jquery Programming Glossary: animationoptions
Jquery Masonry Seamless Responsive Image Grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115037/jquery-masonry-seamless-responsive-image-grid itemSelector '.box' columnWidth function containerWidth return containerWidth n isAnimated true animationOptions duration 300 return init init CollManag.init It's getting there but at certain widths it's not filling all of..
How to bind a dynamic DIV to Jquery Masonry plugin? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3526077/how-to-bind-a-dynamic-div-to-jquery-masonry-plugin '#primary' .masonry return false '#primary' .masonry columnWidth 100 itemSelector '.box not .invis ' animate true animationOptions duration speed queue false The shuffling works fine after the first time the page loads but when the dynamic DIV's are..
jQuery Masonry from bottom up http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5206376/jquery-masonry-from-bottom-up undefined appendedContent undefined fromBottom false new option saveOptions true resizeable true animate false animationOptions Now you can just use the plugin like this '#masonry' .masonry fromBottom true Update I also forked the repository on github..
Responsive Masonry jQuery layout example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9047449/responsive-masonry-jquery-layout-example itemSelector '.ct coll item' columnWidth function containerWidth return containerWidth n isAnimated true animationOptions duration 400 ctCollContainer.colladjust ctCollContainer.find 'div.ct coll item multi' .collslider return init init..
Use Isotope with objects loaded in with XML and jQuery. Is this possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9657632/use-isotope-with-objects-loaded-in-with-xml-and-jquery-is-this-possible var container '#container' var checkboxes '#filters a' container.isotope itemSelector '.item' transformsEnabled false animationOptions duration 4000 easing 'easeInOutQuad' queue false complete complete function complete .get 'sites.xml' function d d .find..