

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: device

fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device?


multiple cell select on mobile device I have created a fullcalendar application for mobile device.. I have created a fullcalendar application for mobile device like Android and iPhone using Phonegap. I am using the Jquery.. before allowing me to select multiple dates on the device. Is there anyway to overcome this issue Thank you in advance...

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no.. head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no..

Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile


for example my index.html seem to be document .bind deviceready function .mobile.changepage test.html then my device will.. deviceready function .mobile.changepage test.html then my device will redirect to test.html which seem to be #btnTest .click.. has been loaded. head meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0..

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript


touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how can I detect if the.. In Javascript jQuery how can I detect if the client device has a mouse I've got a site that slides up a little info panel.. the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen devices like iPhone iPad Android. So on those devices I'd like to revert..

Delay jquery hover event?


interface or navigation with no way to open it on such a device. You could get round this with device specific CSS. share improve..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


the console through Safari in OS X if you plug in your device. Or you can do so with the emulator simply open a Safari browser.. to get the Safari inspector to communicate with your device. Windows Phone Android Both of these have no console built in.. to access web inspector tools and the console on any device using their convenient browser plugin. Older browser problems..

What's the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript?


the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript I've written a jQuery plug in that's for use.. a jQuery plug in that's for use on both desktop and mobile devices. I wondered if there is a way with JavaScript to detect if.. if there is a way with JavaScript to detect if the device has touch screen capability. I'm using jquery mobile.js to detect..

How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both?


on a mobile web site that has to work on a variety of devices. The one's giving me a headache at the moment are BlackBerry... issue we're running into is that some of these blackberry devices have an very annoying delay from the time of the touch to it.. only firing one I still need the click event for keyboard devices but of course don't want the click event firing if I'm using..

fullcalendar multiple cell select on mobile device?


multiple cell select on mobile device I have created a fullcalendar application for mobile device like Android and iPhone using Phonegap. I am using the Jquery.. multiple cell select on mobile device I have created a fullcalendar application for mobile device like Android and iPhone using Phonegap. I am using the Jquery Touch Punch Plugin along with the Jquery fullcalendar plugin... cell to select range of dates then the 'select' method is triggered before allowing me to select multiple dates on the device. Is there anyway to overcome this issue Thank you in advance. Here is the Jsfiddle . sample code FullCalendar v1.5 Script..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


alert parameter Example index.html DOCTYPE html html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name.. div content div page body html second.html DOCTYPE html html head meta charset utf 8 meta name viewport content widdiv device widdiv initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 user scalable no meta name apple mobile web app capable content yes meta name..

Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile


not the redirect page can not execute the function in its header. for example my index.html seem to be document .bind deviceready function .mobile.changepage test.html then my device will redirect to test.html which seem to be #btnTest .click function.. header. for example my index.html seem to be document .bind deviceready function .mobile.changepage test.html then my device will redirect to test.html which seem to be #btnTest .click function alert 123 button id btnTest Test button However the.. single js file into a HEAD . Initialize it after jQuery Mobile has been loaded. head meta name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet..

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript


touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how can I detect if the client device has a mouse I've got a site that slides up.. touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how can I detect if the client device has a mouse I've got a site that slides up a little info panel when the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using.. mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen devices like iPhone iPad Android. So on those devices I'd like to revert to tap to show the info panel. javascript jquery iphone..

Delay jquery hover event?


What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


DebuggingSafarioniPhoneContent.html Now with iOS 6 you can view the console through Safari in OS X if you plug in your device. Or you can do so with the emulator simply open a Safari browser window and go to the Develop tab. There you will find options.. window and go to the Develop tab. There you will find options to get the Safari inspector to communicate with your device. Windows Phone Android Both of these have no console built in and no bookmarklet ability. So we use http jsconsole.com type.. iOS and Android You can also use http html.adobe.com edge inspect to access web inspector tools and the console on any device using their convenient browser plugin. Older browser problems Lastly older browsers thanks again Microsoft will crash if..

What's the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript?


the best way to detect a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript I've written a jQuery plug in that's for use on both desktop and mobile devices. I wondered if there is.. a 'touch screen' device using JavaScript I've written a jQuery plug in that's for use on both desktop and mobile devices. I wondered if there is a way with JavaScript to detect if the device has touch screen capability. I'm using jquery mobile.js.. in that's for use on both desktop and mobile devices. I wondered if there is a way with JavaScript to detect if the device has touch screen capability. I'm using jquery mobile.js to detect the touch screen events and it works on iOS Android etc...

How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both?


and 'click' events but not respond to both I'm working on a mobile web site that has to work on a variety of devices. The one's giving me a headache at the moment are BlackBerry. We need to support both keyboard clicks as well as touch.. Ideally I'd just use thing.click function ... but the issue we're running into is that some of these blackberry devices have an very annoying delay from the time of the touch to it triggering a click. The remedy is to instead use touchstart.. event ... But how do I go about binding both events but only firing one I still need the click event for keyboard devices but of course don't want the click event firing if I'm using a touch device. A bonus question Is there anyway to do this..