

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:54

jquery Programming Glossary: depict

JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels


depending on the y label text length Here is an image to depict my problem jquery graphics jqplot share improve this question..

How do I construct a Django reverse/url using query args?


url using query args I have URLs like http example.com depict smiles CO width 200 height 200 and with several other optional.. '' r'^ ' 'cansmi.index' r'^cansmi ' 'cansmi.cansmi' url r'^depict ' cyclops.django.depict name cyclops depict I can go to that.. r'^cansmi ' 'cansmi.cansmi' url r'^depict ' cyclops.django.depict name cyclops depict I can go to that URL and get the 200x200..

Gantt chart in javascript/jquery/extjs [closed]


a gantt chart in my web project. Basically it should depict the status working playing idle sleeping of persons on a daily..

JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels


always display the same graph height 400px for example not depending on the y label text length Here is an image to depict my problem jquery graphics jqplot share improve this question Only thing that comes to my mind is something along..

How do I construct a Django reverse/url using query args?


do I construct a Django reverse url using query args I have URLs like http example.com depict smiles CO width 200 height 200 and with several other optional arguments My urls.py contains urlpatterns patterns '' r'^.. optional arguments My urls.py contains urlpatterns patterns '' r'^ ' 'cansmi.index' r'^cansmi ' 'cansmi.cansmi' url r'^depict ' cyclops.django.depict name cyclops depict I can go to that URL and get the 200x200 PNG that was constructed so I know.. contains urlpatterns patterns '' r'^ ' 'cansmi.index' r'^cansmi ' 'cansmi.cansmi' url r'^depict ' cyclops.django.depict name cyclops depict I can go to that URL and get the 200x200 PNG that was constructed so I know that part works. In my template..

Gantt chart in javascript/jquery/extjs [closed]


chart in javascript jquery extjs closed I want to include a gantt chart in my web project. Basically it should depict the status working playing idle sleeping of persons on a daily basis Something similar to this one http www.fusioncharts.com..