

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: destroy

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime


it will never be reloaded . A simple remedy is to destroy the Modal object before subsequent toggles. One option is to.. object before subsequent toggles. One option is to just destroy it after it finishes hiding 'body' .on 'hidden' '.modal' function.. the modal is different from the previous one. If it is destroy if it isn't then no need to reload. share improve this answer..

jQuery live() failing with jQuery UI datepicker


the re appending takes place after the original content is destroyed EDIT Ok the live event IS firing thanks to Nick Craver for.. .live 'click' function this .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker showOn 'both' .focus If you're using jQuery UI.. you're using jQuery UI 1.7.2 with jquery 1.4 some effects destroy widgets it fading etc may be causing datepicker issues. jQuery..

problem when cloning jQuery UI datepicker


updated.. the one from which it was cloned . I've tried to destroy the inexisting instance before like this newDiv.find 'input.datefield'.. like this newDiv.find 'input.datefield' .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker No luck .. I've checked how it keeps track of instances.. 'input.datefield' .data 'datepicker' false .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker Still no luck. What I don't understand is that..

jqGrid add new column


be increased too. You can use GridDestroy for example to destroy the existing grid. The usage of jQuery.Remove or jQuery.Empty..

How to draw a line between 2 elements using JQuery and refreshing that line?


works it requires that all the linse on the canvas are destroyed and redrawn if a line needs to be removed or its position.. you add a new line or adjust the position of a line you destroy the existing lines and draw all of the lines. You can put the..

jquery doesn't call success method on $.ajax for rails standard REST DELETE answer


currentPage When I use in Rails controller this def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do.. this def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json.. as standard generated success callback is not called def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do..

Deploy jQuery using a SharePoint Feature or physical files?


easy but unsupported i.e. Microsoft reserves the right to destroy your environment at will recommended option on above link is..

Rails not reloading session on ajax post


should get to this controller method _method delete def destroy respond_to do format format.json render json destroyed 'ok'.. def destroy respond_to do format format.json render json destroyed 'ok' .to_json end end Looking at the log and using Firebug..

has_many :through nested_form that can build multiple instances


Farm ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many products through farm_products accepts_nested_attributes_for.. Product ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many farms through farm_products end class FarmProduct ActiveRecord..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


HTML elements automatically created. Internal.prototype.destroy function this. elem.unbind this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData.. return this.each function I this .init customOptions destroy function return this.each function I this .destroy TODO.. destroy function return this.each function I this .destroy TODO Add additional public methods here. .fn PLUGIN_NAME function..

Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery


element function element .autocomplete destroy initialize autocomplete element .autocomplete options update..

Rails 3.1 remote requests submitting twice


each model contain jquery files for create edit update and destroy. The problem is when I perform any operation that performs a..

jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay


object with no argument or when passed an object and destroying it when passed the string destroy . msel multiselect msel_opts.. passed an object and destroying it when passed the string destroy . msel multiselect msel_opts dlog is either the name of a.. that supports creating a dialog when passed dlog_opts or destroying a dialog when passed the string destroy dlog dialog dlog_opts..

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime


means that even if a change is made to the options.remote it will never be reloaded . A simple remedy is to destroy the Modal object before subsequent toggles. One option is to just destroy it after it finishes hiding 'body' .on 'hidden'.. never be reloaded . A simple remedy is to destroy the Modal object before subsequent toggles. One option is to just destroy it after it finishes hiding 'body' .on 'hidden' '.modal' function this .removeData 'modal' Note Adjust the selectors as..

jQuery live() failing with jQuery UI datepicker


content div and this seems to be killing the live call. NB the re appending takes place after the original content is destroyed EDIT Ok the live event IS firing thanks to Nick Craver for that however the datepicker is no longer being shown. Does.. this question Try this and see what happens function '.jQueryCalendar' .live 'click' function this .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker showOn 'both' .focus If you're using jQuery UI 1.7.2 with jquery 1.4 some effects destroy widgets it fading.. .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker showOn 'both' .focus If you're using jQuery UI 1.7.2 with jquery 1.4 some effects destroy widgets it fading etc may be causing datepicker issues. jQuery UI 1.8 fixes this it's at RC3 Status at the moment. share..

problem when cloning jQuery UI datepicker


when a date is clicked the previous datepicker's value gets updated.. the one from which it was cloned . I've tried to destroy the inexisting instance before like this newDiv.find 'input.datefield' .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker No luck .. I've.. was cloned . I've tried to destroy the inexisting instance before like this newDiv.find 'input.datefield' .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker No luck .. I've checked how it keeps track of instances and manually cleared the data like this newDiv.find.. instances and manually cleared the data like this newDiv.find 'input.datefield' .data 'datepicker' false .datepicker 'destroy' .datepicker Still no luck. What I don't understand is that only the date selection behavior is buggy everything else works..

jqGrid add new column


you use separate colNames then the size of the array have to be increased too. You can use GridDestroy for example to destroy the existing grid. The usage of jQuery.Remove or jQuery.Empty instead is also possible. UPDATED It seems to me that GridUnload..

How to draw a line between 2 elements using JQuery and refreshing that line?


a great html5 walkthrough BUT because of how the HTML5 canvas works it requires that all the linse on the canvas are destroyed and redrawn if a line needs to be removed or its position needs to be updated. The elements that I draw lines between.. draws lines between all the elements that require one When you add a new line or adjust the position of a line you destroy the existing lines and draw all of the lines. You can put the code below into conventional functions or leave as a plugin...

jquery doesn't call success method on $.ajax for rails standard REST DELETE answer


id type 'DELETE' dataType 'json' success function e table.getItems currentPage When I use in Rails controller this def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json render.. e table.getItems currentPage When I use in Rails controller this def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json render json @person status ok end end It works. When.. json @person status ok end end It works. When I use following as standard generated success callback is not called def destroy @person Person.find params id @person.destroy respond_to do format format.html redirect_to people_url format.json head ok..

Deploy jQuery using a SharePoint Feature or physical files?


google it. Summary is that modifying the 12 hive directly is easy but unsupported i.e. Microsoft reserves the right to destroy your environment at will recommended option on above link is Use the AdditionalPageHead Delegate Control my favorite By..

Rails not reloading session on ajax post


sample post .post ' test 1' _method 'delete' null 'json' which should get to this controller method _method delete def destroy respond_to do format format.json render json destroyed 'ok' .to_json end end Looking at the log and using Firebug I can.. which should get to this controller method _method delete def destroy respond_to do format format.json render json destroyed 'ok' .to_json end end Looking at the log and using Firebug I can confirm that the correct cookie value is sent in the..

has_many :through nested_form that can build multiple instances


instances I have the following code in my models Class Farm ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many products through farm_products accepts_nested_attributes_for farm_products end class Product ActiveRecord Base.. accepts_nested_attributes_for farm_products end class Product ActiveRecord Base has_many farm_products dependent destroy has_many farms through farm_products end class FarmProduct ActiveRecord Base belongs_to farm belongs_to product end I have..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


. PLUGIN_NAME _ this.id Removes all event listeners data and HTML elements automatically created. Internal.prototype.destroy function this. elem.unbind this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData PLUGIN_NAME TODO Unbind listeners attached to other elements.. var publicMethods init function Object customOptions return this.each function I this .init customOptions destroy function return this.each function I this .destroy TODO Add additional public methods here. .fn PLUGIN_NAME function.. return this.each function I this .init customOptions destroy function return this.each function I this .destroy TODO Add additional public methods here. .fn PLUGIN_NAME function String Object methodOrOptions if methodOrOptions typeof..

Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery


options.source mappedSource ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback element function element .autocomplete destroy initialize autocomplete element .autocomplete options update function element valueAccessor allBindingsAccessor viewModel..

Rails 3.1 remote requests submitting twice


two separate models controllers views etc. The views for each model contain jquery files for create edit update and destroy. The problem is when I perform any operation that performs a remote operation it is called twice. I can confirm this happening..

jQGrid Column Chooser Modal Overlay


multiselect or a function that supports creating a multiselect object with no argument or when passed an object and destroying it when passed the string destroy . msel multiselect msel_opts dlog is either the name of a ui widget class that.. creating a multiselect object with no argument or when passed an object and destroying it when passed the string destroy . msel multiselect msel_opts dlog is either the name of a ui widget class that behaves in a dialog like way or a function.. class that behaves in a dialog like way or a function that supports creating a dialog when passed dlog_opts or destroying a dialog when passed the string destroy dlog dialog dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed to dlog or..

Tablesorter Filter widget stops working after update on all browsers, no error msg


rows t.trigger 'disable.pager' remove chosen row this .closest 'tr' .remove restore pager t.trigger 'enable.pager' Destroy pager Restore pager 'button contains Destroy ' .click function Exterminate annhilate destroy http www.youtube.com watch.. row this .closest 'tr' .remove restore pager t.trigger 'enable.pager' Destroy pager Restore pager 'button contains Destroy ' .click function Exterminate annhilate destroy http www.youtube.com watch v LOqn8FxuyFs var t this if Destroy .test t.text.. Destroy ' .click function Exterminate annhilate destroy http www.youtube.com watch v LOqn8FxuyFs var t this if Destroy .test t.text 'table' .trigger 'destroy.pager' t.text 'Restore Pager' else 'table' .tablesorterPager pagerOptions t.text..

How to add Ajax capabilites to Symfony


render 'SimonTestBundle Page index.html.twig' array 'name' name.' '. messages public function ajaxRemoveSessionAction Destroy the desired session session this getRequest getSession session remove 'name' return new JsonResponse array 'success' true..

Delete / Destroy is not working in rails 3 with Jquery


Destroy is not working in rails 3 with Jquery My delete destroy is not working for rails 3. Not for any scaffold or even for new.. 3 with Jquery My delete destroy is not working for rails 3. Not for any scaffold or even for new projects. link_to 'Destroy' card confirm 'Are you sure ' method delete From this question . Solution is Firefox reinstalation. But mine is also not.. safari or opera. Html code generated a href categories 1 data confirm Are you sure data method delete rel nofollow Destroy a PS Please dont say include default JS files or something. Cause I am not interested in prototype all together as I am..