jquery Programming Glossary: ajaxsubmitbutton
Yii ajaxSubmitButton() with fields validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6348581/yii-ajaxsubmitbutton-with-fields-validation ajaxSubmitButton with fields validation I'm using Yii ajaxSubmitButton to submit a form. Besides I have set the 'enableAjaxValidation' parameter.. ajaxSubmitButton with fields validation I'm using Yii ajaxSubmitButton to submit a form. Besides I have set the 'enableAjaxValidation' parameter to true to validate the corresponding textboxes... clicked and if the model is validated perform a partial rendering in client side. If I override the 'success' event in ajaxSubmitButton I get the partial rendering but I can't maintain the model validation.. Any help EDIT Thanks for the reply The validateOnSubmit..