jquery Programming Glossary: ajaxstart
How do you escape parentheses in jquery selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1155213/how-do-you-escape-parentheses-in-jquery-selector
How to call .ajaxStart() on specific ajax calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191485/how-to-call-ajaxstart-on-specific-ajax-calls to call .ajaxStart on specific ajax calls I have some ajax calls on the document.. hide a progress bar depending on the ajax status document .ajaxStart function '#ajaxProgress' .show document .ajaxStop function.. chaining them but apparently that is no good. .getJSON .ajaxStart function 'kill preloader' jquery ajax progress bar preloader..
How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430438/how-to-call-jquery-ajaxstart-ajaxcomplete to call jquery ajaxStart ajaxComplete I have a load function and would like for the.. to display the page. I saw some little writeups on the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete events however I am not sure how to implement.. to implement within the code I have currently p document .ajaxStart function '#content' .html Loading Content... Here is the current..
Suppress jQuery event handling temporarily http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1809275/suppress-jquery-event-handling-temporarily plugin to block UI during Ajax access. This is done with .ajaxStart .blockUI .ajaxStop .unblockUI as proposed by BlockUI. However.. Ajax access is special so I need a different message. The ajaxStart and ajaxStop events interfere with the message code nothing.. .unblockUI return .unbind 'ajaxStop' .unblockUI .unbind 'ajaxStart' .blockUI #message_text .html text .blockUI message #message..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation next part is actually really simple body body document .on ajaxStart function body.addClass loading ajaxStop function body.removeClass.. attaching some events to the body element anytime the ajaxStart or ajaxStop events are fired. When an ajax event starts we add..
How to make GIF rotate when the tree is loading in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2275371/how-to-make-gif-rotate-when-the-tree-is-loading-in-javascript while the service is loading. Since I use ajaxStop and ajaxStart trigger the gif stops rotating after ajax request has completed..
jQuery.active function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148225/jquery-active-function the library it seems to be there exclusively to support .ajaxStart and .ajaxStop which I'll explain further but they only care.. happens if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the number.. jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the number of connections just went from 0 to..
Wait until all jquery ajax request are done? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/wait-until-all-jquery-ajax-request-are-done syntax and avoids involving any global variables such as ajaxStart and ajaxStop which could have unwanted side effects as your..
jquery ajaxStart not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4034252/jquery-ajaxstart-not-working ajaxStart not working If you click on the click here to order button.. from where it is in the source code '#cboxLoadingGraphic' .ajaxStart function this .show '#cboxLoadedContent' .hide .ajaxStop function.. just bind the handler to document from the start document .ajaxStart function '#cboxLoadingGraphic' .show '#cboxLoadedContent' .hide..
How would I use jquery ajaxstart and ajaxstop with $.post? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4251379/how-would-i-use-jquery-ajaxstart-and-ajaxstop-with-post post ajaxstart share improve this question #loading .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide EDIT #mail.. res res .insertBefore .grey See http api.jquery.com ajaxStart http api.jquery.com ajaxStop http docs.jquery.com Ajax_Events..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery of ways. My preferred way is to attach a function to the ajaxStart Stop events on the element itself. '#loadingDiv' .hide hide.. the element itself. '#loadingDiv' .hide hide it initially .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide The ajaxStart.. function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide The ajaxStart Stop functions will fire whenever you do any ajax calls. Update..
Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7436195/disabling-some-jquery-global-ajax-event-handlers-for-a-request that I have some global Ajax event handlers defined ajaxStart ajaxStop and ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for.. I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still run the ajaxStart and ajaxStop handlers as usual. The jQuery ajax function documentation..
With jQuery, how can I implement a “page loading” animation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750358/with-jquery-how-can-i-implement-a-page-loading-animation ' whatever.php' function '#wait' .hide return false B Use ajaxStart and ajaxComplete '#wait' .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxComplete.. return false B Use ajaxStart and ajaxComplete '#wait' .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxComplete function this .hide Using..
How can I change handleError? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7866199/how-can-i-change-handleerror requests if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart var requestDone false Create the request object var xml if..
How do you escape parentheses in jquery selector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1155213/how-do-you-escape-parentheses-in-jquery-selector
How to call .ajaxStart() on specific ajax calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191485/how-to-call-ajaxstart-on-specific-ajax-calls to call .ajaxStart on specific ajax calls I have some ajax calls on the document of a site that display or hide a progress bar depending on.. some ajax calls on the document of a site that display or hide a progress bar depending on the ajax status document .ajaxStart function '#ajaxProgress' .show document .ajaxStop function '#ajaxProgress' .hide I would like to basically overwirte these.. or insert them in other .getJSON and .ajax calls. I have tried chaining them but apparently that is no good. .getJSON .ajaxStart function 'kill preloader' jquery ajax progress bar preloader share improve this question You can bind the ajaxStart..
How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1430438/how-to-call-jquery-ajaxstart-ajaxcomplete to call jquery ajaxStart ajaxComplete I have a load function and would like for the code to write some html into a div while it loads and when it.. write some html into a div while it loads and when it completes to display the page. I saw some little writeups on the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete events however I am not sure how to implement them. Here is the jquery I am thinking of using however not.. is the jquery I am thinking of using however not sure how to implement within the code I have currently p document .ajaxStart function '#content' .html Loading Content... Here is the current jquery I am using Load content .load .click function #content..
Suppress jQuery event handling temporarily http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1809275/suppress-jquery-event-handling-temporarily Why do I want to suppress events temporarily I use BlockUI plugin to block UI during Ajax access. This is done with .ajaxStart .blockUI .ajaxStop .unblockUI as proposed by BlockUI. However one Ajax access is special so I need a different message... .ajaxStop .unblockUI as proposed by BlockUI. However one Ajax access is special so I need a different message. The ajaxStart and ajaxStop events interfere with the message code nothing is shown function message text callback if text undefined .unblockUI.. is shown function message text callback if text undefined .unblockUI return .unbind 'ajaxStop' .unblockUI .unbind 'ajaxStart' .blockUI #message_text .html text .blockUI message #message #message_ok .click function .bind 'ajaxStop' .unblockUI .bind..
jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1964839/jquery-please-wait-loading-animation block And finally the jQuery Alright on to the jQuery. This next part is actually really simple body body document .on ajaxStart function body.addClass loading ajaxStop function body.removeClass loading That's it We're attaching some events to the.. ajaxStop function body.removeClass loading That's it We're attaching some events to the body element anytime the ajaxStart or ajaxStop events are fired. When an ajax event starts we add the loading class to the body. and when events are done we..
How to make GIF rotate when the tree is loading in Javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2275371/how-to-make-gif-rotate-when-the-tree-is-loading-in-javascript populating the tree...I have a gif rotating image that rotates while the service is loading. Since I use ajaxStop and ajaxStart trigger the gif stops rotating after ajax request has completed which is correct. However because the loading takes a split..
jQuery.active function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148225/jquery-active-function of jQuery.data goes . I'm guessing here by actual usage in the library it seems to be there exclusively to support .ajaxStart and .ajaxStop which I'll explain further but they only care if it's 0 or not when a request starts or stops. But since there's.. currently going on. When jQuery starts an AJAX request this happens if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the number of connections just went from 0 to 1 jQuery.active isn't 0 after.. starts an AJAX request this happens if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart This is what causes the .ajaxStart event to fire the number of connections just went from 0 to 1 jQuery.active isn't 0 after this one and 0 true this means..
Wait until all jquery ajax request are done? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3709597/wait-until-all-jquery-ajax-request-are-done ... In my opinion it makes for a clean and clear syntax and avoids involving any global variables such as ajaxStart and ajaxStop which could have unwanted side effects as your page develops. If you don't know in advance how many ajax arguments..
jquery ajaxStart not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4034252/jquery-ajaxstart-not-working ajaxStart not working If you click on the click here to order button here http www.game onglove.com gog test3.html and then click.. or firefox then it works properly. It just won't work from where it is in the source code '#cboxLoadingGraphic' .ajaxStart function this .show '#cboxLoadedContent' .hide .ajaxStop function this .hide '#cboxLoadedContent' .fadeIn 'slow' Why will.. later you have to bind after it's created or a bit simpler just bind the handler to document from the start document .ajaxStart function '#cboxLoadingGraphic' .show '#cboxLoadedContent' .hide .ajaxStop function '#cboxLoadingGraphic' .hide '#cboxLoadedContent'..
How would I use jquery ajaxstart and ajaxstop with $.post? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4251379/how-would-i-use-jquery-ajaxstart-and-ajaxstop-with-post function res res .insertBefore .grey 'html' jquery post ajaxstart share improve this question #loading .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide EDIT #mail change input type submit .click function event #loading .show.. #loading .show complete function #loading .hide success function res res .insertBefore .grey See http api.jquery.com ajaxStart http api.jquery.com ajaxStop http docs.jquery.com Ajax_Events http api.jquery.com category ajax global ajax event handlers..
How to show loading spinner in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68485/how-to-show-loading-spinner-in-jquery share improve this question there's a couple of ways. My preferred way is to attach a function to the ajaxStart Stop events on the element itself. '#loadingDiv' .hide hide it initially .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function.. way is to attach a function to the ajaxStart Stop events on the element itself. '#loadingDiv' .hide hide it initially .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide The ajaxStart Stop functions will fire whenever you do any ajax calls... itself. '#loadingDiv' .hide hide it initially .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxStop function this .hide The ajaxStart Stop functions will fire whenever you do any ajax calls. Update As of jQuery 1.8 the documentation states that .ajaxStart..
Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7436195/disabling-some-jquery-global-ajax-event-handlers-for-a-request some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request Suppose that I have some global Ajax event handlers defined ajaxStart ajaxStop and ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for one request I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still.. ajaxError . Usually I am fine with that but for one request I want to disable the ajaxError handler but still run the ajaxStart and ajaxStop handlers as usual. The jQuery ajax function documentation mentions the global parameter that can be set to..
With jQuery, how can I implement a “page loading” animation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/750358/with-jquery-how-can-i-implement-a-page-loading-animation hide the image '#form' .submit function '#wait' .show .post ' whatever.php' function '#wait' .hide return false B Use ajaxStart and ajaxComplete '#wait' .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxComplete function this .hide Using this the element will show.. '#wait' .show .post ' whatever.php' function '#wait' .hide return false B Use ajaxStart and ajaxComplete '#wait' .ajaxStart function this .show .ajaxComplete function this .hide Using this the element will show hide for any request. Could be good..
How can I change handleError? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7866199/how-can-i-change-handleerror id var formId 'jUploadForm' id Watch for a new set of requests if s.global jQuery.active jQuery.event.trigger ajaxStart var requestDone false Create the request object var xml if s.global jQuery.event.trigger ajaxSend xml s Wait for a response..