay the function from firing until the user hasn't scrolled and if they should begin to scroll again the function..
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically it's best not to use setInterval . If the first request hasn't completed and you start another one you could end up in a situation..
How to show a spinner while loading an image via JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/51352/how-to-show-a-spinner-while-loading-an-image-via-javascript chart changes. This makes the user think that their click hasn't done anything or that the system is slow to respond. What I..
jquery ui dialog box need to return value, when user presses button, but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6049687/jquery-ui-dialog-box-need-to-return-value-when-user-presses-button-but-not-wor up it immediately is executing a return true but the user hasn't pressed the Yes button yet What am I doing wrong HTML div id..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json that will hold the position of the first character that hasn't been properly processed yet. Once there is enough content for..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element returned a wrong value for font family When a page hasn't defined a font family property the computedStyle returns an..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call tag it share improve this question Seems this question hasn't been answered for a long time I bet you have already found a..
animating addClass/removeClass with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7302824/animating-addclass-removeclass-with-jquery styles. However when the animation is halfway done it hasn't yet added the new class and so with this solution the color..
jQuery calling click event after taphold event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10502383/jquery-calling-click-event-after-taphold-event setTimeout function isTapHold true ShowMyItemInfo items idx 3000 else event.type 'vmouseup' clear the timeout if it hasn't yet occured clearTimeout tapTimer if the flag is set to false then this is a `tap` event if isTapHold this is a tap not..
Why can I not define functions in jQuery's document.ready()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055767/why-can-i-not-define-functions-in-jquerys-document-ready Click me body html Obviously you can't call foo from the inline script immediately after ready because the ready code hasn't yet run but you can call the function later on. Just make sure that nothing can try to call foo before the ready code has..
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me When calling elem .queue function the fx queue will automatically dequeue the next function and run it if the queue hasn't started. 'inprogress' sentinel Whenever you dequeue a function from the fx queue it will unshift push into the first location..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do markup sequentially it will execute the js code as soon as it face it as. And when it executes the JS block here it hasn't yet parsed the a rel tooltip tags yet as it appears after the JS block So they are not in DOM at that moment. So for the..
jQuery and radio button groups http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165627/jquery-and-radio-button-groups radio .each function radio_groups this.name true to find which radio group has checked radio boxes and which hasn't for group in radio_groups if_checked radio name group checked .length alert group if_checked ' has checked radios' ' does..
Unobtrusive Ajax stopped working after update jQuery to 1.9.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14391867/unobtrusive-ajax-stopped-working-after-update-jquery-to-1-9-0 in a new page instead of updating the existing div. And I get this javascript error in Firebug when my page loads Code hasn't changed of course just updated the jQuery scripts using Nuget. Anyone experienced the same problem Thanks. jquery asp.net..
How to tell if browser/tab is active [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1760250/how-to-tell-if-browser-tab-is-active a function that is called every second that I only want to run if the current page is in the foreground i.e. the user hasn't minimized the browser or switched to another tab. It serves no purpose if the user isn't looking at it and is potentially..
jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244758/jquery-animation-smooth-size-transition RonLugge points out that this can cause problems if you call it twice on the same element s where the first animation hasn't finished before the second begins. This is because the second animation will take the current mid animation sizes as the..
Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2996431/detect-when-a-window-is-resized-using-javascript
jquery need alternative to focusout() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3088738/jquery-need-alternative-to-focusout that doesn't work I'm guessing due to the fact that it's evaluating focusin during the focusout event and as such it hasn't detected focusin yet. Any clever solutions to this problem Am I maybe missing a native jQuery event that does exactly what..
jquery mousewheel: detecting when the wheel stops? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3515446/jquery-mousewheel-detecting-when-the-wheel-stops there's nothing you'll get no events and your handler won't be firing. You ca however detect when the user hasn't used it in say 250ms like this #myElem .mousewheel function clearTimeout .data this 'timer' .data this 'timer' setTimeout..
Javascript: do an action after user is done scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4289473/javascript-do-an-action-after-user-is-done-scrolling moves the scroll bar activates the whole function. So is there a way to delay the function from firing until the user hasn't scrolled and if they should begin to scroll again the function will halt javascript jquery user interface scrolling share..
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically the repeat interval like an HTTP request on a slow connection it's best not to use setInterval . If the first request hasn't completed and you start another one you could end up in a situation where you have multiple requests that consume shared..
How to show a spinner while loading an image via JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/51352/how-to-show-a-spinner-while-loading-an-image-via-javascript on the link it may take a couple of seconds before the chart changes. This makes the user think that their click hasn't done anything or that the system is slow to respond. What I want to happen is display a spinner throbber status indicator..
jquery ui dialog box need to return value, when user presses button, but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6049687/jquery-ui-dialog-box-need-to-return-value-when-user-presses-button-but-not-wor The problem with the code below is when the dialog box shows up it immediately is executing a return true but the user hasn't pressed the Yes button yet What am I doing wrong HTML div id modal_confirm_yes_no title Confirm div Javascript call #modal_confirm_yes_no..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json that has been received so far. Define a persistent variable that will hold the position of the first character that hasn't been properly processed yet. Once there is enough content for one or more discrete events to appear in the stream take them..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element only case of an inconsistency was encountered when getComputedStyle returned a wrong value for font family When a page hasn't defined a font family property the computedStyle returns an incorrect value even Firebug is experiencing this issue environment..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call else got this to work javascript jquery autocomplete tag it share improve this question Seems this question hasn't been answered for a long time I bet you have already found a solution but for those who haven't here is my answer The indention..
animating addClass/removeClass with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7302824/animating-addclass-removeclass-with-jquery style attributes in a tag have higher importance than class styles. However when the animation is halfway done it hasn't yet added the new class and so with this solution the color jumps to the previous color when the user moves their mouse..