javascript Programming Glossary: xfbml
Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same) issue FB.init appId '1234567890' status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl ' channel.html' The channel.html..
Update FB:Like URL Dynamically using JavaScript any help would be appreciated. thx.. javascript facebook xfbml share improve this question It works for me for XFBML tag..
facebook javascript sdk fb_xd_fragment? enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML channelUrl 'http channel.html'.. root' .appendChild e script Make sure to add a comma after xfbml true if it was your last line. I'm not familiar with Javascript..
How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize function var e document.createElement.. enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize runFbInitCriticalCode.. enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize fbApiInit true init..
Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully? function FB.init appId ' ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload.. enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML Additional initialization code here Load the.. enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML isLoaded true Additional initialization code..
Facebook JS affecting CSS/@font-face in IE? http en_US all.js#appId APP_ID amp xfbml 1 script seems to affect my site's CSS in IE. eg. say headers.. root div script src http en_US all.js#xfbml 1 script fb like href http send false..
Facebook: Get user's Facebook UID with Javascript enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML Next check if there is a session open i.e...
Retrieve Access Token Using Javascript API FB.init appId 'insert your appID value here' cookie true xfbml true status true FB.getLoginStatus function response if response.authResponse..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? script FB.init appId 'YOUR APP ID' status true cookie true xfbml true script div id container_notlike YOU DONT LIKE div div id..
FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() error in console server to access the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setSize width 520 height 1710 FB.Canvas.setAutoResize.. server to access the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML All your canvas and getLogin stuff here Load..
Having issue with Firefox 8 for Mac: is undefined server to access the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML startLoad Load the SDK Asynchronously function..
XD_Proxy popup won't close [closed] this config item facebook_app_id ' status true cookie true xfbml true oauth true FB.UIServer.setLoadedNode function a b FB.UIServer._loadedNodes..
Posting comment to Facebook from JavaScript appId . drupal_to_js appid . status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl . drupal_to_js channel_url . FB.Event.subscribe.. appId . drupal_to_js appid . status true cookie true xfbml true channelUrl . drupal_to_js channel_url . FB.Event.subscribe..
FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect(''account/logout') will not redirect, even with proper session type text javascript function initFB FB_RequireFeatures XFBML function FB.init xxxx xd_receiver.htm script My logout link..
Update FB:Like URL Dynamically using JavaScript xfbml share improve this question It works for me for XFBML tag as well without using FB iframe and even works with multiple.. FB like calls for AJAX You just need to wrap the entire XFBML code in JS jQuery and parse it as shown below '#like' .html.. segoe ui colorscheme light ' if typeof FB 'undefined' FB.XFBML.parse document.getElementById 'like' HTML code span id like..
facebook javascript sdk fb_xd_fragment? to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML channelUrl 'http channel.html' custom channel..
Facebook 'Like' buttons and # URL strings? likely placing like buttons on the page with this code XFBML fb like show_faces false width 450 fb like Instead you should.. on articles#story4 the code should look like XFBML fb like href articles story 4 show_faces false width..
How to detect when facebook's FB.init is complete to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize function var e document.createElement.. to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize runFbInitCriticalCode function that.. to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setAutoResize fbApiInit true init flag function fbEnsureInit..
Facebook Javascript SDK Problem: “FB is not defined” to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML script In the Javascript console I get Uncaught ReferenceError..
Is there a way to detect if the Facebook Javascript SDK loaded successfully? to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML Additional initialization code here Load the SDK Asynchronously.. to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML isLoaded true Additional initialization code here function checkIfLoaded..
Facebook: Get user's Facebook UID with Javascript to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML Next check if there is a session open i.e. the user is logged..
How to get User info using JS SDK after they login with Facebook to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML channelURL 'http channel.html' channel.html.. to allow the server to access the session xfbml true parse XFBML channelURL 'http channel.html' channel.html..
FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init() error in console the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML FB.Canvas.setSize width 520 height 1710 FB.Canvas.setAutoResize.. the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML All your canvas and getLogin stuff here Load the SDK Asynchronously..
Having issue with Firefox 8 for Mac: is undefined the session oauth true enable OAuth 2.0 xfbml true parse XFBML startLoad Load the SDK Asynchronously function d var js id..
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access a frame when using secure browsing on Facebook allow the server to access the session xfbml false Parse XFBML Additional initialization code here FB.Canvas.setSize height.. allow the server to access the session xfbml false Parse XFBML Additional initialization code here FB.Canvas.setSize height..