jquery Programming Glossary: alias
Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10371539/why-define-anonymous-function-and-pass-it-jquery-as-the-argument is executed. jQuery's DOMReady function This is an alias to jQuery's DOMReady function http api.jquery.com ready function..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do as argument and accepting as . What this does is making an alias to window.jQuery original jQuery Object and hence ensuring that..
start javascript code with $(function, etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12008843/start-javascript-code-with-function-etc about this in jQuery's documentation . function is just an alias to #1. Any code in here will wait for DOM ready see the docs.. understand what's going on in #3 above remember that is an alias to jQuery . However jQuery is not the only library that uses..
Why jQuery do this: jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1755080/why-jquery-do-this-jquery-fn-init-prototype-jquery-fn share improve this question The jQuery.fn is just an alias for jQuery.prototype. I suppose it is defined for aesthetic..
jQuery and MooTools Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2810399/jquery-and-mootools-conflict is to wrap the code with the following Disable the global alias completely jQuery.noConflict For jQuery scripts function set.. set a local variable only available in this block as an alias to jQuery ... here is your jQuery specific code ... jQuery For.. set a local variable only available in this block as an alias to Mootools document.id ... here is your Mootools specific code..
var self = this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/337878/var-self-this we do Assign it to some variable and use it through the alias var abc this we want to use this variable in embedded functions..
What does jQuery.fn mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083351/what-does-jquery-fn-mean this question In jQuery the fn property is just an alias to the prototype property. The jQuery identifier or is just.. an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create `fn` alias to `prototype` property foo.fn foo.prototype init function .....
jquery - Is $(document).ready necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643990/jquery-is-document-ready-necessary
jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5436327/jquery-deferreds-and-promises-then-vs-done doneCallback .fail failCallback As of 1.8 then is an alias for pipe and returns a new promise see here for more information.. jqXHR object returned by a call to ajax . They are simple aliases for done and fail respectively jqXHR.done jqXHR.success jqXHR.fail..
Replace “$”(dollar Sign) with “JQuery” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6746352/replace-dollar-sign-with-jquery name just as jQuery does. In jQuery's case is just an alias for jQuery so all functionality is available without using ... a call to .noConflict you can also create a totally new alias to use var myJqueryAlias jQuery.noConflict myJqueryAlias document..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict end of the jQuery.js file to globally disable the jQuery alias. jQuery.noConflict returns a reference to jQuery so it can be.. a reference to jQuery so it can be used to override the alias of the jQuery object. Maybe try changing it to script language..
how to break the .each function in underscore.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8779799/how-to-break-the-each-function-in-underscore-js
Why define anonymous function and pass it jQuery as the argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10371539/why-define-anonymous-function-and-pass-it-jquery-as-the-argument As soon as the function definition is complete the function is executed. jQuery's DOMReady function This is an alias to jQuery's DOMReady function http api.jquery.com ready function Backbone code in here jQuery's DOMReady function executes..
What does !function ($) { $(function(){ }) }(window.jQuery) do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10896749/what-does-function-function-window-jquery-do now. So they are passing window.jQuery into that function as argument and accepting as . What this does is making an alias to window.jQuery original jQuery Object and hence ensuring that the will always refer to the jQuery object inside that closure..
start javascript code with $(function, etc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12008843/start-javascript-code-with-function-etc ready so that you have access to the DOM. You can read more about this in jQuery's documentation . function is just an alias to #1. Any code in here will wait for DOM ready see the docs . function is equivalent to #1 and #2 only you get a clean.. to jQuery while #4 is just vanilla JavaScript. Note To understand what's going on in #3 above remember that is an alias to jQuery . However jQuery is not the only library that uses the variable. Since the might be overwritten by someone else..
Why jQuery do this: jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1755080/why-jquery-do-this-jquery-fn-init-prototype-jquery-fn aesthetic or there are some deep ideas javascript jquery share improve this question The jQuery.fn is just an alias for jQuery.prototype. I suppose it is defined for aesthetic and less typing reasons. So jQuery.fn.init.prototype jQuery.fn..
jQuery and MooTools Conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2810399/jquery-and-mootools-conflict you have jQuery specific code that is using the simplest way is to wrap the code with the following Disable the global alias completely jQuery.noConflict For jQuery scripts function set a local variable only available in this block as an alias to.. alias completely jQuery.noConflict For jQuery scripts function set a local variable only available in this block as an alias to jQuery ... here is your jQuery specific code ... jQuery For Mootols scripts function set a local variable only available.. jQuery specific code ... jQuery For Mootols scripts function set a local variable only available in this block as an alias to Mootools document.id ... here is your Mootools specific code ... document.id See the second example on noConflict documentation..
var self = this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/337878/var-self-this here too console.log this not what we wanted ... What can we do Assign it to some variable and use it through the alias var abc this we want to use this variable in embedded functions function xyz this is different here but we don't care console.log..
What does jQuery.fn mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4083351/what-does-jquery-fn-mean mean window.jQuery.fn.jquery javascript jquery share improve this question In jQuery the fn property is just an alias to the prototype property. The jQuery identifier or is just a constructor function and all instances created with it inherit.. operator if this instanceof foo return new foo arg store an argument for this example this.myArg arg .. create `fn` alias to `prototype` property foo.fn foo.prototype init function ... ... expose the library window.foo foo Extension foo.fn.myPlugin..
jquery - Is $(document).ready necessary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4643990/jquery-is-document-ready-necessary
jQuery deferreds and promises - .then() vs .done() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5436327/jquery-deferreds-and-promises-then-vs-done doneCallback failCallback was equivalent to promise.done doneCallback .fail failCallback As of 1.8 then is an alias for pipe and returns a new promise see here for more information on pipe . success and error are only available on the jqXHR.. on pipe . success and error are only available on the jqXHR object returned by a call to ajax . They are simple aliases for done and fail respectively jqXHR.done jqXHR.success jqXHR.fail jqXHR.error Also done is not limited to a single callback..
Replace “$”(dollar Sign) with “JQuery” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6746352/replace-dollar-sign-with-jquery jQuery . Many JavaScript libraries use as a function or variable name just as jQuery does. In jQuery's case is just an alias for jQuery so all functionality is available without using . If we need to use another JavaScript library alongside jQuery.. jQuery we can return control of back to the other library with a call to .noConflict you can also create a totally new alias to use var myJqueryAlias jQuery.noConflict myJqueryAlias document .ready function myJqueryAlias #insideTable tbody tr odd..
Weird Chrome prototype/jQuery conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833883/weird-chrome-prototype-jquery-conflict case jQuery is included last. noConflict can be called at the end of the jQuery.js file to globally disable the jQuery alias. jQuery.noConflict returns a reference to jQuery so it can be used to override the alias of the jQuery object. Maybe try.. globally disable the jQuery alias. jQuery.noConflict returns a reference to jQuery so it can be used to override the alias of the jQuery object. Maybe try changing it to script language javascript type text javascript src jquery 1.3.2.js script..
how to break the .each function in underscore.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8779799/how-to-break-the-each-function-in-underscore-js