jquery Programming Glossary: ajaxerror
How can I pass windows authentication to webservice using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002179/how-can-i-pass-windows-authentication-to-webservice-using-jquery false error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown ajaxError XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown success function xml.. error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown ajaxError XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown success function xml..
jQuery ajax:error runs even if the response is OK 200 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10839771/jquery-ajaxerror-runs-even-if-the-response-is-ok-200 event data status xhr alert 'test' '#new_invitation' .bind ajaxError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'error' console.log..
jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1844370/jquery-handle-fallback-for-failed-ajax-request will need to either use the lower level .ajax call or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the .ajax method function update .ajax..
Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7436195/disabling-some-jquery-global-ajax-event-handlers-for-a-request global Ajax event handlers defined ajaxStart ajaxStop and ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for one request I want to.. fine with that but for one request I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still run the ajaxStart and ajaxStop handlers as.. to only disable some global handlers. I can prevent the ajaxError handler by doing a test on the url property of the ajaxSettings..
Ajax upload plugin throwing jQuery.handleError not found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8627201/ajax-upload-plugin-throwing-jquery-handleerror-not-found s.global s.context jQuery s.context jQuery.event .trigger ajaxError xhr s e and it works fine for me. Also if you try to use any..
How to handle error In $.get() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2175756/how-to-handle-error-in-get .ready like this document .ready function .ajaxSetup error AjaxError .get HTMLPage.htm GetSuccess function AjaxError x e if x.status.. error AjaxError .get HTMLPage.htm GetSuccess function AjaxError x e if x.status 0 alert ' Check Your Network.' else if x.status..
Jquery form plugin file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2302344/jquery-form-plugin-file-upload beforeSend ShowRequest success SubmitSuccesfull error AjaxError #fileUploadForm .ajaxSubmit options return false . I have.. beforeSubmit ShowRequest success SubmitSuccesful error AjaxError function ShowRequest formData jqForm options var queryString.. n nAbout to submit n n' queryString return true function AjaxError alert An AJAX error occured. function SubmitSuccesful responseText..
Getting properties from JsonResult on the JS side inside jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8249479/getting-properties-from-jsonresult-on-the-js-side-inside-jquery-ajax return filterContext.Result AjaxError filterContext.Exception.Message filterContext Let the system.. filterContext.ExceptionHandled true protected JsonResult AjaxError string message ExceptionContext filterContext If message is..
How can I pass windows authentication to webservice using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1002179/how-can-i-pass-windows-authentication-to-webservice-using-jquery dataType xml data ParamId FormId.value processData false error function XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown ajaxError XMLHttpRequest textStatus errorThrown success function xml DoSomething xml Now I want to wrap https mysite.com myservice.asmx..
jQuery ajax:error runs even if the response is OK 200 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10839771/jquery-ajaxerror-runs-even-if-the-response-is-ok-200 these changes '#new_invitation' .bind ajaxSuccess function event data status xhr alert 'test' '#new_invitation' .bind ajaxError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'error' console.log jqXHR.responseText console.log textStatus.responseText console.log..
jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1844370/jquery-handle-fallback-for-failed-ajax-request ajax json callback wait share improve this question You will need to either use the lower level .ajax call or the ajaxError function. Here it is with the .ajax method function update .ajax type 'GET' dataType 'json' url url timeout 5000 success..
Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7436195/disabling-some-jquery-global-ajax-event-handlers-for-a-request Ajax event handlers for a request Suppose that I have some global Ajax event handlers defined ajaxStart ajaxStop and ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for one request I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still run the ajaxStart and.. defined ajaxStart ajaxStop and ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for one request I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still run the ajaxStart and ajaxStop handlers as usual. The jQuery ajax function documentation mentions the.. all global Ajax event handlers but they don't mention any way to only disable some global handlers. I can prevent the ajaxError handler by doing a test on the url property of the ajaxSettings object that is passed to the ajaxError function but that..
Ajax upload plugin throwing jQuery.handleError not found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8627201/ajax-upload-plugin-throwing-jquery-handleerror-not-found s.context window xhr status e Fire the global callback if s.global s.context jQuery s.context jQuery.event .trigger ajaxError xhr s e and it works fine for me. Also if you try to use any ajaxSubmit on same page it will wont work so i use normal..
How to handle error In $.get() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2175756/how-to-handle-error-in-get You could define your functions outside of the document .ready like this document .ready function .ajaxSetup error AjaxError .get HTMLPage.htm GetSuccess function AjaxError x e if x.status 0 alert ' Check Your Network.' else if x.status 404 alert.. document .ready like this document .ready function .ajaxSetup error AjaxError .get HTMLPage.htm GetSuccess function AjaxError x e if x.status 0 alert ' Check Your Network.' else if x.status 404 alert 'Requested URL not found.' else if x.status 500..
Jquery form plugin file upload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2302344/jquery-form-plugin-file-upload .ajaxForm function UploadFile var options url Default.aspx beforeSend ShowRequest success SubmitSuccesfull error AjaxError #fileUploadForm .ajaxSubmit options return false . I have another test form it has only a textbox in it and it works.. type text javascript function '#fileUploadForm' .ajaxForm beforeSubmit ShowRequest success SubmitSuccesful error AjaxError function ShowRequest formData jqForm options var queryString .param formData alert 'BeforeSend method n nAbout to.. var queryString .param formData alert 'BeforeSend method n nAbout to submit n n' queryString return true function AjaxError alert An AJAX error occured. function SubmitSuccesful responseText statusText alert SuccesMethod n n responseText script..
Getting properties from JsonResult on the JS side inside jquery ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8249479/getting-properties-from-jsonresult-on-the-js-side-inside-jquery-ajax ExceptionContext filterContext if filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest return filterContext.Result AjaxError filterContext.Exception.Message filterContext Let the system know that the exception has been handled filterContext.ExceptionHandled.. Let the system know that the exception has been handled filterContext.ExceptionHandled true protected JsonResult AjaxError string message ExceptionContext filterContext If message is null or empty then fill with generic message if String.IsNullOrEmpty..