jquery Programming Glossary: alternate
How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1167477/how-can-i-hide-the-jqgrid-completely-when-no-data-returned in jqGrid that there are not any data link included as alternate possible solution for others . I've tried doing a .hide inside..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload id uploadPreview div var url window.URL window.webkitURL alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image..
Is there an alias for 'this' in TypeScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12756423/is-there-an-alias-for-this-in-typescript forget to include the proxy call so I've come up with an alternate TypeScript based solution to this problem. Using the HasCallbacks..
Looking for a JQuery plug-in similar to Accordian, but that allows multiple sections open at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1628006/looking-for-a-jquery-plug-in-similar-to-accordian-but-that-allows-multiple-sect The documentation has the following to say and suggests an alternate approach with a code snippet see below . That is great and all..
jQuery + RGBA color animations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242368/jquery-rgba-color-animations 2s animation iteration count infinite animation direction alternate animation timing function ease in out DEMO http jsfiddle.net..
Parsing CSS in JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3326494/parsing-css-in-javascript-jquery in the value so it splits at that point too. Is there an alternate way to do this Here is the code parseCSS function css var rules..
jquery not working in wordpress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744348/jquery-not-working-in-wordpress blass2 style.css type text css media screen link rel alternate type application rss xml title RSS 2.0 href http simplespace.co.nz.. title RSS 2.0 href http simplespace.co.nz feed link rel alternate type text xml title RSS .92 href http simplespace.co.nz feed.. RSS .92 href http simplespace.co.nz feed rss link rel alternate type application atom xml title Atom 0.3 href http simplespace.co.nz..
Using JQuery and Prototype in the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451362/using-jquery-and-prototype-in-the-same-page file in another in the manner I've described Of course an alternate solution is simply to add the 2 lines of code above to jquery.js..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height it via .data then in the click handlers via .toggle to alternate we use that value or 30 every other click to .animate to. share..
how to resolve the C:\fakepath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4851595/how-to-resolve-the-c-fakepath is due to browser security issue then what should be the alternate way to do this javascript jquery html file upload share improve..
Jquery bind double click and single click separately http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330431/jquery-bind-double-click-and-single-click-separately KpCwN 4 . Thanks for the foundation John. I hope this alternate version is useful to others. var DELAY 700 clicks 0 timer null..
is it possible to set alternate row backcolor on a jqgrid Treegrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507094/is-it-possible-to-set-alternate-row-backcolor-on-a-jqgrid-treegrid it possible to set alternate row backcolor on a jqgrid Treegrid i am starting to play around..
Force Download an Image Using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6796974/force-download-an-image-using-javascript a a href http dummyimage.com 600x400 000 fff.png download alternate filename.png img src http dummyimage.com 150x100 000 fff.png..
Cross-origin Ajax requests don't work in Opera and IE9? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6947821/cross-origin-ajax-requests-dont-work-in-opera-and-ie9 IE9 using the XDomainRequest object so you need to use an alternate object to use it. Opera simply doesn't support it. If you need..
How do I animate a glowing effect on text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7061420/how-do-i-animate-a-glowing-effect-on-text is this .confirm_selection animation glow .5s infinite alternate @keyframes glow to text shadow 0 0 10px red Here's the fiddle..
Horizontal scroll - Mobile - swipe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7337110/horizontal-scroll-mobile-swipe triggered via swipe gesture Any advice or alternate versions gratefully received. Cheers Paul jquery mobile jquery..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker I have following code #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 jquery jquery ui datepicker .. init something like this #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst.. case '3' case '23' suffix 'rd' break default suffix 'th' #alternate .val #alternate .val suffix It adds the suffix to the alternate..
How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1167477/how-can-i-hide-the-jqgrid-completely-when-no-data-returned do the solution on this question How to display information in jqGrid that there are not any data link included as alternate possible solution for others . I've tried doing a .hide inside of both the function used when loading the data from a function..
How to Preview Image, get file size, image height and width before upload? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12570834/how-to-preview-image-get-file-size-image-height-and-width-before-upload images input type file id choose multiple multiple br div id uploadPreview div var url window.URL window.webkitURL alternate use function readImage file var reader new FileReader var image new Image reader.readAsDataURL file reader.onload function..
Is there an alias for 'this' in TypeScript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12756423/is-there-an-alias-for-this-in-typescript solution but I've personally found that developers offten forget to include the proxy call so I've come up with an alternate TypeScript based solution to this problem. Using the HasCallbacks class below all you need do is derive your class from..
Looking for a JQuery plug-in similar to Accordian, but that allows multiple sections open at once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1628006/looking-for-a-jquery-plug-in-similar-to-accordian-but-that-allows-multiple-sect allowing the user to keep multiple sections open at once. The documentation has the following to say and suggests an alternate approach with a code snippet see below . That is great and all and the code they provide basically works but I find myself..
jQuery + RGBA color animations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242368/jquery-rgba-color-animations animation rules. animation name color_up animation duration 2s animation iteration count infinite animation direction alternate animation timing function ease in out DEMO http jsfiddle.net 2Dbrj 3 Using jQuery jQuery now supports color animation with..
Parsing CSS in JavaScript / jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3326494/parsing-css-in-javascript-jquery using split ' ' to separate property value pairs. Here occurs in the value so it splits at that point too. Is there an alternate way to do this Here is the code parseCSS function css var rules css this.removeComments css var blocks css.split ' ' blocks.pop..
jquery not working in wordpress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3744348/jquery-not-working-in-wordpress link rel stylesheet href http simplespace.co.nz wp content themes blass2 style.css type text css media screen link rel alternate type application rss xml title RSS 2.0 href http simplespace.co.nz feed link rel alternate type text xml title RSS .92 href.. css media screen link rel alternate type application rss xml title RSS 2.0 href http simplespace.co.nz feed link rel alternate type text xml title RSS .92 href http simplespace.co.nz feed rss link rel alternate type application atom xml title Atom.. simplespace.co.nz feed link rel alternate type text xml title RSS .92 href http simplespace.co.nz feed rss link rel alternate type application atom xml title Atom 0.3 href http simplespace.co.nz feed atom link rel pingback href http simplespace.co.nz..
Using JQuery and Prototype in the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451362/using-jquery-and-prototype-in-the-same-page However I'm not sure if it's possible to include one JS file in another in the manner I've described Of course an alternate solution is simply to add the 2 lines of code above to jquery.js directly but if I do that I'll need to remember to do it..
jQuery animate height http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4603397/jquery-animate-height
how to resolve the C:\fakepath? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4851595/how-to-resolve-the-c-fakepath But I want full url . How to resolve this issue EDIT If This is due to browser security issue then what should be the alternate way to do this javascript jquery html file upload share improve this question Some browsers have a security feature..
Jquery bind double click and single click separately http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6330431/jquery-bind-double-click-and-single-click-separately to be a normal sensitivity. Here's the fiddle http jsfiddle.net KpCwN 4 . Thanks for the foundation John. I hope this alternate version is useful to others. var DELAY 700 clicks 0 timer null function a .on click function e clicks count clicks if clicks..
is it possible to set alternate row backcolor on a jqgrid Treegrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507094/is-it-possible-to-set-alternate-row-backcolor-on-a-jqgrid-treegrid it possible to set alternate row backcolor on a jqgrid Treegrid i am starting to play around with jqGrid Treegrid but i don't see anyway to set alternative..
Force Download an Image Using Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6796974/force-download-an-image-using-javascript
Cross-origin Ajax requests don't work in Opera and IE9? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6947821/cross-origin-ajax-requests-dont-work-in-opera-and-ie9 For Internet Explorer CORS is Supported somewhat in IE8 and IE9 using the XDomainRequest object so you need to use an alternate object to use it. Opera simply doesn't support it. If you need cross domain Ajax in Opera then use JSON P. share improve..
How do I animate a glowing effect on text? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7061420/how-do-i-animate-a-glowing-effect-on-text that all major browsers now support CSS animations all you need is this .confirm_selection animation glow .5s infinite alternate @keyframes glow to text shadow 0 0 10px red Here's the fiddle http jsfiddle.net dH6LS 689 Don't forget to include all the..
Horizontal scroll - Mobile - swipe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7337110/horizontal-scroll-mobile-swipe use a scrolling list similar to these examples http caroufredsel.frebsite.nl triggered via swipe gesture Any advice or alternate versions gratefully received. Cheers Paul jquery mobile jquery mobile swipe share improve this question I would suggest..
Adding “st, nd, rd, th” to jquery datepicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8199204/adding-st-nd-rd-th-to-jquery-datepicker format.. i.e. November 19th or December 2nd etc. Currently I have following code #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 jquery jquery ui datepicker share improve this question Since formatDate doesn't have.. it helps this time Add an onSelect function to datepicker init something like this #datepicker .datepicker altField #alternate altFormat DD MM d minDate 0 onSelect function dateText inst var suffix switch inst.selectedDay case '1' case '21' case.. '31' suffix 'st' break case '2' case '22' suffix 'nd' break case '3' case '23' suffix 'rd' break default suffix 'th' #alternate .val #alternate .val suffix It adds the suffix to the alternate field each time you select a date. share improve this..
Reload MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11070607/reload-mysql-data-inside-a-div-using-ajax 'No' No button button type button onclick update 2 'Yes' Yes button button type button onclick update 2 'No' No button Alternate HTML JS script type text javascript document .ready function #yes .click function update 'Yes' #no .click function update..
Can I use jquery to remove/negate css !important rule? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11890739/can-i-use-jquery-to-remove-negate-css-important-rule block important opacity 0 JS '.stubborn' .addClass 'hidden_block_el' .animate opacity 1 DEMO http jsfiddle.net jjWJT 1 Alternate approach inline '.stubborn' .attr 'style' 'display block important opacity 0 ' .animate opacity 1 DEMO http jsfiddle.net..
How to build simple jQuery image slider with sliding or opacity effect? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12608356/how-to-build-simple-jquery-image-slider-with-sliding-or-opacity-effect
Alternate row colors when you have rowspan http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432683/alternate-row-colors-when-you-have-rowspan row colors when you have rowspan I have this HTML table class altRowTable script type text javascript document .ready function..
jQuery $.animate() multiple elements but only fire callback once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8793246/jquery-animate-multiple-elements-but-only-fire-callback-once
Alternate row coloring in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979669/alternate-row-coloring-in-jquery row coloring in jquery I have a table with expand and collapse of rows with column sortable. Below is my code is there..