jquery Programming Glossary: align
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css auto #sectors h1 font size 2em font weight bold text align center #sectors div float left position relative width 180px.. position absolute width 100 bottom 0 font weight bold text align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery display none margin top 15px position absolute text align left width 394px z index 50 padding 25px 25px 20px label display..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery border none style head body table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40.. text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id numReturn size.. input type text id numReturn size 40 readonly td tr tr td align center colspan 4 input type button value Get Number id getNum..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service size 10 name 'Directed By' index 'Director' width 250 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Release Date'.. size 10 name 'Release Date' index 'ReleaseDate' width 100 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'IMDB Rating'.. 10 name 'IMDB Rating' index 'IMDBUserRating' width 100 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Plot' index..
Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5010761/linking-from-a-column-value-in-jqgrid-to-a-new-page-using-get 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl 'job.php' width 50 align 'center' But what this results in is a redirection to job.php.. 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl '#' width 50 align 'center' loadComplete function var myGrid #home_list var ids..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align center font weight bold font size 100 color white padding 10px.. 0px 10px 0px background color #8E1609 #message span text align center width 95 float left .close notify white space nowrap..
jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757232/jquery-ui-dialog-with-asp-net-button-postback '#dialog' .dialog 'open' My div div id dialog style text align left display none asp Button ID btnButton runat server Text..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready yes it's been taken straight from here function VERTICALLY ALIGN FUNCTION .fn.vAlign function return this.each function i var..
how to add and remove css class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170878/how-to-add-and-remove-css-class height 26px color #FFFFFF BACKGROUND COLOR #6af VERTICAL ALIGN middle TEXT ALIGN center PADDING TOP 6px I want to remove default.. #FFFFFF BACKGROUND COLOR #6af VERTICAL ALIGN middle TEXT ALIGN center PADDING TOP 6px I want to remove default class and new..
Why would jquery return 0 for an offsetHeight when firebug says it's 34? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636474/why-would-jquery-return-0-for-an-offsetheight-when-firebug-says-its-34 style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px HEIGHT 94px TEXT ALIGN center DIV DIV class Foreground id ForegroundId style MARGIN.. ForegroundId style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px TEXT ALIGN center DIV id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation1 style.. IMG style DISPLAY block VERTICAL ALIGN bottom CURSOR pointer height 17 src ... width 16 IMG style..
What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10711730/whats-the-difference-in-the-not-selector-between-jquery-and-css #ffd margin 1.5em border 4px dashed #000 padding 16px overflow auto #sectors h1 font size 2em font weight bold text align center #sectors div float left position relative width 180px height 240px margin 16px 0 0 16px border style solid border.. solid border width 2px #sectors div after display block position absolute width 100 bottom 0 font weight bold text align center text transform capitalize background color rgba 255 255 255 0.8 border top 2px solid content attr id ' ' attr class..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery background color #FFFFFF border 1px solid #999999 cursor default display none margin top 15px position absolute text align left width 394px z index 50 padding 25px 25px 20px label display block margin bottom 3px padding left 15px text indent 15px..
AJAX request callback using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17973386/ajax-request-callback-using-jquery jquery 1.9.1 jquery.min.js script style type text css td border none style head body table width 800 border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned.. border 1 tr td align center Number To Send br input type text id numSend size 40 style border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id numReturn size 40 readonly td tr tr td align center colspan 4 input type button.. border 2px solid black td td align center Number Returned br input type text id numReturn size 40 readonly td tr tr td align center colspan 4 input type button value Get Number id getNum td tr table script document .ready function '#getNum' .click..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service 'Movie Name' index 'Name' width 250 editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Directed By' index 'Director' width 250 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Release Date' index 'ReleaseDate' width 100 align 'right' editable true.. width 250 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Release Date' index 'ReleaseDate' width 100 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'IMDB Rating' index 'IMDBUserRating' width 100 align 'right' editable true.. width 100 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'IMDB Rating' index 'IMDBUserRating' width 100 align 'right' editable true editoptions size 10 name 'Plot' index 'Plot' width 150 hidden false editable true editoptions size..
Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5010761/linking-from-a-column-value-in-jqgrid-to-a-new-page-using-get name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl 'job.php' width 50 align 'center' But what this results in is a redirection to job.php job_id row_id I did some searching and found a post by the.. JS name 'job_id' index 'job_id' edittype 'select' formatter 'showlink' formatoptions baseLinkUrl '#' width 50 align 'center' loadComplete function var myGrid #home_list var ids myGrid.getDataIDs for var i 0 idCount ids.length i idCount..
How to show popup message like in stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/659199/how-to-show-popup-message-like-in-stackoverflow applied #message font family Arial Helvetica sans serif position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 z index 105 text align center font weight bold font size 100 color white padding 10px 0px 10px 0px background color #8E1609 #message span text.. font weight bold font size 100 color white padding 10px 0px 10px 0px background color #8E1609 #message span text align center width 95 float left .close notify white space nowrap float right margin right 10px color #fff text decoration none..
jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757232/jquery-ui-dialog-with-asp-net-button-postback .dialog 'option' 'position' e.pageX 10 e.pageY 10 jQuery '#dialog' .dialog 'open' My div div id dialog style text align left display none asp Button ID btnButton runat server Text Button onclick btnButton_Click div But the btnButton_Click is..
Is $(document).ready() also CSS ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1324568/is-document-ready-also-css-ready a link . Also here's the script that's causing the issue yes it's been taken straight from here function VERTICALLY ALIGN FUNCTION .fn.vAlign function return this.each function i var ah this .height var ph this .parent .height var mh ph ah 2..
how to add and remove css class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2170878/how-to-add-and-remove-css-class id messageContainer This is my css class #messageContainer height 26px color #FFFFFF BACKGROUND COLOR #6af VERTICAL ALIGN middle TEXT ALIGN center PADDING TOP 6px I want to remove default class and new css class Please help jquery share improve.. This is my css class #messageContainer height 26px color #FFFFFF BACKGROUND COLOR #6af VERTICAL ALIGN middle TEXT ALIGN center PADDING TOP 6px I want to remove default class and new css class Please help jquery share improve this question..
Why would jquery return 0 for an offsetHeight when firebug says it's 34? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/636474/why-would-jquery-return-0-for-an-offsetheight-when-firebug-says-its-34 absolute TOP 67px DIV class TransparentBg id TransparentDiv style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px HEIGHT 94px TEXT ALIGN center DIV DIV class Foreground id ForegroundId style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px TEXT ALIGN center DIV id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation1.. HEIGHT 94px TEXT ALIGN center DIV DIV class Foreground id ForegroundId style MARGIN TOP 10px MARGIN RIGHT 10px TEXT ALIGN center DIV id ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_Navigation1 style WIDTH 52px COLOR black HEIGHT 52px BACKGROUND COLOR transparent.. name ctl00_BodyContentPlaceHolder_UserControl IMG style DISPLAY block VERTICAL ALIGN bottom CURSOR pointer height 17 src ... width 16 IMG style VERTICAL ALIGN top CURSOR pointer height 17 src ... width 16..