

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: developer

How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded?


load detection into a jQuery plugin designed to give the developer the ability to style elements based upon whether the font has..

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element?


sure that jQuery is loaded properly. Use the browser's developer tools to find out whether the jQuery file was found and correct..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


this problem and trust me this is a problem jQuery Mobile developers created page events. In a nutshell page events are events triggered.. enhanced DOM object. This recursion is dangerous as the developer is allowed to change the toPage within the event. If the developer.. is allowed to change the toPage within the event. If the developer consistently sets toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


Button text change Unfortunately cant found the developer of this plugin. Original SO source Change button text jquery..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing.. get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and on the mailing list create these elaborate solutions.. not webpages. So we need to think like a server side developer in addition to thinking like a client side developer. We have..

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie


try to set a cookie I get the following error in Chrome's developer tools window when I try to set a cookie using this jQuery plugin..

jqGrid add new column


that you include grid.custom.js in your project if you use developer version of the jqGrid or you have checked Custom Additinal methods..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


getfirebug.com you can also now use Firefox's built in developer tools Ctrl Shift J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug.. use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com.. Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


job_id row_id I did some searching and found a post by the developer of the open source version of this software who suggested using..

.prop() vs .attr()


stuck in front of attributes and properties meaning jQuery developers will have to learn a bit about the difference between properties.. and attributes. This is a good thing. If you're a jQuery developer and are confused by this whole business about properties and..

Problem with jQuery in Internet Explorer 8


Instead I get an error Object expected . I opened the developer and ran typeof in the console and it came up as undefined ...

Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created?


was a bad way to do it and it was better to require the developer to specify a static ancestor that was hopefully closer to the..

JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)


since this answer was updated and I've learned a lot as a developer since I asked and answered this question. It has also gotten..

jQuery x y document coordinates of DOM object


Intellisense doesn't work for JS in VS2012


I have a clean out of the box installation of VS2012 Web Developer Express and for some reason the support for JS both jQuery jQuery..

Aptana Plugin for Eclipse and jQuery code assist


Version JavaScript WTP is installed JavaScript Developer Tools Version 1.1.1.v200906091427 77 FGBCcNBC BeMcEeOm Build..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


Using Firebug and or Firefox's inspector and or Chrome's Developer tools determine CSS jQuery selector's for all of the elements..

Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working “Component not available”


disabled all other plugins except Flashblock Web Developer 1.1.8 and Adblock Plus 1.1.3. My config.xml with my Greasemonkey..

jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid


css jqgrid share improve this question With respect of Developer Tools from IE8 or Firebug in Firefox you can examine structure..

jQuery attribute auto added to elements


auto added to elements After using the IE8 built in Developers Tools for the first time I noticed jQuery is attaching an attribute.. I'm only seeing it for the first time now in IE8 Developer Tools. Does anyone know what jQuery uses this for and why it's..

what events are bound?


If you are using Safari or Chrome you can open up the Developer Tools and inspect the element by clicking the magnifying glass..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


Firefox's built in developer tools Ctrl Shift J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari..

jQuery Templates not working in IE9 RC


Pages work fine when I switch to IE8 Browser Mode in the Developer Tools and Safari FF etc . Anyone got any ideas jquery internet..

JQGrid - Cannot call ASP.NET WebMethod but can with Ajax


as the row id. If you examine the grid with Firebug of Developer tools of IE or Chrome you will see that the corresponding tr..

Jquery codes doesn't work if I'm using a local jquery.js file, why?


I'd recommend reading The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character..

What makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools?


makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools I'm wondering how it's possible that jQuery objects show.. jQuery objects show up as an array in the console log of Developer Tools in Chrome. E.g. if I execute ' a ' what I see in the console.. before test So I'm wondering what in the jQuery code makes Developer Tools show instances as an array. What property function thing..

Inspecting large JSON data in Chrome


the browser and is trying to do so using Chrome browser's Developer tools under Network Response . Problem Although I am able to..

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


Note @Dustin Getz mentioned in a recent answer that Chrome Developer Tools will drop breakpoints during debugging when Javascript..

How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page?


example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question How do I with JavaScript change the URL in..

How to change theme dynamically in jquery mobile?


classes each widget has easily by using FireBug or another Developer Console. UPDATE When you take into account the data role list..

How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded?


your font should be operational. I rewrote the method of font load detection into a jQuery plugin designed to give the developer the ability to style elements based upon whether the font has been loaded or not. A fail safe timer has been added so the..

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element?


event handling and browser differences. jQuery First make sure that jQuery is loaded properly. Use the browser's developer tools to find out whether the jQuery file was found and correct the URL if it wasn't e.g. add the http or https scheme at..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


Classic jQuery syntax document .ready function To solve this problem and trust me this is a problem jQuery Mobile developers created page events. In a nutshell page events are events triggered in a particular point of page execution. One of those.. the recursive call in changePage when toPage is not a jQuery enhanced DOM object. This recursion is dangerous as the developer is allowed to change the toPage within the event. If the developer consistently sets toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange.. DOM object. This recursion is dangerous as the developer is allowed to change the toPage within the event. If the developer consistently sets toPage to a string within the pagebeforechange event handler regardless of whether or not it was an object..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


existing method and some are made to fix broken jQM functionalities. Button text change Unfortunately cant found the developer of this plugin. Original SO source Change button text jquery mobile function Changes the displayed text for a jquery mobile..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


controllers. This is really tempting when you're just starting out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and.. developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and on the mailing list create these elaborate solutions with jQuery plugins of 150 or 200 lines of code that they.. know that single page applications are applications . They're not webpages. So we need to think like a server side developer in addition to thinking like a client side developer. We have to think about how to divide our application into individual..

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie


Error SECURITY_ERR DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie I get the following error in Chrome's developer tools window when I try to set a cookie using this jQuery plugin Uncaught Error SECURITY_ERR DOM Exception 18 What does..

jqGrid add new column


be able to use GridUnload or GridDestroy you have to verify that you include grid.custom.js in your project if you use developer version of the jqGrid or you have checked Custom Additinal methods on the jqGrid download page. share improve this answer..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


the console Just to have them all in one answer. Firefox http getfirebug.com you can also now use Firefox's built in developer tools Ctrl Shift J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically.. J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari developer tools.html Internet.. but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome developer tools docs overview https developer.apple.com technologies safari developer tools.html Internet Explorer Don't forget you..

Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET


But what this results in is a redirection to job.php job_id row_id I did some searching and found a post by the developer of the open source version of this software who suggested using the following colModel and additional JS name 'job_id' index..

.prop() vs .attr()


. This change removes some of the layer of magic jQuery stuck in front of attributes and properties meaning jQuery developers will have to learn a bit about the difference between properties and attributes. This is a good thing. If you're a jQuery.. have to learn a bit about the difference between properties and attributes. This is a good thing. If you're a jQuery developer and are confused by this whole business about properties and attributes you need to take a step back and learn a little..

Problem with jQuery in Internet Explorer 8


libs jquery 1.3 jquery.min.js . The function is never called. Instead I get an error Object expected . I opened the developer and ran typeof in the console and it came up as undefined . I have tried going to other sites that I know use jQuery jquery.com..

Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created?


a serious performance bottleneck so jQuery decided that was a bad way to do it and it was better to require the developer to specify a static ancestor that was hopefully closer to the actual target object than the document object. share improve..

JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)


text 0 text 1 EDIT 9 28 11 It's been a while since this answer was updated and I've learned a lot as a developer since I asked and answered this question. It has also gotten a lot more attention than I thought it would. I want to provide..

jQuery x y document coordinates of DOM object


Intellisense doesn't work for JS in VS2012


doesn't work for JS in VS2012 I have a clean out of the box installation of VS2012 Web Developer Express and for some reason the support for JS both jQuery jQuery UI and other libraries has disappeared. I believe it worked..

Aptana Plugin for Eclipse and jQuery code assist


Support for jQuery also Aptana Support for jQuery Version JavaScript WTP is installed JavaScript Developer Tools Version 1.1.1.v200906091427 77 FGBCcNBC BeMcEeOm Build id 20090616035105 But the autocomplete doesn't work. Does anyone..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


page's javascript and the needed sequence of steps if any. Using Firebug and or Firefox's inspector and or Chrome's Developer tools determine CSS jQuery selector's for all of the elements you will read or manipulate. This is especially easy to do..

Greasemonkey @require jQuery not working “Component not available”


10.5.8 . I've cleared my cache except cookies and have disabled all other plugins except Flashblock Web Developer 1.1.8 and Adblock Plus 1.1.3. My config.xml with my Greasemonkey script installed UserScriptConfig Script filename myscript.user.js..

jqGrid footer cells “inherits” CSS from cells in the main grid


the CSS from being applied in the first place jquery css jqgrid share improve this question With respect of Developer Tools from IE8 or Firebug in Firefox you can examine structure of div 's and other tables after creating a jqGrid. There..

jQuery attribute auto added to elements


attribute auto added to elements After using the IE8 built in Developers Tools for the first time I noticed jQuery is attaching an attribute to some of my elements I've never noticed this before... never noticed this before. In fact this doesn't show up in Firebug... I'm only seeing it for the first time now in IE8 Developer Tools. Does anyone know what jQuery uses this for and why it's hidden in firebug jquery firebug ie developer tools share..

what events are bound?


with jQuery jquery events share improve this question If you are using Safari or Chrome you can open up the Developer Tools and inspect the element by clicking the magnifying glass . In the Event Listeners tab on the right it will tell you..

What is console.log and how do I use it? [duplicate]


one answer. Firefox http getfirebug.com you can also now use Firefox's built in developer tools Ctrl Shift J Tools Web Developer Error Console but Firebug is much better use Firebug Safari and Chrome Basically the same. https developers.google.com chrome..

jQuery Templates not working in IE9 RC


jQuery Templates are not rendering the template content. Pages work fine when I switch to IE8 Browser Mode in the Developer Tools and Safari FF etc . Anyone got any ideas jquery internet explorer jquery templates share improve this question..

JQGrid - Cannot call ASP.NET WebMethod but can with Ajax


id '0' means that the value of the column Username will be used as the row id. If you examine the grid with Firebug of Developer tools of IE or Chrome you will see that the corresponding tr element has attribute id TestUser used in your data . Because..

Jquery codes doesn't work if I'm using a local jquery.js file, why?


being in UTF 16 but jquery.js being in UTF 8 or similar I'd recommend reading The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets No Excuses by Joel Spolsky and also the various FAQs on..

What makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools?


makes a jQuery object show up as an array in Chrome's Developer Tools I'm wondering how it's possible that jQuery objects show up as an array in the console log of Developer Tools in.. Developer Tools I'm wondering how it's possible that jQuery objects show up as an array in the console log of Developer Tools in Chrome. E.g. if I execute ' a ' what I see in the console log is a lt a ‹] But the following statements are false.. function this.length 0 new test Logged arrow is same one as before test So I'm wondering what in the jQuery code makes Developer Tools show instances as an array. What property function thing is added to jQuery that makes Developer Tools handle it as..

Inspecting large JSON data in Chrome


from the PHP backend. I want to view the JSON returned to the browser and is trying to do so using Chrome browser's Developer tools under Network Response . Problem Although I am able to view the JSON data by selecting the XHR item there the response..

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts


version num after rolling out an updated required script. Note @Dustin Getz mentioned in a recent answer that Chrome Developer Tools will drop breakpoints during debugging when Javascript files are continuously refreshed like this. One workaround..

How to change URL in browser without navigating away from page?


history.pushState URL Rewrite Example http stackoverflow.com example More on that in The pushState method Mozilla Developer Similar question How do I with JavaScript change the URL in the browser without loading the new page share improve this..

How to change theme dynamically in jquery mobile?


the theme and add them to the code above. You can find what classes each widget has easily by using FireBug or another Developer Console. UPDATE When you take into account the data role list divider elements this gets a little tricky var theme 'c' the..