jquery Programming Glossary: ajax.microsoft.com
Programatically set the marker on a plot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10415683/programatically-set-the-marker-on-a-plot javascript src js jquery.jqplot.1.0.0r1095 dist excanvas.min.js script endif jQuery runtime minified script src http ajax.microsoft.com ajax jquery jquery 1.7.1.min.js type text javascript script style type text css ul.tooltip list style type none padding..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1447184/microsoft-cdn-for-jquery-or-google-cdn Simply because it's used more it's been around longer ajax.googleapis.com is likely to be returned by DNS sooner than ajax.microsoft.com simply because the local DNS server was more likely to get a request for it this is a first user in the area penalty . This..
How soon will jQuery(document).ready be called? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2397534/how-soon-will-jquerydocument-ready-be-called TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head title Test title script src http ajax.microsoft.com ajax jQuery jquery 1.4.2.js charset utf 8 type text javascript script head body script type text javascript CDATA alert..
Prevent ASP.net __doPostback() from jQuery submit() within UpdatePanel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2424327/prevent-asp-net-dopostback-from-jquery-submit-within-updatepanel xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml head runat server title title script src http ajax.microsoft.com ajax jQuery jquery 1.4.2.js charset utf 8 type text javascript script head body form id form1 runat server asp ScriptManager..
Is there a link to the “latest” jQuery library on Google APIs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441412/is-there-a-link-to-the-latest-jquery-library-on-google-apis Google hosted http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.9.1 jquery.min.js Version 1.9.1 family Google hosted http ajax.microsoft.com ajax jQuery jquery 1.9.1.min.js Version 1.9.1 Microsoft hosted For example script src http code.jquery.com jquery latest.min.js..
MVC3: make checkbox required via jQuery validate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4934032/mvc3-make-checkbox-required-via-jquery-validate text javascript src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.4 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript src ajax.microsoft.com ajax jQuery.Validate 1.7 jQuery.Validate.js script script type text javascript src ajax.aspnetcdn.com ajax mvc 3.0 jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js..