jquery Programming Glossary: alternatives
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers making it work... Or does anyone know of any better alternatives that would work cross browser Thanks Update after answers Thanks..
Non-blocking Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1108225/non-blocking-javascript it can be slow. You might however consider the following alternatives First and foremost try to optimize the code as much as you can...
jquery: fastest DOM insertion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117665/jquery-fastest-dom-insertion expensive stuff in the background Would love to learn alternatives as well. javascript jquery dom share improve this question..
Why use Backbone.js with Rails? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12082905/why-use-backbone-js-with-rails like Backbone and it really seems like there are a lot of alternatives because one framework does not fit all. But for what I can attest..
jQuery.browser script or shim for backwards-compatibility of plugins with 1.9.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15540835/jquery-browser-script-or-shim-for-backwards-compatibility-of-plugins-with-1-9-1 jQuery migrate . Also see Modernizr.js and YepNope.js for alternatives to jQUery feature detection. A jQuery shim file to replace .browser..
Posting cross-domain JSON to ASP.NET with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2022878/posting-cross-domain-json-to-asp-net-with-jquery 8 error function xhr msg alert xhr.statusText Any simpler alternatives to JSONP or any other possible solutions I may have not considered..
Paged table with ASP.NET MVC and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286022/paged-table-with-asp-net-mvc-and-ajax world so I'd be interested in hearing opinions and other alternatives as well. How would you go about doing this I'm also interested..
Yes or No confirm box using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3519861/yes-or-no-confirm-box-using-jquery '' function r if r true Ok button pressed... Any other alternatives jquery confirm alerts share improve this question ' div..
jqGrid caching the grid data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3704886/jqgrid-caching-the-grid-data jQuery div#main .load newPage.jsp . The advantage of these alternatives is that you will stay on the same page and all JavaScript data..
Circumventing Chrome Access-control-allow-origin on the local file system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4742467/circumventing-chrome-access-control-allow-origin-on-the-local-file-system for 90 of the app's users. Thanks for any suggestions alternatives javascript jquery google chrome same origin policy share..
JQuery to check for duplicate ids in a DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482763/jquery-to-check-for-duplicate-ids-in-a-dom careless. Yes i'd be using this only during testing and alternatives such as firebug plugins are welcome too. jquery dom share..
Jqgrid headers on two or more rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4896420/jqgrid-headers-on-two-or-more-rows the example provided by Zac on jqgrid double headers under alternatives but by changing only the css I get no change on the grid. Is..
Onchange open URL via select - jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5150363/onchange-open-url-via-select-jquery question specifies jQuery already. So I'm keeping other alternatives out of this. Please note that in recent versions of jQuery 1.7..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives of jQuery Tools. I'm looking for suggestions on the best alternatives for jQuery Tools Tabs Toolbox.History jQuery Tools Overlay Toolbox.Expose..
Javascript/RegExp: Lookbehind Assertion is causing a “Invalid group” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5973669/javascript-regexp-lookbehind-assertion-is-causing-a-invalid-group-error this error Looks like a valid RegEx to me. I know of alternatives on how to get the segment I need so this is really just about..
Placeholder attribute not supported in IE. Any suggestions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7765794/placeholder-attribute-not-supported-in-ie-any-suggestions with IE... More specifically IE 8. Any other suggestions alternatives Should I forget about the placeholder attribute for now jquery..
How to get user timezone using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8090549/how-to-get-user-timezone-using-jquery someone correct me if I am wrong . I believe the other alternatives are using an AJAX command more complicated or cookies I think..
What is the best way to learn jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/836725/what-is-the-best-way-to-learn-jquery best reference tutorial but now there are a bunch of other alternatives. On the other hand I really enjoyed the book Javascript The..
What is the new proper way to use a child selector with a context node in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8406642/what-is-the-new-proper-way-to-use-a-child-selector-with-a-context-node-in-jquery a bonus can anyone explain why this is depreciated All the alternatives everyone is giving seem amazingly ugly . Here are some things..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call link them to the same content without issue. There are two alternatives that would allow you to prevent roundtrip page reloads Setup..
Javascript Object.Watch for all browsers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029241/javascript-object-watch-for-all-browsers me a working example of that jQuery plugin I'm having problems making it work... Or does anyone know of any better alternatives that would work cross browser Thanks Update after answers Thanks everyone for the responses I tried out the code posted..
Non-blocking Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1108225/non-blocking-javascript calls let say with librairies like ExtJS it's normal that it can be slow. You might however consider the following alternatives First and foremost try to optimize the code as much as you can. Then you could use timers in Javascript to simulate asynchronous..
jquery: fastest DOM insertion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117665/jquery-fastest-dom-insertion mydiv .innerHTML html or is jquery doing some additional expensive stuff in the background Would love to learn alternatives as well. javascript jquery dom share improve this question innerHTML is remarkably fast and in many cases you will..
Why use Backbone.js with Rails? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12082905/why-use-backbone-js-with-rails there. There are plenty of other reasons to use a framework like Backbone and it really seems like there are a lot of alternatives because one framework does not fit all. But for what I can attest to Backbone seems to be a great framework if you're building..
jQuery.browser script or shim for backwards-compatibility of plugins with 1.9.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15540835/jquery-browser-script-or-shim-for-backwards-compatibility-of-plugins-with-1-9-1 over rely on deprecated or removed methods or properties see jQuery migrate . Also see Modernizr.js and YepNope.js for alternatives to jQUery feature detection. A jQuery shim file to replace .browser courtesy the fancyBox rails project jQuery 1.9 has removed..
Posting cross-domain JSON to ASP.NET with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2022878/posting-cross-domain-json-to-asp-net-with-jquery data dataType json contentType application json charset utf 8 error function xhr msg alert xhr.statusText Any simpler alternatives to JSONP or any other possible solutions I may have not considered would be helpful as well. asp.net jquery ajax json jsonp..
Paged table with ASP.NET MVC and AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286022/paged-table-with-asp-net-mvc-and-ajax inside a container on the page. I'm new to the ASP.NET MVC world so I'd be interested in hearing opinions and other alternatives as well. How would you go about doing this I'm also interested in hearing about jquery table plugins that work well with..
Yes or No confirm box using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3519861/yes-or-no-confirm-box-using-jquery jQuery.alerts.cancelButton 'No' jConfirm 'Are you sure ' '' function r if r true Ok button pressed... Any other alternatives jquery confirm alerts share improve this question ' div div ' .appendTo 'body' .html ' div h6 Are you sure h6 div..
jqGrid caching the grid data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3704886/jqgrid-caching-the-grid-data id main with the call like jQuery body .load newPage.htm or jQuery div#main .load newPage.jsp . The advantage of these alternatives is that you will stay on the same page and all JavaScript data can be used. You can for example get old jqGrid data from..
Circumventing Chrome Access-control-allow-origin on the local file system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4742467/circumventing-chrome-access-control-allow-origin-on-the-local-file-system to a 10 second delay in loading the webpage that is unnecessary for 90 of the app's users. Thanks for any suggestions alternatives javascript jquery google chrome same origin policy share improve this question I think I've figured it out. All I really..
JQuery to check for duplicate ids in a DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/482763/jquery-to-check-for-duplicate-ids-in-a-dom forget type utility that'll just warn me when I do something careless. Yes i'd be using this only during testing and alternatives such as firebug plugins are welcome too. jquery dom share improve this question The following will log a warning to..
Jqgrid headers on two or more rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4896420/jqgrid-headers-on-two-or-more-rows put on two or more rows header content of a Jqgrid. I saw the example provided by Zac on jqgrid double headers under alternatives but by changing only the css I get no change on the grid. Is it possible to have a more complete example in order to reproduce..
Onchange open URL via select - jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5150363/onchange-open-url-via-select-jquery url redirect return false script . Remarks The question specifies jQuery already. So I'm keeping other alternatives out of this. Please note that in recent versions of jQuery 1.7 you may even want to replace bind with on . http gurustop.net..
jQuery Tools Alternatives? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5561409/jquery-tools-alternatives but to look for individual jQuery plugins equivalent to that of jQuery Tools. I'm looking for suggestions on the best alternatives for jQuery Tools Tabs Toolbox.History jQuery Tools Overlay Toolbox.Expose jQuery Tools Tooltip jQuery Tools Validator Thanks...
Javascript/RegExp: Lookbehind Assertion is causing a “Invalid group” error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5973669/javascript-regexp-lookbehind-assertion-is-causing-a-invalid-group-error . Can anyone shed some light on why this regex group is causing this error Looks like a valid RegEx to me. I know of alternatives on how to get the segment I need so this is really just about helping me understand what's going on here rather than getting..
Placeholder attribute not supported in IE. Any suggestions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7765794/placeholder-attribute-not-supported-in-ie-any-suggestions github.com danbentley placeholder But it doesn't seem to work with IE... More specifically IE 8. Any other suggestions alternatives Should I forget about the placeholder attribute for now jquery html internet explorer html5 share improve this question..
How to get user timezone using jquery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8090549/how-to-get-user-timezone-using-jquery using JQuery. I think this is the easiest way to do it please someone correct me if I am wrong . I believe the other alternatives are using an AJAX command more complicated or cookies I think . After I got the values from the Java script code to the..
What is the best way to learn jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/836725/what-is-the-best-way-to-learn-jquery as opposed to a tutorial. Maybe a year ago it was the best reference tutorial but now there are a bunch of other alternatives. On the other hand I really enjoyed the book Javascript The Missing Manual because I felt it had better examples. Don't..
What is the new proper way to use a child selector with a context node in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8406642/what-is-the-new-proper-way-to-use-a-child-selector-with-a-context-node-in-jquery which traverses the immediate children of a context node As a bonus can anyone explain why this is depreciated All the alternatives everyone is giving seem amazingly ugly . Here are some things that don't work does not guarantee that '.child' is an immediate..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call make sense to use AJAX like this when you could just link them to the same content without issue. There are two alternatives that would allow you to prevent roundtrip page reloads Setup your AJAX calls to only request the .content portion of the..