jquery Programming Glossary: ajaxform
Submit button needs to be clicked twice to submit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10170321/submit-button-needs-to-be-clicked-twice-to-submit-form .validate submitHandler function form '#bulkeditshowForm' .ajaxForm target identifies the element s to update with the server response.. to the submit variable set when the form is submitted. ajaxForm does it but I need to click the submit button twice. ajaxSubmit.. .validate submitHandler function form '#bulkeditshowForm' .ajaxForm target identifies the element s to update with the server response..
Can JQuery.Validate plugin prevent submission of an Ajax form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/137872/can-jquery-validate-plugin-prevent-submission-of-an-ajax-form var options target '#detailsView' '#searchForm' .ajaxForm options '#searchForm' .validate rules username required true.. for use with the beforeSubmit event when initializing the ajaxForm var options beforeSubmit function return '#searchForm' .validate..
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1673656/how-to-use-ajax-jquery-in-spring-web-mvc sojoView For issuing the ajax request you can use jquery ajaxForm module. Assuming you have a form with id selectDomainForm you.. dataType 'json' 'selectDomainForm' .ajaxForm options You can google up the documentation for the ajaxForm.. options You can google up the documentation for the ajaxForm module in order to learn how to post instead of get and to send..
X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1846675/x-requested-with-header-not-set-in-jquery-ajaxform-plugin Requested With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin I'm using the jQuery ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax.. not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin I'm using the jQuery ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler.. hidden input field . AFAIK you can just pass such data to ajaxForms plugin in the options object '#myForm1' .ajaxForm data X_REQUESTED_WITH..
jQuery AJAX submit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1960240/jquery-ajax-submit-form submit share improve this question You can use the ajaxForm ajaxSubmit functions from Ajax Form Plugin or the jQuery serialize.. or the jQuery serialize function. AjaxForm #theForm .ajaxForm url 'server.php' type 'post' or #theForm .ajaxSubmit url 'server.php'.. or #theForm .ajaxSubmit url 'server.php' type 'post' ajaxForm will send when the submit button is pressed. ajaxSubmit sends..
jQuery ajaxForm returning .json file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2755802/jquery-ajaxform-returning-json-file ajaxForm returning .json file I've got a model creation form in rails.. JSON through ajax. My code so far look like '#new_stem' .ajaxForm #new_stem is my form dataType 'json' success formSuccess function..
jquery.form and cross-domain requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5066213/jquery-form-and-cross-domain-requests method post jquery.form is configured with an ajaxForm call document .ready function '#contact' .ajaxForm success function.. with an ajaxForm call document .ready function '#contact' .ajaxForm success function '#success' .fadeIn slow error function '#error'.. out the information coming from the error '#contact' .ajaxForm success function '#success' .fadeIn slow error function jqXHR..
Ajax - How refresh <DIV> after submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/868890/ajax-how-refresh-div-after-submit application releases a submit I'm use JQuery with plugin ajaxForm. I set my target with divResult but the page repeat your content..
Open Fancybox (or equiv) from Form input type=“submit” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969522/open-fancybox-or-equiv-from-form-input-type-submit call to .fancybox . document .ready function #myForm .ajaxForm success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response This is the javascript part function '#uploadForm' .ajaxForm beforeSubmit function a f o o.dataType '#uploadResponseType'.. Chrome and Firefox but not in IE9 function '#uploadForm' .ajaxForm dataType xml beforeSubmit function a f o o.dataType '#uploadResponseType'.. the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property if the ajaxForm method was passed an Options Object with the dataType property..
Submit button needs to be clicked twice to submit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10170321/submit-button-needs-to-be-clicked-twice-to-submit-form ajaxSubmit this criteria is never set. #bulkeditshowForm .validate submitHandler function form '#bulkeditshowForm' .ajaxForm target identifies the element s to update with the server response target '#bulkeditResult' beforeSubmit function success.. also submit the 'submit' button value through the form I need to the submit variable set when the form is submitted. ajaxForm does it but I need to click the submit button twice. ajaxSubmit is the solution but it doesn't set the submit variable itself... submitButtonValue #submitButtonId .val #bulkeditshowForm .validate submitHandler function form '#bulkeditshowForm' .ajaxForm target identifies the element s to update with the server response target '#bulkeditResult' add submit button value to..
Can JQuery.Validate plugin prevent submission of an Ajax form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/137872/can-jquery-validate-plugin-prevent-submission-of-an-ajax-form value Search form div id detailsView div script type text javascript var options target '#detailsView' '#searchForm' .ajaxForm options '#searchForm' .validate rules username required true messages username required Username is a required field. script.. improve this question You need to add a callback function for use with the beforeSubmit event when initializing the ajaxForm var options beforeSubmit function return '#searchForm' .validate .form target '#detailsView' Now it knows to check the..
How to use Ajax JQuery in Spring Web MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1673656/how-to-use-ajax-jquery-in-spring-web-mvc users domain.getUsers model.addAttribute users users return sojoView For issuing the ajax request you can use jquery ajaxForm module. Assuming you have a form with id selectDomainForm you need js that looks something like this function selectDomainSuccessHandler.. code var options success selectDomainSuccessHandler error selectDomainErrorHandler dataType 'json' 'selectDomainForm' .ajaxForm options You can google up the documentation for the ajaxForm module in order to learn how to post instead of get and to.. dataType 'json' 'selectDomainForm' .ajaxForm options You can google up the documentation for the ajaxForm module in order to learn how to post instead of get and to send grab only certain fields and send them to a URL that is..
X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1846675/x-requested-with-header-not-set-in-jquery-ajaxform-plugin Requested With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin I'm using the jQuery ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler detects ajax.. Requested With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin I'm using the jQuery ajaxForms plugin to make an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler detects ajax requests by looking at the X Requested.. Actually you don't need to do this yourself appending a hidden input field . AFAIK you can just pass such data to ajaxForms plugin in the options object '#myForm1' .ajaxForm data X_REQUESTED_WITH XMLHttpRequest Should automagically in the hidden..
jQuery AJAX submit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1960240/jquery-ajax-submit-form would just send ALL the form inputs Thanks jquery ajax forms submit share improve this question You can use the ajaxForm ajaxSubmit functions from Ajax Form Plugin or the jQuery serialize function. AjaxForm #theForm .ajaxForm url 'server.php'.. can use the ajaxForm ajaxSubmit functions from Ajax Form Plugin or the jQuery serialize function. AjaxForm #theForm .ajaxForm url 'server.php' type 'post' or #theForm .ajaxSubmit url 'server.php' type 'post' ajaxForm will send when the submit button.. AjaxForm #theForm .ajaxForm url 'server.php' type 'post' or #theForm .ajaxSubmit url 'server.php' type 'post' ajaxForm will send when the submit button is pressed. ajaxSubmit sends immediately. Serialize .get 'server.php ' '#theForm' .serialize..
jQuery ajaxForm returning .json file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2755802/jquery-ajaxform-returning-json-file ajaxForm returning .json file I've got a model creation form in rails which I also have returning JSON through ajax. My code so.. a model creation form in rails which I also have returning JSON through ajax. My code so far look like '#new_stem' .ajaxForm #new_stem is my form dataType 'json' success formSuccess function formSuccess stemObj does stuff with stemObj And I have..
jquery.form and cross-domain requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5066213/jquery-form-and-cross-domain-requests and the method is POST form id contact action http contact.mysite.com method post jquery.form is configured with an ajaxForm call document .ready function '#contact' .ajaxForm success function '#success' .fadeIn slow error function '#error' .fadeIn.. contact.mysite.com method post jquery.form is configured with an ajaxForm call document .ready function '#contact' .ajaxForm success function '#success' .fadeIn slow error function '#error' .fadeIn slow The first problem I encountered was with.. problem comes from jquery.form or jquery itself. I tried logging out the information coming from the error '#contact' .ajaxForm success function '#success' .fadeIn slow error function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown console.log jqXHR.status console.log..
Ajax - How refresh <DIV> after submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/868890/ajax-how-refresh-div-after-submit submit How can I refresh just part of the page DIV after my application releases a submit I'm use JQuery with plugin ajaxForm. I set my target with divResult but the page repeat your content inside the divResult . Sources script document .ready..
Open Fancybox (or equiv) from Form input type=“submit” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969522/open-fancybox-or-equiv-from-form-input-type-submit callback to load the response into a fancybox using a manual call to .fancybox . document .ready function #myForm .ajaxForm success function responseText .fancybox 'content' responseText So instead of attaching fancybox to some artificial..
IE9 refuses to process XML response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9746515/ie9-refuses-to-process-xml-response I don't expect great news . It works great in Chrome and Firefox. This is the javascript part function '#uploadForm' .ajaxForm beforeSubmit function a f o o.dataType '#uploadResponseType' 0 .value '#uploadOutput' .html 'Submitting...' complete function.. with IE9 . UPDATE Another way to fetch XML which works in Chrome and Firefox but not in IE9 function '#uploadForm' .ajaxForm dataType xml beforeSubmit function a f o o.dataType '#uploadResponseType' 0 .value '#uploadOutput' .html 'Submitting...'.. html responses the first argument to the success callback is the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property if the ajaxForm method was passed an Options Object with the dataType property set to 'xml' then the first argument to the success callback..