

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:56

jquery Programming Glossary: designing

how to use jquery with primefaces


a web application using primefaces. I have no skills in designing so I decided to use a template which has some css and jqueries...

Why should I use jQuery instead of GWT?


example how should I know which elements should I use when designing the page there's not enough documentation for this I've been..

Updating dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists


should appear in the other dropdownlists. Please help in designing this page. I tried using JQuery which didn't help me out. jquery..

How to generate a simple popup using jQuery


to generate a simple popup using jQuery I am designing a web page. When we click the content of div named mail how..

Cross-browser way to get automatically repeating keydown events when key is held down


keyup. That solution runs into a problem in my case. I am designing an online experiment. The user is supposed to hold down the..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


to start with what you want to accomplish then go about designing your application and then finally go about designing your view... about designing your application and then finally go about designing your view. 2. Don't augment jQuery with AngularJS Similarly..

i want to write a reusable function [closed]


function closed i'm undergraduate student beginner in web designing. am learning jquery now and i want to know how can i write a..

How can I look up my created webpages on internet explorer 8 or older?


it supports only internet explorer 9. I work on web pages designing on my chrome browser. But you know some of the CSS features..

How to write a jquery function for same-type controls in html?


a jquery function for same type controls in html i'm designing a form which gets user information and then go another page...

jQuery crashing Internet Explorer


crashing Internet Explorer Okay basically I'm designing and developing a fairly complicated website which revolves around..

How to write Jquery cookie


to write Jquery cookie I am designing a website that has 100 width height div containing a graphic..

Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it


a script that depends on it I have a unique issue I am designing a web application that creates widgets that a user can then..

Difficulty with jQuery and input keydown event


out and it doesn't work. I suspect that I could be designing this code better if you see an improvement I'd love to hear..

Fire jQuery event on div change


absolutely no control on how it will change. Indeed I am designing a widget that may be used by other people who are free to change..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


1.6 and ES5 use the ES5 Shim . I've spend some time re designing the plugin template you've given and rolled out my own. Links..

Preferred client side routing solution? [closed]


client side routing solution closed I am designing a one page browser based web application. JQuery is already..

jQuery: Detect Mouse Click and Open Target in New Tab


Mouse Click and Open Target in New Tab I'm currently designing a simple forum application. It's mostly powered by jQuery AJAX..

JQuery Mobile changePage


Mobile changePage I am designing a JQuery Mobile application and facing one problem there I have..

how to use jquery with primefaces


to use jquery with primefaces I developed a web application using primefaces. I have no skills in designing so I decided to use a template which has some css and jqueries. When I use them primeface's components loose their functionality..

Why should I use jQuery instead of GWT?


at least for this project the documentation is poor for example how should I know which elements should I use when designing the page there's not enough documentation for this I've been using jQuery for most of my projects and it's pretty good...

Updating dropdownlist based on previous dropdownlists


0 which says select question . That question which he removed should appear in the other dropdownlists. Please help in designing this page. I tried using JQuery which didn't help me out. jquery asp.net asp.net mvc asp.net mvc 3 share improve this..

How to generate a simple popup using jQuery


to generate a simple popup using jQuery I am designing a web page. When we click the content of div named mail how can I show a popup window containing a label email and text..

Cross-browser way to get automatically repeating keydown events when key is held down


down if a keydown event has been recorded and no subsequent keyup. That solution runs into a problem in my case. I am designing an online experiment. The user is supposed to hold down the T key for the entire experiment never letting it up. The experiment..

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


have this piece of the DOM and I want to make it do X you have to start with what you want to accomplish then go about designing your application and then finally go about designing your view. 2. Don't augment jQuery with AngularJS Similarly don't start.. you have to start with what you want to accomplish then go about designing your application and then finally go about designing your view. 2. Don't augment jQuery with AngularJS Similarly don't start with the idea that jQuery does X Y and Z so I'll..

i want to write a reusable function [closed]


want to write a reusable function closed i'm undergraduate student beginner in web designing. am learning jquery now and i want to know how can i write a function to reuse for others elements here is the function..

How can I look up my created webpages on internet explorer 8 or older?


on internet explorer 8 or older I am using windows7 and it supports only internet explorer 9. I work on web pages designing on my chrome browser. But you know some of the CSS features dnt support in Enternet Explorer 8 or erlier. But when I trying..

How to write a jquery function for same-type controls in html?


to write a jquery function for same type controls in html i'm designing a form which gets user information and then go another page. There's lots of input text controls to fill. User must fill..

jQuery crashing Internet Explorer


crashing Internet Explorer Okay basically I'm designing and developing a fairly complicated website which revolves around the use of jQuery.. My knowlege of jQuery is really poor..

How to write Jquery cookie


to write Jquery cookie I am designing a website that has 100 width height div containing a graphic overlaying the home page. I want to show this once to the user..

Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it


jQuery in a js then execute a script that depends on it I have a unique issue I am designing a web application that creates widgets that a user can then embed in their own page blog posts mostly . I want them to just..

Difficulty with jQuery and input keydown event


the complete jQuery. My attempt to fix the enter issue is commented out and it doesn't work. I suspect that I could be designing this code better if you see an improvement I'd love to hear it. function make_smart_list list var ADD_CLASS 'foo widget..

Fire jQuery event on div change


some code when the content of the div changes but I have absolutely no control on how it will change. Indeed I am designing a widget that may be used by other people who are free to change the content of their divs the way they prefer. When the..

jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact


an alternative. To make live easier this relies on jQuery 1.6 and ES5 use the ES5 Shim . I've spend some time re designing the plugin template you've given and rolled out my own. Links Github Documentation Unit tests Confirmed to pass in FF4 Chrome..

Preferred client side routing solution? [closed]


client side routing solution closed I am designing a one page browser based web application. JQuery is already being used in my application. I am currently planning to use..

jQuery: Detect Mouse Click and Open Target in New Tab


Detect Mouse Click and Open Target in New Tab I'm currently designing a simple forum application. It's mostly powered by jQuery AJAX and loads everything on the same page however I know that..

JQuery Mobile changePage


Mobile changePage I am designing a JQuery Mobile application and facing one problem there I have two pages page1.aspx and page2.aspx I have to redirect from..