

javascript Programming Glossary: xmlhttp.responsetext

How to call a JavaScript function from PHP?


4 document.getElementById txt .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText and wait.php php echo script loadxml script where loadxml calls..

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?


if xmlhttp.readyState 4 var topicId xmlhttp.responseText setTimeout postinsql topicId 4000 function postinsql topicId..

Javascript and AJAX, only works when using alert()


function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 var response xmlhttp.responseText if response Return values var newValue response.split available..

Getting a sticky header to “push up”, like in Instagram's iPhone app using CSS and jQuery


Understanding XMLHttpRequest over CORS (responseText)


function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 alert xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET http www.bla.com index.php true xmlhttp.send..

PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code


4 xmlhttp.status 200 console.log Response Received xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET PHP fileDownloadStatus.php true xmlhttp.send.. 4 xmlhttp.status 200 console.log Response Received xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET PHP fileDownloadStatus.php true xmlhttp.send..

Making an AJAX request to another server


200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET http www.google.com true xmlhttp.send What..

Load jQuery in a js, then execute a script that depends on it


Msxml2.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.open 'GET' url false x.send '' eval xmlhttp.responseText var s xmlhttp.responseText.split n var r ^function s a z_ i.. 'GET' url false x.send '' eval xmlhttp.responseText var s xmlhttp.responseText.split n var r ^function s a z_ i for var i 0 i s.length i var..

JavaScript detect an AJAX event


200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET test.txt true xmlhttp.send And then I have..

Handling images from XMLHttpRequest (with HTML and Javascript)


200 document.getElementById 'results' .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText else dump Error loading page n javascript html xml image..

Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js


xmlhttp.open GET server.js true xmlhttp.send string xmlhttp.responseText This should send the request to server.js var http require 'http'.. function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 xmlhttp.status 200 string xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.send You will need to be comfortable with AJAX. Use..

How to avoid echoing character 65279 in php? (This question also relates to Javascript xmlhttp.responseText (ajax))


65279 in php This question also relates to Javascript xmlhttp.responseText ajax I have encountered a similar problem described here and.. and in other places where as on an ajax callback I get a xmlhttp.responseText that seems ok when I alert it it shows the right text but when.. again. I did a charCodeAt 0 for the returned string in xmlhttp.responseText. And it returned 65279 . Googling it reveals that it is some..

How to make an ajax call without jquery?


200 document.getElementById myDiv .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText xmlhttp.open GET ajax_info.txt true xmlhttp.send script With..

javascript - pass selected value from popup window to parent window input box


200 document.getElementById txtHint userNumber .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText var responseText xmlhttp.responseText var description responseText.. .innerHTML xmlhttp.responseText var responseText xmlhttp.responseText var description responseText var warehouse var sellingUnits..

How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser?


4 xmlHttp.status 200 clearTimeout xmlHttpTimeout alert xmlHttp.responseText Now that we're ready to handle the response we can make the..

Internet Explorer 7 Ajax links only load once


4 document.getElementById page .innerHTML xmlHttp.responseText return false Any help would be appreciated. javascript ajax..

send arrays of data from php to javascript


' name John ' alert obj.name John updatepage xmlHttp.responseText xmlHttp.send 'jphp.php' function updatepage str document.write..

Updating a MySql database using PHP via an onClick javascript function


complete document.getElementById txtHint .innerHTML xmlHttp.responseText function GetXmlHttpObject var xmlHttp null try Firefox Opera..

Javascript AJAX function not working in IE?


4 document.getElementById 'message' .innerHTML xmlHttp.responseText document.getElementById 'message' .style.display '' var url.. on this line document.getElementById 'message' .innerHTML xmlHttp.responseText with an Unknown Runtime Error . Can anyone help Edit The code..

Get value from AJAX using Javascript and ASP


4 this puts the value into an alert alert Value read is xmlHttp.responseText xmlHttp.open GET ajax_file.asp value1 _data true xmlHttp.send..

get values on server-side sent with xmlHttp.open(GET [duplicate]


4 this puts the value into an alert alert Value read is xmlHttp.responseText xmlHttp.open GET ajax_file.asp value1 _data true xmlHttp.send..

how to get cookies from a different domain with php and javascript


if xmlHttp.readyState 4 if xmlHttp.status 200 var reply xmlHttp.responseText if reply alert reply else alert xmlHttp.status in the..