jquery Programming Glossary: animating
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me elem is a jQuery object that points to some element we are animating. var queue elem.queue remove the last function from the animation..
How to solve/hack fading semi-transparent PNG bug in IE8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204457/how-to-solve-hack-fading-semi-transparent-png-bug-in-ie8 for an answer. A couple of days ago I had the same issue animating a div with a PNG image inside. I tried many solutions and the..
Move list item to top of unordered list using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1625960/move-list-item-to-top-of-unordered-list-using-jquery one up to the top by setting its position to relative and animating the top property. Similarly it calculates how much space was..
Call Scroll only when user scrolls, not when animate() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1659204/call-scroll-only-when-user-scrolls-not-when-animate possible. The screen will only stutter but will continue animating until it reaches the top. I want to stop the animation if the..
How can I execute multiple, simultaneous jquery effects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2344804/how-can-i-execute-multiple-simultaneous-jquery-effects can I execute multiple simultaneous jquery effects I am animating some error validation elements on a page. I want them to bounce..
JQuery UI Tabs Causing Screen to “Jump” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/243794/jquery-ui-tabs-causing-screen-to-jump jquery jquery ui share improve this question If you're animating your tab transitions ie. .tabs fx opacity 'toggle' then here's..
jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244758/jquery-animation-smooth-size-transition stopping the animation in its tracks rather than animating toward the natural size ... The easiest way to resolve this..
How do I “rebind” the click event after unbind('click')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2593195/how-do-i-rebind-the-click-event-after-unbindclick this question I would just add a check to see if it's animating first 'a.next' .click function if this .is animated do stuff..
Jquery counting elements by class what is the best way to implement this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2727303/jquery-counting-elements-by-class-what-is-the-best-way-to-implement-this have 2 or more elements returned by the filter call before animating this subset of items. .filter ' odd' .animate .end .promise..
Restart an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191922/restart-an-animated-gif-from-javascript-without-reloading-the-image only way I have discovered to ensure that the GIF starts animating from the first frame is to reload it each time it's shown. The..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily scrolling is that when you scroll while scrollTo is animating it gets really ugly Of course I could do a body .css overflow..
How do you animate the value for a jQuery UI progressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5047498/how-do-you-animate-the-value-for-a-jquery-ui-progressbar value percentDone 5000 function console.debug 'done animating' Note that if I update the scrollbar using the value method.. works fine but it jumps to that value instead of smoothly animating to it #progressbar1 .progressbar 'value' percentDone jquery..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate .animate I'm using the line below which is currently animating the opacity correctly but does this support CSS3 transforms..
JQuery draggable with ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6398854/jquery-draggable-with-ease be easily sorted out by saving the starting position and animating the object back when dragging stops. HTML div id draggable class..
How do I animate a background color to transparent in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/663568/how-do-i-animate-a-background-color-to-transparent-in-jquery for by using a separate element for the background and animating the opacity though. Example HTML body style background color..
animating addClass/removeClass with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7302824/animating-addclass-removeclass-with-jquery addClass removeClass with jquery I am using jQuery and jQuery.. when using animate however when doing so the styles I am animating have to be in the animation code and so are separate from my.. 3 does not work. I understand the reason for this When animating addClass and removeClass jQuery adds a temporary style to the..
How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811750/how-can-i-get-jquery-to-execute-animations-in-exact-parallel Accordion.prototype container_id '' options active_tab 0 animating false button_position 'below' duration 250 height 100 handle_class.. this.handle_class .mouseover function if self.animating return self.animate this Determines whether handles are above.. .filter .open if active_section.hasClass open return this.animating true figure out the state of the handles this.do_handle_logic..
Callback of .animate() gets called twice jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8790752/callback-of-animate-gets-called-twice-jquery jquery callback share improve this question You're animating two elements the html element and the body element hence getting.. #one #two .animate marginLeft 30em function display Done animating this.id function display msg p .html msg .appendTo document.body..
Can somebody explain jQuery queue to me? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1058158/can-somebody-explain-jquery-queue-to-me an array to the .queue function. Quick Examples lets assume elem is a jQuery object that points to some element we are animating. var queue elem.queue remove the last function from the animation queue. var lastFunc queue.pop insert it at the beginning..
How to solve/hack fading semi-transparent PNG bug in IE8? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204457/how-to-solve-hack-fading-semi-transparent-png-bug-in-ie8 this question Hey I don't know if you're still looking for an answer. A couple of days ago I had the same issue animating a div with a PNG image inside. I tried many solutions and the only one that worked fine is one I coded myself. The issue..
Move list item to top of unordered list using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1625960/move-list-item-to-top-of-unordered-list-using-jquery between the clicked LI and first LI and moves the clicked one up to the top by setting its position to relative and animating the top property. Similarly it calculates how much space was left behind by the clicked LI and moves all the previous ones..
Call Scroll only when user scrolls, not when animate() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1659204/call-scroll-only-when-user-scrolls-not-when-animate will want to scroll back down for example but this is not possible. The screen will only stutter but will continue animating until it reaches the top. I want to stop the animation if the user attempts to scroll therefore I wrote this code '#gototop'..
How can I execute multiple, simultaneous jquery effects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2344804/how-can-i-execute-multiple-simultaneous-jquery-effects can I execute multiple simultaneous jquery effects I am animating some error validation elements on a page. I want them to bounce and be highlighted but at the same time if possible. Here's..
JQuery UI Tabs Causing Screen to “Jump” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/243794/jquery-ui-tabs-causing-screen-to-jump example http 5bosses.com examples tabs sample_tabs.html jquery jquery ui share improve this question If you're animating your tab transitions ie. .tabs fx opacity 'toggle' then here's what's happening In most cases the jumping isn't caused by..
jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244758/jquery-animation-smooth-size-transition ending values and proceed to fix them as the final values effectively stopping the animation in its tracks rather than animating toward the natural size ... The easiest way to resolve this is to call stop before calling showHtml and passing true for..
How do I “rebind” the click event after unbind('click')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2593195/how-do-i-rebind-the-click-event-after-unbindclick
Jquery counting elements by class what is the best way to implement this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2727303/jquery-counting-elements-by-class-what-is-the-best-way-to-implement-this items.animate It might also be appropriate to check that we have 2 or more elements returned by the filter call before animating this subset of items. .filter ' odd' .animate .end .promise .then function items.addClass 'all done' share improve this..
Restart an animated GIF from JavaScript without reloading the image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3191922/restart-an-animated-gif-from-javascript-without-reloading-the-image from one animation to the next. The problem is the only way I have discovered to ensure that the GIF starts animating from the first frame is to reload it each time it's shown. The GIFs are 200KB or so each which is way too much bandwidth..
How to disable scrolling temporarily? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4770025/how-to-disable-scrolling-temporarily window element through Javascript The reason I'd like to disable scrolling is that when you scroll while scrollTo is animating it gets really ugly Of course I could do a body .css overflow hidden and then put it back to auto when the animation stops..
How do you animate the value for a jQuery UI progressbar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5047498/how-do-you-animate-the-value-for-a-jquery-ui-progressbar so far var progressbar #progressbar1 .widget progressbar.animate value percentDone 5000 function console.debug 'done animating' Note that if I update the scrollbar using the value method it works fine but it jumps to that value instead of smoothly.. that if I update the scrollbar using the value method it works fine but it jumps to that value instead of smoothly animating to it #progressbar1 .progressbar 'value' percentDone jquery jquery ui scrollbar jquery animate share improve this question..
Animate element transform rotate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5462275/animate-element-transform-rotate transform rotate How would I rotate an element with a jQuery's .animate I'm using the line below which is currently animating the opacity correctly but does this support CSS3 transforms element .animate opacity 0.25 MozTransform 'rotate ' amount..
JQuery draggable with ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6398854/jquery-draggable-with-ease manually the revert parameter can't be used but it can be easily sorted out by saving the starting position and animating the object back when dragging stops. HTML div id draggable class ui widget content p Revert the original p div CSS #draggable..
How do I animate a background color to transparent in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/663568/how-do-i-animate-a-background-color-to-transparent-in-jquery to it. You might be able to achieve the effect you're looking for by using a separate element for the background and animating the opacity though. Example HTML body style background color yellow by default see through to parent's background color..
animating addClass/removeClass with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7302824/animating-addclass-removeclass-with-jquery addClass removeClass with jquery I am using jQuery and jQuery ui and want to animate various attributes on various objects... the user mouses over it. I am able to get the behavior I want when using animate however when doing so the styles I am animating have to be in the animation code and so are separate from my style sheet. see example 1 An alternative is using addClass.. both property 1. and 2. of my original requirements however 3 does not work. I understand the reason for this When animating addClass and removeClass jQuery adds a temporary style to the element and then increments the appropriate values until they..
How can I get jquery to execute animations in exact parallel? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/811750/how-can-i-get-jquery-to-execute-animations-in-exact-parallel container_id options this.init container_id options .extend Accordion.prototype container_id '' options active_tab 0 animating false button_position 'below' duration 250 height 100 handle_class .handle section_class .section init function container_id.. Set up an event handler to animate each section this.container_id this.handle_class .mouseover function if self.animating return self.animate this Determines whether handles are above or below their associated section get_button_position.. handle.next var open_section handle.siblings .andSelf .filter .open if active_section.hasClass open return this.animating true figure out the state of the handles this.do_handle_logic handle Close the open section var arr new Array arr.push element..
Callback of .animate() gets called twice jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8790752/callback-of-animate-gets-called-twice-jquery how to find a workaround and especially why this is happening. jquery callback share improve this question You're animating two elements the html element and the body element hence getting two callbacks. Did you mean to start that with 'html body'.. elements separately. Here's a reduced example jQuery function #one #two .animate marginLeft 30em function display Done animating this.id function display msg p .html msg .appendTo document.body Live copy Note how we get two callbacks one for each element..