

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:58

jquery Programming Glossary: determining

How can I detect with JavaScript/jQuery if the user is currently active on the page?


. Edit #2 So everyone is clear this is not at all for determining if the user is logged in authenticated or anything. Right now..

How to determine a 'line-height' using Javascript (jQuery)?


a bit gross but it will work just fine for things like determining the correct height of an element based on some number of text..

Create a progress bar on $.ajax call


do it just a description no code but the only hard part is determining how much of the work is actually done Edit the php script you..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


see what events are attached to what which is crucial when determining what we need to trigger. For example for that node I see That..

Screen Coordinates of a element, via Javascript


of that event to calibrate. Though you'd have trouble determining if the mouse entered from the left right top or bottom. Of course..

jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page


is considered dynamic and should be your main focus when determining your limit. But there is no easy way to summarize them. You..

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are


UI sortable determining in what order the items are Here is an interesting use of JavaScript..

jQuery: How to determine which <li> tag was clicked?


to its respective line. With jQuery how would I go about determining which of the 15 li items did the user select so that I can correspond..

How to check if the cursor is over an element?


jQuery .height() problem with chrome


chrome triggers the document ready state before fully determining how the content will alter the actual size of the container.....

How to create a custom “confirm” & pause js execution until user clicks button?


not the built in javascript confirm . I'm having trouble determining how to accomplish a pause in execution to give the user a chance..

jQuery posting valid json in request body


JSON in the body. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time determining first if this is happening and 2nd what the object looks like..

jQuery determining if element exists on page


determining if element exists on page How can I determine if an element..

How to insert text at the current caret position in a textarea


ch The 2 things I have been having a problem with is determining the position of the caret and creating a new string with the..

jQuery .hasClass() vs .is()


.hasClass vs .is is there a preferred method of determining whether an element is assigned a class from a performance standpoint..

How safe/reliable/cross-browser compatible is $(this)[0].defaultValue


feedback regarding the use of this 0 .defaultValue for determining whether a textbox value has change from the original value e.g...

Toggle div with easing


callback version added 1.4.3 duration A string or number determining how long the animation will run. easing A string indicating..

Shorthand function for checking whether a property exists


exists Can you guys help me make a shorthand function determining whether an object property exists In 99 of the cases I want..

How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API?


your website the API will drop a cookie on your site determining the connected state of the user. You may want to also check..

How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar?


is required to determine if a more reliable method of determining the new screensize is possible when orientationchange is fired...

How can I detect with JavaScript/jQuery if the user is currently active on the page?


the site and therefore should be logged out for security reasons . Edit #2 So everyone is clear this is not at all for determining if the user is logged in authenticated or anything. Right now the server will log the user out if they don't make a page..

How to determine a 'line-height' using Javascript (jQuery)?


Math.floor parseInt fontSize.replace 'px' '' 1.5 Yeah it's a bit gross but it will work just fine for things like determining the correct height of an element based on some number of text lines for example. Keep in mind that you can should replace..

Create a progress bar on $.ajax call


image or text or just faking it here's how you could do it just a description no code but the only hard part is determining how much of the work is actually done Edit the php script you call via .ajax to calculate the percentage of work it has..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


products. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that Firebug also helps us see what events are attached to what which is crucial when determining what we need to trigger. For example for that node I see That link has no href nor does it listen for click events. In this..

Screen Coordinates of a element, via Javascript


possibly use the mouseenter leave events using the coordinates of that event to calibrate. Though you'd have trouble determining if the mouse entered from the left right top or bottom. Of course as soon as they move the screen you'll need to recalibrate...

jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page


memory used by script files plugins etc. Everything else is considered dynamic and should be your main focus when determining your limit. But there is no easy way to summarize them. You could implement a tracking system that gathers all these information...

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are


UI sortable determining in what order the items are Here is an interesting use of JavaScript reordering items with drag and drop. The implementation..

jQuery: How to determine which <li> tag was clicked?


Justify Left span li Each of the 5 set of li items refers to its respective line. With jQuery how would I go about determining which of the 15 li items did the user select so that I can correspond the proper justification as a post method jquery..

How to check if the cursor is over an element?


jQuery .height() problem with chrome


chrome started reporting the same height as firefox. It seems chrome triggers the document ready state before fully determining how the content will alter the actual size of the container... In any case my fix was to change my document .ready ... to..

How to create a custom “confirm” & pause js execution until user clicks button?


and need to create a pretty custom confirm box which is a DIV not the built in javascript confirm . I'm having trouble determining how to accomplish a pause in execution to give the user a chance to accept or decline the condition before either resuming..

jQuery posting valid json in request body


but setting processData false should allow me to send actual JSON in the body. Unfortunately I'm having a hard time determining first if this is happening and 2nd what the object looks like that is being sent to the server. All I know is that the server..

jQuery determining if element exists on page


determining if element exists on page How can I determine if an element exists on a page... for instance... 'select name modifier_option..

How to insert text at the current caret position in a textarea


.children .click function var ch this .attr alt #txtPost .append ch The 2 things I have been having a problem with is determining the position of the caret and creating a new string with the value of the textarea before the carets positon the code I'm..

jQuery .hasClass() vs .is()


.hasClass vs .is is there a preferred method of determining whether an element is assigned a class from a performance standpoint '#foo' .hasClass 'bar' or '#foo' .is '.bar' jquery..

How safe/reliable/cross-browser compatible is $(this)[0].defaultValue


compatible is this 0 .defaultValue I would appreciate some feedback regarding the use of this 0 .defaultValue for determining whether a textbox value has change from the original value e.g. keyUp event if this 0 .defaultValue this .val Field has..

Toggle div with easing


slideToggle documentation says .slideToggle duration easing callback version added 1.4.3 duration A string or number determining how long the animation will run. easing A string indicating which easing function to use for the transition. callback A..

Shorthand function for checking whether a property exists


function for checking whether a property exists Can you guys help me make a shorthand function determining whether an object property exists In 99 of the cases I want to use it to check whether the returned json object contains..

How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API?


use Twitter's @anywhere API for this. If the user authenticates your website the API will drop a cookie on your site determining the connected state of the user. You may want to also check out this post https dev.twitter.com discussions 3238 The relevant..

How does jquery mobile hide mobile safari's addressbar?


eg android 2.3 is before iphone after . More testing is required to determine if a more reliable method of determining the new screensize is possible when orientationchange is fired. eg use media queries element opacity if utils.supportOrientation..