

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: detach

why is $(window).height() so wrong?


Or if you want to check out put on firebug console then detach it from browser and then check the result. share improve this..

BackboneJS Rendering Problems


too many times it flickers when it renders subviews detach my DOM events and eat my brains. Thank you More details BackboneJS.. will cause unnecessary reflows. Either create a new DOM or detach the node before manipulating it. Squashing zombies Derick Bailey..

Difference between remove() and detach() in jQuery [closed]


between remove and detach in jQuery closed I have a question related to jQuery .remove.. the paragraph element is restored. I heard that remove and detach methods are different. How can they be different when remove.. with .data and the data required by jQuery's event model. .detach does not remove that data. .remove .detach additionally just..

Modify jQuery autocomplete not to submit eagerly on Enter


We need to restore the input to it's initial state detach the keypress callback. else this.off 'keypress' cancelAutocompleteSumbission..

reorder list elements - jQuery?


improve this question var ul ul var li ul.children li li.detach .sort ul.append li This is a simple example where li nodes are.. li nodes are sorted by in some default order. I'm calling detach to avoid removing any data events associated with the li nodes... and use a custom comparator to do the sorting as well. li.detach .sort function a b use whatever comparison you want between..

How can I hide select options with JavaScript? (Cross browser)


example at http jsfiddle.net TGxUf Is the only option to detach the option elements from the DOM I need to show them again later..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


the columns more or less equal and that means that when I detach the img the height is adjusted. This adjusted height will be.. function moveImages bye bye images var images 'img' .detach clear any existing marginTop added on the images images.each..

Sortable list + ability to re-order each item by inputting rank #


li.effect 'drop' function hide li with 'drop' effect li.detach detach li from DOM if position itemsCount sort_ul.append li.. 'drop' function hide li with 'drop' effect li.detach detach li from DOM if position itemsCount sort_ul.append li if pos..

How to I undo .detach()?


to I undo .detach I'm using JQuery 1.5 and the following code to detach li elements.. .detach I'm using JQuery 1.5 and the following code to detach li elements w a certain class when a button is clicked. What.. .click function 'li.type' .fadeOut 300 function this .detach script javascript jquery html share improve this question..

Using .after() to add html closing and open tags


half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' gt ' half ' ' .detach .wrapAll ' ul ul ' .parent .insertAfter this This says get the.. this This says get the children after halfway gt detach them from the current ul wrap them in a new ul select that ul..

large arrays in dependent observables - cascading


result is never returned and or the observable seems to detach itself leaving an empty list in the UI. If I need to use AJAX..

why is $(window).height() so wrong?


BackboneJS Rendering Problems


I'm having problems with views and subviews in Backbone It renders too many times it flickers when it renders subviews detach my DOM events and eat my brains. Thank you More details BackboneJS with the Ruby on Rails Gem. Templates using UnderscoreJS.. a related note don't work on nodes attached to the DOM this will cause unnecessary reflows. Either create a new DOM or detach the node before manipulating it. Squashing zombies Derick Bailey wrote an excellent article on the subject of eradicating..

Difference between remove() and detach() in jQuery [closed]


between remove and detach in jQuery closed I have a question related to jQuery .remove method. Consider this code var x #btn1 .click function x p.. .prepend x If the code is checked on click on the button2 the paragraph element is restored. I heard that remove and detach methods are different. How can they be different when remove itself keeps all jQuery data javascript jquery share improve.. from jQuery.cache . Such data includes custom data set with .data and the data required by jQuery's event model. .detach does not remove that data. .remove .detach additionally just remove the element s from the DOM tree. It's like removing..

Modify jQuery autocomplete not to submit eagerly on Enter


as explained above. this.keypress cancelAutocompleteSumbission We need to restore the input to it's initial state detach the keypress callback. else this.off 'keypress' cancelAutocompleteSumbission Call the cached function with the give this..

reorder list elements - jQuery?


Bar . Is it possible If so how javascript jquery share improve this question var ul ul var li ul.children li li.detach .sort ul.append li This is a simple example where li nodes are sorted by in some default order. I'm calling detach to avoid.. li.detach .sort ul.append li This is a simple example where li nodes are sorted by in some default order. I'm calling detach to avoid removing any data events associated with the li nodes. You can pass a function to sort and use a custom comparator..

How can I hide select options with JavaScript? (Cross browser)


visible' .first .attr 'selected' 'selected' script Or see the example at http jsfiddle.net TGxUf Is the only option to detach the option elements from the DOM I need to show them again later so this would not be very effective. javascript jquery..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


must be for browsers Height is calculated in order to make the columns more or less equal and that means that when I detach the img the height is adjusted. This adjusted height will be different if the font size increases and the img is not removed... imgPosition.top imageLefts.push imgPosition.left function moveImages bye bye images var images 'img' .detach clear any existing marginTop added on the images images.each function this .css 'marginTop' 0 spanify paragraphs '#column..

Sortable list + ability to re-order each item by inputting rank #


only if position itemsCount 1 position number of items li.effect 'drop' function hide li with 'drop' effect li.detach detach li from DOM if position itemsCount sort_ul.append li if pos last append else else insert before position 1 li.insertBefore.. if position itemsCount 1 position number of items li.effect 'drop' function hide li with 'drop' effect li.detach detach li from DOM if position itemsCount sort_ul.append li if pos last append else else insert before position 1 li.insertBefore..

How to I undo .detach()?


to I undo .detach I'm using JQuery 1.5 and the following code to detach li elements w a certain class when a button is clicked. What I want.. to I undo .detach I'm using JQuery 1.5 and the following code to detach li elements w a certain class when a button is clicked. What I want to know is when that button is clicked again how do.. again how do I add the element back onto the page script #remove .click function 'li.type' .fadeOut 300 function this .detach script javascript jquery html share improve this question The question is where on the page do you want to put the..

Using .after() to add html closing and open tags


ul' .each function var total this .children .length var half Math.ceil total 2 1 this .children ' gt ' half ' ' .detach .wrapAll ' ul ul ' .parent .insertAfter this This says get the children after halfway gt detach them from the current ul.. ' gt ' half ' ' .detach .wrapAll ' ul ul ' .parent .insertAfter this This says get the children after halfway gt detach them from the current ul wrap them in a new ul select that ul with parent and insert it after the current ul this . Working..

large arrays in dependent observables - cascading


control momentarily to the browser but with no success. The result is never returned and or the observable seems to detach itself leaving an empty list in the UI. If I need to use AJAX I will but this is a very last resort and would prefer to..