

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: developers

Why “$().ready(handler)” is not recommended?


question I got an official answer from one of the jQuery developers .ready fn only works because used to be a shortcut to document..

How to show all rows in the jqGrid?


In the future we will correct this behavior. So the jqGrid developers are aware of this problem and apparently are planning to fix..

jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed]


opinions etc on best practice from experienced jQuery developers and those who may have found themselves in a similar position..

Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements


Lower budget costs and a huge community of supporters and developers. A hybrid app offers many of the advantages of both approaches..

jQuery: Why use document.ready if external JS at bottom of page?


to the DOM elements it references. This is a huge win for developers. It's just one less thing they have to think about. Also it's..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


this problem and trust me this is a problem jQuery Mobile developers created page events. In a nutshell page events are events triggered..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing.. get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and on the mailing list create these elaborate solutions.. more re usable and distributable they are. I see lots of developers new to AngularJS using directives as the place to throw a bunch..

Detecting IE using jQuery


difference between $(“#id”).load and $.ajax?


besides .ajax they could provide more specific methods to developers so they wouldn't need to pass more parameters to make .ajax..

jQuery serializeArray doesn't include the submit button that was clicked


of a form is considered a successful control . Since the developers of jQuery have decided to do this on purpose can I assume that..

What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed]


closed Context I am astounded by the number of front end developers that hack at HTML Javascript and CSS all day long and that ignore.. am talking about in the trenches every day Joe production developers. I get a lot of arguments that are more like excuses or personal..

.prop() vs .attr()


stuck in front of attributes and properties meaning jQuery developers will have to learn a bit about the difference between properties..

jQuery mobile- For every live tap event should there be an equivalent click event?


for abstracting away the touch and mouse events so that developers don't have to worry about which method of input the device their..

detect back button click in browser


the button means you're doing something wrong' and in fact developers in different facets have long run into this problem. Here's..

Why would I want to use jQuery?


the back of my hand have worked with some of the best web developers in the industry picked up a lot of their mojo. I've been checking.. speaking a common language. You can collaborate with other developers very easily and each can pick up where others left off without..

Is there any “on DOM change” event? [duplicate]


work in my case. The DOM can be modified by third party developers and on each DOM change we need to run our script to validate..

jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed]


for rolling out the use of jQuery to the community of Web Developers within our company. Part of this involves presenting a course..

Google Map in Bootstrap Tab


the resize event is. From the documentation resize Developers should trigger this event on the map when the div changes size..

jQuery framework internals


be an expert http www.amazon.com Professional JavaScript Developers Wrox Guides dp 0764579088 http www.amazon.com Pro JavaScript..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


view told us what was supposed to happen. Much cleaner. Developers new to AngularJS often ask a question like how do I find all..

difference between $(“#id”).load and $.ajax?


with XmlHttpRequest object. But once upon a time jQuery Developers thought that actually besides .ajax they could provide more..

jQuery attribute auto added to elements


auto added to elements After using the IE8 built in Developers Tools for the first time I noticed jQuery is attaching an attribute..

Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed]


resulted in much faster selector engines such as Sizzle. Developers not having to worry about trivial DOM bugs means more complex..

Logging hyperlink clicks on my website


with the above approach I am facing the following issues Developers may have images inside the anchor link so the events target.. 'click' 'a' function event logging Regarding your problems Developers may have images inside the anchor link so the events target..

Is it possible to work with jquery and Svg directly (no plugins)?


the circle was really appended to the DOM tree in the Developers Tool Inspector and I found out that both element exist with..

Why “$().ready(handler)” is not recommended?


jquery callback document ready share improve this question I got an official answer from one of the jQuery developers .ready fn only works because used to be a shortcut to document jQuery 1.4 So .ready fn was a readable code. But people used..

How to show all rows in the jqGrid?


this is true. The reason is the new introduced scroll 1. In the future we will correct this behavior. So the jqGrid developers are aware of this problem and apparently are planning to fix it in a future release. Unfortunately this post was from over..

jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed]


what I would be really interested in would be any tips traps opinions etc on best practice from experienced jQuery developers and those who may have found themselves in a similar position to myself. Any good links would also be appreciated. EDIT..

Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements


native tab bar or Android native tab bar and so much more. Lower budget costs and a huge community of supporters and developers. A hybrid app offers many of the advantages of both approaches access to the most common device APIs and broad device coverage..

jQuery: Why use document.ready if external JS at bottom of page?


to think about where this script will be included relative to the DOM elements it references. This is a huge win for developers. It's just one less thing they have to think about. Also it's often difficult or impractical to move all DOM referencing..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


Classic jQuery syntax document .ready function To solve this problem and trust me this is a problem jQuery Mobile developers created page events. In a nutshell page events are events triggered in a particular point of page execution. One of those..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


controllers. This is really tempting when you're just starting out which is why I always recommend that new AngularJS developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and.. developers don't use jQuery at all at least until they get used to doing things the Angular Way . I've seen many developers here and on the mailing list create these elaborate solutions with jQuery plugins of 150 or 200 lines of code that they.. to style the easier they are to change in the future and the more re usable and distributable they are. I see lots of developers new to AngularJS using directives as the place to throw a bunch of jQuery. In other words they think since I can't do DOM..

Detecting IE using jQuery


difference between $(“#id”).load and $.ajax?


But once upon a time jQuery Developers thought that actually besides .ajax they could provide more specific methods to developers so they wouldn't need to pass more parameters to make .ajax method work the way they want. For example they said instead..

jQuery serializeArray doesn't include the submit button that was clicked


W3C rules the button which was activated for the submission of a form is considered a successful control . Since the developers of jQuery have decided to do this on purpose can I assume that there is another method that DOESN'T exclude the activated..

What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed]


are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery closed Context I am astounded by the number of front end developers that hack at HTML Javascript and CSS all day long and that ignore tools like jQuery or other equivalent helper frameworks.. to use them. I am not talking about JavaScript gurus I am talking about in the trenches every day Joe production developers. I get a lot of arguments that are more like excuses or personal opinions that I don't think have any technical merit I..

.prop() vs .attr()


. This change removes some of the layer of magic jQuery stuck in front of attributes and properties meaning jQuery developers will have to learn a bit about the difference between properties and attributes. This is a good thing. If you're a jQuery..

jQuery mobile- For every live tap event should there be an equivalent click event?


attempt to abstract mouse events This plugin is an experiment for abstracting away the touch and mouse events so that developers don't have to worry about which method of input the device their document is loaded on supports. https github.com jquery..

detect back button click in browser


is a HUGE issue. I don't accept that 'having to disable the button means you're doing something wrong' and in fact developers in different facets have long run into this problem. Here's my solution window.onload function if typeof history.pushState..

Why would I want to use jQuery?


incompatibilities and sketchiness know DOM manipulation like the back of my hand have worked with some of the best web developers in the industry picked up a lot of their mojo. I've been checking out jQuery. I understand the point of a javascript library.. Common language . Using a common framework is like speaking a common language. You can collaborate with other developers very easily and each can pick up where others left off without friction. Compared to stepping into an application which..

Is there any “on DOM change” event? [duplicate]


is appended changed removed on the DOM. This answer does not work in my case. The DOM can be modified by third party developers and on each DOM change we need to run our script to validate the code. The event should not fire on input textarea select..

jQuery Standards and Best Practice [closed]


and Best Practice closed I ™m currently responsible for rolling out the use of jQuery to the community of Web Developers within our company. Part of this involves presenting a course however another part involves communicating standards and..

Google Map in Bootstrap Tab


this question You're a little overoptimistic in how powerful the resize event is. From the documentation resize Developers should trigger this event on the map when the div changes size google.maps.event.trigger map 'resize' In other words resize..

jQuery framework internals


5Frd 5Fi 507846 If you're past intermediate level and want to be an expert http www.amazon.com Professional JavaScript Developers Wrox Guides dp 0764579088 http www.amazon.com Pro JavaScript Techniques John Resig dp 1590597273 ref sr 5F1 5F10 ie UTF8..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


need to intuit the right answer or sift through any code. The view told us what was supposed to happen. Much cleaner. Developers new to AngularJS often ask a question like how do I find all links of a specific kind and add a directive onto them. The..

difference between $(“#id”).load and $.ajax?


which means you can do what ever you want to like you can work with XmlHttpRequest object. But once upon a time jQuery Developers thought that actually besides .ajax they could provide more specific methods to developers so they wouldn't need to pass..

jQuery attribute auto added to elements


attribute auto added to elements After using the IE8 built in Developers Tools for the first time I noticed jQuery is attaching an attribute to some of my elements I've never noticed this before...

Is plain vanilla JavaScript better than using frameworks like jQuery or MooTools? [closed]


is a good thing the result of the slickspeed tests resulted in much faster selector engines such as Sizzle. Developers not having to worry about trivial DOM bugs means more complex libraries are created daily which means entry level developers..

Logging hyperlink clicks on my website


'a' .click function event do my logging return true Now with the above approach I am facing the following issues Developers may have images inside the anchor link so the events target is an image rather than href Many developers have their own.. Since jQuery 1.7 one would use .on docs document .on 'click' 'a' function event logging Regarding your problems Developers may have images inside the anchor link so the events target is an image rather than href Events bubble up as long as propagation..

Is it possible to work with jquery and Svg directly (no plugins)?


this action the circle does not render. I check if at least the circle was really appended to the DOM tree in the Developers Tool Inspector and I found out that both element exist with the proper attributes previously set but the circle created..