

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: desired

Open JQuery Datepicker by clicking on an image w/ no input field


How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed]


numbered steps above process will show how to achieve the desired look for your website. A key step would be to set the lightbox..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


ways sometimes you will need to combine them to achieve a desired result. Method 1 It can do it by adding this attribute data..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


' visible selectDesiredShoeSize STEP 2 Select desired shoe size. function selectDesiredShoeSize jNode Because the..

How to stop event bubbling with jquery live?


live events work by attaching a proxy handler for the desired event to the document element and then calling the appropriate..

Weird behaviour of iframe `name` attribute set by jQuery in IE


Making this change makes the form post into the iframe as desired. My questions are Why doesn't .attr name ... work as expected..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


_renderItem fn with your own creation that produces the desired effect. This technique redefining an internal function in a..

jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition


animation will take the current mid animation sizes as the desired ending values and proceed to fix them as the final values effectively..

Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div?


10px margin 0 Applying this jQuery will accomplish the desired result var p '#fos p' var divh '#fos' .height while p.outerHeight.. to remove the last word of the text until it reaches the desired size. Because of the overflow hidden the process remains invisible..

Is it possible to use Ajax to do file upload?


iPad HTML Focus


the iPad. The only way the focus will be placed in the desired field is when the user 'clicks' on the desired field. share..

Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


The data should be a valid HTML select element with the desired options does this mean I will need to generate the html and..

jQuery object and DOM element


jQuery function using .get or accessing the element at the desired index directly selector 0 Accesses the first DOM element in..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


in one of the in between œsandwich layers to achieve the desired effect. After some unsuccessful fiddling with blocks I decided..

Animate scrollTop not working in firefox


This function works fine. It scrolls the body to a desired container's offset function scrolear destino var stop destino..

How can we specify rules for jquery validation plugin by class?


Option 1a You can assign classes to your fields based on desired common rules and then assign those rules to the classes. You..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


is executed after the first Ajax call would not have the desired effect as the second call is made inside a done callback and..

JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change


to the right hand end but you can see its stepping as desired if you use your keyboard arrows to move the slider. Only way..

Open JQuery Datepicker by clicking on an image w/ no input field


How can I duplicate Pinterest website's modal effect? [closed]


lightbox's that support HTML iframed content. Reviewing the numbered steps above process will show how to achieve the desired look for your website. A key step would be to set the lightbox to use all of the viewport modifying the lightbox CSS rules..

jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content


of markup enhancement prevention This can be done in few ways sometimes you will need to combine them to achieve a desired result. Method 1 It can do it by adding this attribute data enhance false to the header content footer container. This also..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


ul.selectBox dropdown menu li a contains ' targetShoeSize ' visible selectDesiredShoeSize STEP 2 Select desired shoe size. function selectDesiredShoeSize jNode Because the selector for this node is vulnerable to false positives we need..

How to stop event bubbling with jquery live?


handlers for inner elements are called first . However jQuery's live events work by attaching a proxy handler for the desired event to the document element and then calling the appropriate user defined handler s after the event bubbles up the document..

Weird behaviour of iframe `name` attribute set by jQuery in IE


iframe iframe src about blank name frameName .appendTo body Making this change makes the form post into the iframe as desired. My questions are Why doesn't .attr name ... work as expected Is it a bug in jQuery a bug in IE surely not or am I missing..

jQueryUI: how can I custom-format the Autocomplete plug-in results?


a .appendTo ul So what you need to do is replace that _renderItem fn with your own creation that produces the desired effect. This technique redefining an internal function in a library I have come to learn is called monkey patching . Here's..

jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition


before the second begins. This is because the second animation will take the current mid animation sizes as the desired ending values and proceed to fix them as the final values effectively stopping the animation in its tracks rather than animating..

Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div?


#fos width 300px height 190px overflow hidden #fos p padding 10px margin 0 Applying this jQuery will accomplish the desired result var p '#fos p' var divh '#fos' .height while p.outerHeight divh p.text function index text return text.replace W.. text return text.replace W s S '...' It repeatedly tries to remove the last word of the text until it reaches the desired size. Because of the overflow hidden the process remains invisible and even with JS turned off the result remains 'visually..

Is it possible to use Ajax to do file upload?


iPad HTML Focus


Customizing the Add/Edit Dialog in jqGrid


the element will be filled with values from the AJAX request. The data should be a valid HTML select element with the desired options does this mean I will need to generate the html and return this as part of the response Previously I had been passing..

jQuery object and DOM element


on DOM elements. You can access the DOM elements inside a jQuery function using .get or accessing the element at the desired index directly selector 0 Accesses the first DOM element in this jQuery object selector .get 0 Equivalent to the code above..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


index and the highlight rollover illustrations need to display in one of the in between œsandwich layers to achieve the desired effect. After some unsuccessful fiddling with blocks I decided this might be done with an old school image map. I made a..

Animate scrollTop not working in firefox


scrollTop not working in firefox This function works fine. It scrolls the body to a desired container's offset function scrolear destino var stop destino .offset .top var delay 1000 'body' .animate scrollTop stop..

How can we specify rules for jquery validation plugin by class?


required true number true DEMO http jsfiddle.net rq5ra Option 1a You can assign classes to your fields based on desired common rules and then assign those rules to the classes. You can also assign custom messages. HTML input type text name..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


for the second Ajax call but makeCalls .done function this is executed after the first Ajax call would not have the desired effect as the second call is made inside a done callback and not accessible from the outside. The solution would be to use..

JQuery Slider, how to make “step” size change


the far left end since the jumps are so close together compared to the right hand end but you can see its stepping as desired if you use your keyboard arrows to move the slider. Only way to get around that is to change your scale to not be quite..

How do I achieve equal height divs (positioned side by side) with HTML / CSS ?


Sort element by numerical value of data attribute


30 div class test data percentage 62 div class test data percentage 11 div class test data percentage 43 div Desired result HTML div class testWrapper div class test data percentage 11 div class test data percentage 30 div class test data..

Convert flat JSON file to hierarchical json data like flare.json [d3 example file]


Third Top name Second Child model value3 size 320 dep Third Top name Second Child model value4 size 320 Desired Output Format name root children name First Top children name First child children name value1 size 320 name..

Javascript with jQuery: Click and double click on same element, different effect, one disables the other


value Nth editable value td tr tr style display none id row_to_expand td colspan n Some hidden data td tr tbody table Desired version table tbody tr ondblclick '#row_to_expand' .toggle td Some kind of random data td td editable_cell_which_turns_into_an_input_field_on_single_click..

Using JQuery hover with HTML image map


the href from each rollover area works only intermittently and using Jquery hover with css visibility is messed up. Desired behavior is that rolling into the area simply would make the shape solid. What actually happens is any motion inside the..

JQuery, fade in youtube iframe embed


apis youtube js_api_reference.html @param String frame_id The id of the div containing the frame @param String func Desired function to call eg. playVideo @param Array args optional List of arguments to pass to function func function callPlayer..