jquery Programming Glossary: alt
jQuery ajax (jsonp) ignores a timeout and doesn't fire the error event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002367/jquery-ajax-jsonp-ignores-a-timeout-and-doesnt-fire-the-error-event i item img .attr src item.media.m .replace _m. _s. .attr alt item.title .appendTo ul#flickr .wrap li a href item.link a..
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem Sort of like this div id fadeMe img src transparent.png alt div Another way to get around this is this simple jQuery plugin..
How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263359/how-can-i-determine-if-an-image-has-loaded-using-javascript-jquery be in the HTML img id photo src a_really_big_file.jpg alt this is some alt text title this is some title text Is there.. img id photo src a_really_big_file.jpg alt this is some alt text title this is some title text Is there a way for me to.. #photo .height will return the size of the placeholder the alt text . In my case this is something like 134 x 20. Right now..
Preview an image before it is uploaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459379/preview-an-image-before-it-is-uploaded runat server input type 'file' id imgInp img id blah src # alt your image form Also you can try this sample here . share improve..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content iso 8859 1 head body div id container img src welcome.png alt Frontimg div And if the user has liked the page DOCTYPE html.. iso 8859 1 head body div id container img src member.png alt Frontimg p You liked this page p javascript jquery ruby on..
Using JQuery hover with HTML image map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/745110/using-jquery-hover-with-html-image-map img src images testMap_w.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap W usemap #testMap map name testMap area shape polygon.. map img src images testMap_box.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Box id ID_box img src images testMap_triangle.png width.. img src images testMap_triangle.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Triangle id ID_triangle img src images testMap_border_triangle.png..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe showImage image .fancybox ' img src img ' image ' alt border 0 ' script head body iframe src social.html scrolling.. iframe body html in IFrame page img src img picture1.jpg alt class thumbs onclick parent.showImage 'picture1.jpg' PS both..
Alert when browser window closed accidentally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1244535/alert-when-browser-window-closed-accidentally browser. Click of forward browser button. Keyboard stroke Alt F4 Close Keyboard stroke F5 Refresh Keyboard stroke CTRL F5..
JavaScript or Jquery event handlers for “ctrl”/“shift” + mouse left button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2485345/javascript-or-jquery-event-handlers-for-ctrl-shift-mouse-left-button-click e.shiftKey Shift Click if e.ctrlKey Ctrl Click if e.altKey Alt Click Just handle whichever you want inside an if inside the..
Check Ctrl / Shift / Alt keys on 'click' event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847135/check-ctrl-shift-alt-keys-on-click-event Ctrl Shift Alt keys on 'click' event How could I identify which Ctrl Shift.. on 'click' event How could I identify which Ctrl Shift Alt keys are pressed in the following code #my_id .click function.. shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right Shift Left Alt javascript jquery html firefox3.6 share improve this question..
jQuery Code Assist for Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3518257/jquery-code-assist-for-eclipse as it states the code assistance is activated by using Alt . After typing .e and then using Alt the code assist did cycle.. is activated by using Alt . After typing .e and then using Alt the code assist did cycle through the available jQuery functions..
Keyboard accessible web dropdown menus? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3945490/keyboard-accessible-web-dropdown-menus shortcut to use this differs across all the browsers IE Alt accesskey Enter FireFox Alt Shift accesskey Opera Shift Esc.. across all the browsers IE Alt accesskey Enter FireFox Alt Shift accesskey Opera Shift Esc accesskey Chrome Alt accesskey..
Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321284/fix-for-jquery-splitter-in-ie9 'M' @desc Create a horizontal splitter resizable via Alt Shift M @name splitter @type jQuery @param Object options Options..
How do I replace a keystroke with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6064707/how-do-i-replace-a-keystroke-with-jquery of browser security. Imagine being able to simulate Alt Tab or Ctrl Shift Del. You can of course define a method that..
Preventing web browser from closing until AJAX response is returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8743119/preventing-web-browser-from-closing-until-ajax-response-is-returned do is Detect if the user has decided to close the browser Alt F4 hitting the 'X' button etc Prevent the browser from closing..
How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9958478/how-to-disable-copy-paste-browser var ctrlDown evt.ctrlKey evt.metaKey Mac support Check for Alt Gr http en.wikipedia.org wiki AltGr_key if ctrlDown evt.altKey.. Mac support Check for Alt Gr http en.wikipedia.org wiki AltGr_key if ctrlDown evt.altKey return true Check for ctrl c v..
jQuery ajax (jsonp) ignores a timeout and doesn't fire the error event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002367/jquery-ajax-jsonp-ignores-a-timeout-and-doesnt-fire-the-error-event success function data status .each data.items function i item img .attr src item.media.m .replace _m. _s. .attr alt item.title .appendTo ul#flickr .wrap li a href item.link a li if i 9 return false error function XHR textStatus errorThrown..
jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156985/jquery-cycle-ie7-transparent-png-problem nest your png inside a container and then fade the container. Sort of like this div id fadeMe img src transparent.png alt div Another way to get around this is this simple jQuery plugin that i used because i couldn't change the structure. I would..
How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263359/how-can-i-determine-if-an-image-has-loaded-using-javascript-jquery of the source images unfortunately. So something like this would be in the HTML img id photo src a_really_big_file.jpg alt this is some alt text title this is some title text Is there a way for me to determine if the src image in an img tag has.. unfortunately. So something like this would be in the HTML img id photo src a_really_big_file.jpg alt this is some alt text title this is some title text Is there a way for me to determine if the src image in an img tag has been downloaded.. before the browser has loaded the image. #photo .width and #photo .height will return the size of the placeholder the alt text . In my case this is something like 134 x 20. Right now I'm just checking if the photo's height is less than 150 and..
Preview an image before it is uploaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4459379/preview-an-image-before-it-is-uploaded
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content style meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset iso 8859 1 head body div id container img src welcome.png alt Frontimg div And if the user has liked the page DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR.. style meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset iso 8859 1 head body div id container img src member.png alt Frontimg p You liked this page p javascript jquery ruby on rails ruby on rails 3 facebook share improve this question..
Using JQuery hover with HTML image map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/745110/using-jquery-hover-with-html-image-map .css 'visibility' 'hidden' image map div id container img src images testMap_w.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap W usemap #testMap map name testMap area shape polygon coords 20 20 106 20 106 106 20 106 href http www.stackoverflow.com.. 115 744 196 665 196 640 115 href http slashdot.org id pentagon map img src images testMap_box.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Box id ID_box img src images testMap_triangle.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Triangle id ID_triangle img src.. width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Box id ID_box img src images testMap_triangle.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Triangle id ID_triangle img src images testMap_border_triangle.png width 800 height 220 alt TestMap Border Triangle..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe src js video.js script script type text javascript function showImage image .fancybox ' img src img ' image ' alt border 0 ' script head body iframe src social.html scrolling no border 0 width 579 height 505 allowtransparency true iframe.. no border 0 width 579 height 505 allowtransparency true iframe body html in IFrame page img src img picture1.jpg alt class thumbs onclick parent.showImage 'picture1.jpg' PS both pages are on same domain... EDIT video.js this is from fancybox..
Alert when browser window closed accidentally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1244535/alert-when-browser-window-closed-accidentally Click on refresh browser button. Click on close button of browser. Click of forward browser button. Keyboard stroke Alt F4 Close Keyboard stroke F5 Refresh Keyboard stroke CTRL F5 Refresh Keyboard stroke Shift F5 Refresh Change of url Or anything..
JavaScript or Jquery event handlers for “ctrl”/“shift” + mouse left button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2485345/javascript-or-jquery-event-handlers-for-ctrl-shift-mouse-left-button-click on the part that matters selector .click function e if e.shiftKey Shift Click if e.ctrlKey Ctrl Click if e.altKey Alt Click Just handle whichever you want inside an if inside the click handler like I have above. share improve this answer..
Check Ctrl / Shift / Alt keys on 'click' event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847135/check-ctrl-shift-alt-keys-on-click-event Ctrl Shift Alt keys on 'click' event How could I identify which Ctrl Shift Alt keys are pressed in the following code #my_id .click function.. Ctrl Shift Alt keys on 'click' event How could I identify which Ctrl Shift Alt keys are pressed in the following code #my_id .click function if left control key is pressed alert Left Ctrl if right shift.. if left control key is pressed alert Left Ctrl if right shift and left alt keys are pressed alert Right Shift Left Alt javascript jquery html firefox3.6 share improve this question Well you this wont work in all browsers just IE 8. Microsoft..
jQuery Code Assist for Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3518257/jquery-code-assist-for-eclipse that I suppose I should have read the directions more closely as it states the code assistance is activated by using Alt . After typing .e and then using Alt the code assist did cycle through the available jQuery functions that start with 'e'...
Keyboard accessible web dropdown menus? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3945490/keyboard-accessible-web-dropdown-menus
Fix for jQuery splitter in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5321284/fix-for-jquery-splitter-in-ie9 settings @example '#MySplitter' .splitter type 'h' accessKey 'M' @desc Create a horizontal splitter resizable via Alt Shift M @name splitter @type jQuery @param Object options Options for the splitter not required @cat Plugins Splitter @return..
How do I replace a keystroke with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6064707/how-do-i-replace-a-keystroke-with-jquery simulate actual keypresses with javascript. It's a core component of browser security. Imagine being able to simulate Alt Tab or Ctrl Shift Del. You can of course define a method that encapsulates the behavior you want to trigger and call that..
Preventing web browser from closing until AJAX response is returned http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8743119/preventing-web-browser-from-closing-until-ajax-response-is-returned runs in the web browser as a plugin and what I'm trying to do is Detect if the user has decided to close the browser Alt F4 hitting the 'X' button etc Prevent the browser from closing whilst we fire a call to our web services to log that the..
How to Disable Copy Paste (Browser) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9958478/how-to-disable-copy-paste-browser evt evt evt window.event IE support var c evt.keyCode var ctrlDown evt.ctrlKey evt.metaKey Mac support Check for Alt Gr http en.wikipedia.org wiki AltGr_key if ctrlDown evt.altKey return true Check for ctrl c v and x else if ctrlDown c 67.. support var c evt.keyCode var ctrlDown evt.ctrlKey evt.metaKey Mac support Check for Alt Gr http en.wikipedia.org wiki AltGr_key if ctrlDown evt.altKey return true Check for ctrl c v and x else if ctrlDown c 67 return false c else if ctrlDown..