jquery Programming Glossary: anim
jQuery Examples ??Horizontal Accordion - Table instead of Un-ordered Lists - UPDATED http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1126489/jquery-examples-horizontal-accordion-table-instead-of-un-ordered-lists-upd true else Animates the last active column activeColumn .animate width minWidth queue false duration 600 Animates the.. false duration 600 Animates the table header this .animate width maxWidth queue false duration 600 activeColumn.. child ' index 1 ' ' this .addClass 'correct_text_spacing' .animate fontSize originalFontSize queue true duration 950 ..
Can jquery animations be chained programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12436701/can-jquery-animations-be-chained-programmatically jquery animations be chained programmatically I have this code jQuery '#flash'.. programmatically I have this code jQuery '#flash' .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity.. have this code jQuery '#flash' .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity..
Using a dynamic variable as object literal, jQuery animate function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13236473/using-a-dynamic-variable-as-object-literal-jquery-animate-function a dynamic variable as object literal jQuery animate function Originally I had targetWater.animate width 100.. jQuery animate function Originally I had targetWater.animate width 100 Now I want to dynamically use width or height var.. targetWater.hasClass 'x' width height targetWater.animate direction 100 But this doesn't work. I've tried direction.toString..
jQuery content rotator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14181109/jquery-content-rotator .length Number of elements var C 0 Counter var intv Auto anim. Interval if N 1 '#left #right' .hide hide buttons only 1 element.. 1 scroll to last one N 1 C N 1 Animation '#slider' .stop .animate left C W 1000 auto rotate function autoRotate intv setInterval..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. p div div class sections id projects p class.. link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar ul li a .click..
jQuery Dialog Box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366696/jquery-dialog-box non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. div a id showTerms href # Show Terms amp Conditions..
jquery animate background-position firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518834/jquery-animate-background-position-firefox animate background position firefox I got this background image.. #button_left var button_right #button_right var animation easeOutQuint var time 800 var jump 800 var action 0 button_left.. '39' left function left if action 0 action 1 image .animate backgroundPositionX ' ' jump 'px' duration time easing animation..
jQuery Examples ??Horizontal Accordion - Table instead of Un-ordered Lists - UPDATED http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1126489/jquery-examples-horizontal-accordion-table-instead-of-un-ordered-lists-upd Check for double click do nothing var doubleClicked true else Animates the last active column activeColumn .animate width minWidth queue false duration 600 Animates the table header this .animate width maxWidth queue false.. active column activeColumn .animate width minWidth queue false duration 600 Animates the table header this .animate width maxWidth queue false duration 600 activeColumn this Reset the table header CSS 'tr first child' .children.. .children .index this 'table.tbl tr' .each function ' nth child ' index 1 ' ' this .addClass 'correct_text_spacing' .animate fontSize originalFontSize queue true duration 950 script CSS style type text css .tbl table layout fixed border..
Can jquery animations be chained programmatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12436701/can-jquery-animations-be-chained-programmatically jquery animations be chained programmatically I have this code jQuery '#flash' .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate.. jquery animations be chained programmatically I have this code jQuery '#flash' .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity 0.35 200.. jquery animations be chained programmatically I have this code jQuery '#flash' .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 200 .animate opacity 0.35 200 .animate opacity 0 600 and..
Using a dynamic variable as object literal, jQuery animate function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13236473/using-a-dynamic-variable-as-object-literal-jquery-animate-function a dynamic variable as object literal jQuery animate function Originally I had targetWater.animate width 100 Now I want to dynamically use width or height var direction.. a dynamic variable as object literal jQuery animate function Originally I had targetWater.animate width 100 Now I want to dynamically use width or height var direction targetWater.hasClass 'x' width height targetWater.animate.. 100 Now I want to dynamically use width or height var direction targetWater.hasClass 'x' width height targetWater.animate direction 100 But this doesn't work. I've tried direction.toString and '' direction '' No joy with this either var anim..
jQuery content rotator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14181109/jquery-content-rotator .width Gallery Width var N '#slider .event' .length Number of elements var C 0 Counter var intv Auto anim. Interval if N 1 '#left #right' .hide hide buttons only 1 element '#slider' .width W N Set slider width '#left #right' .click.. if end reached else left was clicked C if C 1 IF C turns 1 scroll to last one N 1 C N 1 Animation '#slider' .stop .animate left C W 1000 auto rotate function autoRotate intv setInterval function '#right' .click 2000 pause time autoRotate start..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. p div div class sections id projects p class header Projects p p class info Projects p div div class.. that scrolls to # blah link function goToByScroll id Remove link from the ID id id.replace link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar ul li a .click function e Prevent a page reload when a link is pressed e.preventDefault..
jQuery Dialog Box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366696/jquery-dialog-box eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. div a id showTerms href # Show Terms amp Conditions a script type text javascript document .ready function..
jquery animate background-position firefox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5518834/jquery-animate-background-position-firefox animate background position firefox I got this background image slider thing working in chrome and safari but it doesnt do anything.. in firefox. any help function var image .main content var button_left #button_left var button_right #button_right var animation easeOutQuint var time 800 var jump 800 var action 0 button_left .click function right button_right .click function.. '37' right document .keydown function event if event.keyCode '39' left function left if action 0 action 1 image .animate backgroundPositionX ' ' jump 'px' duration time easing animation setTimeout anim time function right if action 0 action..