

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: designed

Add to favorites button


header of each page I want to have a single image custom designed by me which would act as a custom Add to Favorites button. Clicking..

jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait?


should probably check out the hoverIntent plugin which is designed to solve this particular problem. share improve this answer..

jQuery in Greasemonkey 1.0 conflicts with websites using jQuery


limitations which doesn't work at all for me when I've designed my dozens of GS scripts to run WITH security limitations and..

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime


work in this case because... Second the Modal plugin is designed to load the remote resource in the constructor of the Modal..

How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded?


the method of font load detection into a jQuery plugin designed to give the developer the ability to style elements based upon..

Why cant I load an external resource from jQuery load method?


on server it worked correctly. #g .load Temp.htm Is it designed to work like this if yes why or am I doing something wrong EDIT..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


and then you make it dynamic. This is because jQuery was designed for augmentation and has grown incredibly from that simple premise...

Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc


but currently Futures is fairly simple and does what it is designed to do. I'd love to have you join the mailing list and give me..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


when editing I'm currently developing a web application designed for the administration of vending machines and such. I decided..

Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript


improve this question Check out jQuery BBQ jQuery BBQ is designed for parsing things from the url query string or fragment and..

Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery


object literal notation. JSON is a subset of that designed for easier parsing. Your code defines an object data containing..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


a shameless plug but might I volunteer a framework that I designed I've built it based on annotations a la Hibernate Validator..

disable a hyperlink using jQuery


'click' Note that disabled doesn't work because it is designed for form inputs only. jQuery has anticipated this already providing..

Does using $this instead of $(this) provide a performance enhancement?


not conflict with other functions. Even better jQuery is designed to be used with chaining so take advantage of this where possible...

How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page?


is a compact modular Object Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. ... History..

JQuery GridView control


control for WebForms then I would suggest using a control designed for WebForms rather than a grid designed for jQuery. The reason.. using a control designed for WebForms rather than a grid designed for jQuery. The reason is that the code you will write will.. idea because the framework is interesting useful and well designed but I'm not sure that a great control is the best place to start...

What does $(function() {} ); do?


short hand for document .ready function ... What it's designed to do amongst other things is ensure that your function is called..

Using JQuery Validate Plugin to validate multiple form fields with identical names


field names because the form handler code Perl CGI is designed to handle an array of input values in this case @map . How can..

Add to favorites button


favorites button I'm building a website using Drupal. On the header of each page I want to have a single image custom designed by me which would act as a custom Add to Favorites button. Clicking on the image should add the website's URL to the user..

jQuery - How to tell .hover() to wait?


jQuery in Greasemonkey 1.0 conflicts with websites using jQuery


or to grant it to none and run the script without any security limitations which doesn't work at all for me when I've designed my dozens of GS scripts to run WITH security limitations and like it that way. javascript jquery firefox greasemonkey ..

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content everytime


.options.remote http website.com item 7 However that won't work in this case because... Second the Modal plugin is designed to load the remote resource in the constructor of the Modal object which unfortunately means that even if a change is made..

How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded?


still in use. If not your font should be operational. I rewrote the method of font load detection into a jQuery plugin designed to give the developer the ability to style elements based upon whether the font has been loaded or not. A fail safe timer..

Why cant I load an external resource from jQuery load method?


later when I replaced the google url with a static html file on server it worked correctly. #g .load Temp.htm Is it designed to work like this if yes why or am I doing something wrong EDIT Please can anyone explain or refer the security problem..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


change it with DOM manipulations In jQuery you design a page and then you make it dynamic. This is because jQuery was designed for augmentation and has grown incredibly from that simple premise. But in AngularJS you must start from the ground up with..

Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc


I'd consider releasing a v3.x that caters to that but currently Futures is fairly simple and does what it is designed to do. I'd love to have you join the mailing list and give me your feedback and suggestions. Other features of the library..

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


Disable form fields when editing I'm currently developing a web application designed for the administration of vending machines and such. I decided to use jQuery jQuery UI and jqGrid for this project so I..

Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript


javascript jquery url hash fragment identifier share improve this question Check out jQuery BBQ jQuery BBQ is designed for parsing things from the url query string or fragment and goes a bit farther to simplify fragment based history. This..

Adding/removing items from JSON data with JQuery


First off your quoted code is not JSON. Your code is JavaScript object literal notation. JSON is a subset of that designed for easier parsing. Your code defines an object data containing an array items of objects each with an id name and type..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


validation forms share improve this question This is a shameless plug but might I volunteer a framework that I designed I've built it based on annotations a la Hibernate Validator . It has support for custom constraints and I feel that it is..

disable a hyperlink using jQuery


To re enable it again unbind the handler '.my link' .unbind 'click' Note that disabled doesn't work because it is designed for form inputs only. jQuery has anticipated this already providing a shortcut as of jQuery 1.4.3 '.my link' .bind 'click'..

Does using $this instead of $(this) provide a performance enhancement?


only be accessible in the function it is declared in and will not conflict with other functions. Even better jQuery is designed to be used with chaining so take advantage of this where possible. Instead of declaring a variable and calling functions..

How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page?


upgraded to the true URL. Mootools via Plugin MooTools is a compact modular Object Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. ... History Management via popstate or hashchange. Replaces the URL..

JQuery GridView control


to the server. If you are just looking for a good grid control for WebForms then I would suggest using a control designed for WebForms rather than a grid designed for jQuery. The reason is that the code you will write will fit more naturally.. for a good grid control for WebForms then I would suggest using a control designed for WebForms rather than a grid designed for jQuery. The reason is that the code you will write will fit more naturally within the idioms of WebForms. If you just.. If you just want to learn jQuery well that's a really good idea because the framework is interesting useful and well designed but I'm not sure that a great control is the best place to start. A better place to start might be adding visual flair to..

What does $(function() {} ); do?


share improve this question function ... is just jQuery short hand for document .ready function ... What it's designed to do amongst other things is ensure that your function is called once all the DOM elements of the page are ready to be..

Using JQuery Validate Plugin to validate multiple form fields with identical names


have the option of changing the field names or generating unique field names because the form handler code Perl CGI is designed to handle an array of input values in this case @map . How can I use the JQuery Validate Plugin to validate a form in such..