jquery Programming Glossary: ampersand
Escaping jQuery data being sent via POST http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2231810/escaping-jquery-data-being-sent-via-post 'varx ' X ' vary ' Y Obviously this is problematic if an ampersand character is used. What is the best method to escape the variables.. variables particularly so that the user can safely use an ampersand Thanks javascript jquery jquery ajax escaping share improve..
Ampersand in GET, PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2748042/ampersand-in-get-php they can upload photos. Everything worked fine until the ampersand entered the equation. The information is sent from a jQuery.. 'display_album.php album ' title If the title has an ampersand the Title field on the upload page does not display properly... page does not display properly. Is there a way to escape ampersand for GET Thanks php jquery html ajax get share improve this..
How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355043/how-do-i-escape-an-ampersand-in-a-javascript-string-so-that-the-page-will-valida do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict.. the receiving end. The trouble is that the data string has ampersands in them and the HTML strict validator is chocking on it. Here.. remember rememb in the validator the p after the first ampersand is marked red indicating the point of the failure . javascript..
Ampersand (&) character inside a value of jQuery AJAX request data option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4226480/ampersand-character-inside-a-value-of-jquery-ajax-request-data-option working properly as usual until user types inside textarea ampersand character. Than when I debug PHP function which saves the value.. character. I believe there has to be a solution to skip ampersand somehow. Any ideas jquery jquery ajax share improve this..
nonbreaking space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5237989/nonbreaking-space X '' Is there something about a non breaking space or the ampersand that JavaScript doesn't like javascript jquery share improve..
Escaping jQuery data being sent via POST http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2231810/escaping-jquery-data-being-sent-via-post .val This is used to build the POST string i.e. var data 'varx ' X ' vary ' Y Obviously this is problematic if an ampersand character is used. What is the best method to escape the variables particularly so that the user can safely use an ampersand.. character is used. What is the best method to escape the variables particularly so that the user can safely use an ampersand Thanks javascript jquery jquery ajax escaping share improve this question The best would be using an object for the..
Ampersand in GET, PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2748042/ampersand-in-get-php description to MySQL and redirecting the user to a page where they can upload photos. Everything worked fine until the ampersand entered the equation. The information is sent from a jQuery modal dialog to a PHP page which then submits the entry to the.. function #addGallery .dialog 'close' window.location.href 'display_album.php album ' title If the title has an ampersand the Title field on the upload page does not display properly. Is there a way to escape ampersand for GET Thanks php jquery.. If the title has an ampersand the Title field on the upload page does not display properly. Is there a way to escape ampersand for GET Thanks php jquery html ajax get share improve this question In general you'll want to URL encode anything that..
How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355043/how-do-i-escape-an-ampersand-in-a-javascript-string-so-that-the-page-will-valida do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict I am trying to pass a dataString to to an ajax call using.. the get parameters and then send them to the php page on the receiving end. The trouble is that the data string has ampersands in them and the HTML strict validator is chocking on it. Here is the code document .ready function input#email .focus '#login_submit'.. password . var dataString email username password password remember rememb in the validator the p after the first ampersand is marked red indicating the point of the failure . javascript jquery ajax w3c validation share improve this question..
Ampersand (&) character inside a value of jQuery AJAX request data option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4226480/ampersand-character-inside-a-value-of-jquery-ajax-request-data-option success function alert Saved successfully Everything is working properly as usual until user types inside textarea ampersand character. Than when I debug PHP function which saves the value it always have a value until this character. I believe there.. which saves the value it always have a value until this character. I believe there has to be a solution to skip ampersand somehow. Any ideas jquery jquery ajax share improve this question Instead of data id thisId value thisValue do data..
nonbreaking space http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5237989/nonbreaking-space This apparently is not working X td.text if X ' nbsp ' X '' Is there something about a non breaking space or the ampersand that JavaScript doesn't like javascript jquery share improve this question nbsp is a HTML entity. When doing .text..