

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: detected

Need to cancel click/mouseup events when double-click event detected


to cancel click mouseup events when double click event detected How is this done javascript jquery event handling click double..

How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application?


alert Document ready. form .submit function alert Submit detected. script body html I get the Document ready alert but not the.. html I get the Document ready alert but not the Submit detected when clicking on the linkbutton. asp.net jquery webforms form..

date Sorting Problem with Jquery Tablesorter


use the above line if you don't want table sorter to auto detected this parser else use the below line. attention doesn't check..

Is valid HTML5 OK to use now?


the w3c validator on Dive Into HTML 5 and it automatically detected that it was HTML 5 and validated it so I don't think that will..

jQuery: Hide popup if click detected elsewhere


Hide popup if click detected elsewhere I'm trying to hide a div if the user clicks anywhere..

Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate]


a while to disappear which means after pressing f11 the detected window.innerWidth is still too small. javascript jquery share..

jquery need alternative to focusout()


focusin during the focusout event and as such it hasn't detected focusin yet. Any clever solutions to this problem Am I maybe..

Detecting no results on jQuery UI autocomplete


place your custom logic to execute when no results are detected. Example http jsfiddle.net qz29K If you are using a remote data..

Can jQuery .keypress() detect more than one key at the same time?


that allows for pressing two keys at the same time to be detected javascript jquery share improve this question In order..

Jquery / JS bind “paste” event handler to input textbox


navy unit.ID number .bind 'paste' function alert paste detected #attack max capacity .text getMaxCapacity the getMaxCapacity..

Javascript with jQuery: Click and double click on same element, different effect, one disables the other


to cancel click mouseup events when double click event detected and of course the entire thread share improve this answer..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


status codes in the server responses if the error will be detected. In the answer for example you will see how to do this in case..

How can I detect window size with jQuery?


the pixel width of the window to change which can be detected using the methods others have described window .resize function..

jQuery tablesorter - Not sorting column with formatted currency value


is function s return false so this parser is not auto detected return false format function s format your data for normalization..

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client


potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client I have this issue. I have tried everything... this error A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client .. Here is my test code below quick example..

Validate html text input as it's typed


some events like cutting pasting using the mouse won't be detected. Using .change only works when the input loses focus. This question..

Is jQuery $.browser Deprecated?


important features that vary from browser to browser are detected with that. Update 16 February 2013 In jQuery 1.9 this feature..

Need to cancel click/mouseup events when double-click event detected


to cancel click mouseup events when double click event detected How is this done javascript jquery event handling click double click share improve this question This is a good question..

How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application?


form script type text javascript document .ready function alert Document ready. form .submit function alert Submit detected. script body html I get the Document ready alert but not the Submit detected when clicking on the linkbutton. asp.net.. form .submit function alert Submit detected. script body html I get the Document ready alert but not the Submit detected when clicking on the linkbutton. asp.net jquery webforms form submit share improve this question Thanks @Ken Browning..

date Sorting Problem with Jquery Tablesorter


liking ts.addParser id customDate is function s return false use the above line if you don't want table sorter to auto detected this parser else use the below line. attention doesn't check for invalid stuff 2009 77 77 77 77 77.0 would also be matched..

Is valid HTML5 OK to use now?


jQuery: Hide popup if click detected elsewhere


Hide popup if click detected elsewhere I'm trying to hide a div if the user clicks anywhere BUT the popup OR it's children. This is the code I have..

Checking if browser is in fullscreen [duplicate]


can set a small tolerance but in FF the urlbar and tabs takes a while to disappear which means after pressing f11 the detected window.innerWidth is still too small. javascript jquery share improve this question In Firefox 3 window.fullScreen..

jquery need alternative to focusout()


doesn't work I'm guessing due to the fact that it's evaluating focusin during the focusout event and as such it hasn't detected focusin yet. Any clever solutions to this problem Am I maybe missing a native jQuery event that does exactly what I'm looking..

Detecting no results on jQuery UI autocomplete


.empty response results Inside the if is where you would place your custom logic to execute when no results are detected. Example http jsfiddle.net qz29K If you are using a remote data source say something like this #auto .autocomplete source..

Can jQuery .keypress() detect more than one key at the same time?


one key was pressed at the same time Is there any alternative that allows for pressing two keys at the same time to be detected javascript jquery share improve this question In order to detect multiple keys being held down use the keydown and..

Jquery / JS bind “paste” event handler to input textbox


doing it for mouse paste. Here is the code I have #attack navy unit.ID number .bind 'paste' function alert paste detected #attack max capacity .text getMaxCapacity the getMaxCapacity function return number entered 30 for now Here is the scenario..

Javascript with jQuery: Click and double click on same element, different effect, one disables the other


jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


object ... . So you should just use error HTTP status codes in the server responses if the error will be detected. In the answer for example you will see how to do this in case of the usage ASP.NET MVC. Here you can find another version..

How can I detect window size with jQuery?


to know the resolution of the display because changing it causes the pixel width of the window to change which can be detected using the methods others have described window .resize function This will execute whenever the window is resized window..

jQuery tablesorter - Not sorting column with formatted currency value


method .tablesorter.addParser set a unique id id 'thousands' is function s return false so this parser is not auto detected return false format function s format your data for normalization return s.replace ' ' '' .replace g '' set type either..

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client


potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client I have this issue. I have tried everything. ValidateRequest false .. and decoding and encoding html.. etc... to close the popup and save. However i keep on getting this error A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client .. Here is my test code below quick example of my scenario and error .. @ Page Language C# AutoEventWireup..

Validate html text input as it's typed


have access to the input's old value not the new one. Also some events like cutting pasting using the mouse won't be detected. Using .change only works when the input loses focus. This question proposes a solution where you use polling to watch for..

Is jQuery $.browser Deprecated?


feature you need not the browser that provides it. Most important features that vary from browser to browser are detected with that. Update 16 February 2013 In jQuery 1.9 this feature was removed docs . It is far better not to use it. If you..