javascript Programming Glossary: xhr
How do I load binary image data using Javascript and XMLHttpRequest?
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures based on an ajax request function changeSeason e var xhr sendVal targetID e e window.event IE... targetID this.selectedIndex .innerHTML.trim .substring 0 1 xhr prepareAjax false function t return function reusableCallback.apply.. this t document.getElementById targetID ' index ajax' xhr data newSelect sendVal function reusableCallback elem if this.readyState..
How does the $resource `get` function work synchronously in AngularJS? Then at some indeterminate point later on when the xhr is successful the callback function is called. Then the tutorial.. scope.twitterResult scope.twitter.get I assume that the xhr underneath get must be asynchronous yet in this line we are.. it. I understand that get can return something while the xhr underneath it goes off and processes asynchronously but if you..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? of the file in bytes. A basic example using raw XHR var xhr new XMLHttpRequest 'HEAD' 'img test.jpg' true xhr.onreadystatechange.. A basic example using raw XHR var xhr new XMLHttpRequest 'HEAD' 'img test.jpg' true xhr.onreadystatechange function.. xhr new XMLHttpRequest 'HEAD' 'img test.jpg' true xhr.onreadystatechange function if xhr.readyState 4 if xhr.status..
Jquery success function not firing using JSONP function data textStatus alert 'success...' error function xhr ajaxOptions thrownError alert 'failed....' javascript jquery..
Check if Internet Connection Exists with Javascript? hostReachable Handle IE and more capable browsers var xhr new window.ActiveXObject XMLHttpRequest Microsoft.XMLHTTP var.. to the root hostname with a random param to bust the cache HEAD window.location.hostname rand Math.floor 1 Math.random.. 0x10000 false Issue request and handle response try xhr.send return xhr.status 200 xhr.status 300 xhr.status 304 catch..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery been sent already this method will abort the request. var xhr .ajax type POST url some.php data name John location Boston.. function msg alert Data Saved msg kill the request xhr.abort UPDATE As of jQuery 1.5 the returned object is a wrapper..
'onload' handler for 'script' tag in internet explorer this.readyState complete done true jQuery.handleSuccess s xhr status data jQuery.handleComplete s xhr status data Handle memory.. s xhr status data jQuery.handleComplete s xhr status data Handle memory leak in IE script.onload script.onreadystatechange..
How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery? in my other question . This is how it works example var xhr new XMLHttpRequest fd new FormData fd.append 'file' input.files.. fd new FormData fd.append 'file' input.files 0 'POST' 'http script.php' true xhr.onreadystatechange.. 0 'POST' 'http script.php' true xhr.onreadystatechange handler xhr.send fd where input is a input..
How to upload a file using jQuery.ajax and FormData var fd new FormData fd.append fileToUpload blobFile var xhr new XMLHttpRequest POST upload.php true xhr.send fd.. fd.append fileToUpload blobFile var xhr new XMLHttpRequest POST upload.php true xhr.send fd Here is my unsuccessful.. var xhr new XMLHttpRequest POST upload.php true xhr.send fd Here is my unsuccessful jQuery.ajax attempt function..
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript ... to the downloadUrl and fetch the file using XHR or by forwarding the user to the URL. Uploading file content..
What exactly can cause an “HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3”-Error?
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? the size of the file in bytes. A basic example using raw XHR var xhr new XMLHttpRequest 'HEAD' 'img test.jpg' true..
How does AJAX work? server thereby avoiding page reloads. The XMLHttpRequest XHR object is usually used but sometimes an IFrame object or a dynamically..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? can determine that the connection is lost by making failed XHR requests . The standard approach is to retry the request a few..
how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE? do I access XHR responseBody for binary data from Javascript in IE I've got.. Yes the answer I came up with for reading binary data via XHR in IE is to use VBScript injection. This was distasteful to.. just one more browser dependent bit of code. The regular XHR and responseText works fine in other browsers you may have to..
Check if Internet Connection Exists with Javascript? may not work as expected or at all. Alternatively an XHR request to your own server isn't that bad of a method for testing.. state that there are too many points of failure for an XHR but if your XHR is flawed when establishing it's connection.. are too many points of failure for an XHR but if your XHR is flawed when establishing it's connection than it'd also be..
Why do people put code like “throw 1; <dont be evil>” and “for(;;);” in front of json responses? [duplicate] would have to use a script tag to get the data because XHR won't work cross domain. Even without the for how would the..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access Control Allow Origin which if you..
How can jQuery deferred be used? getData val return either the cached value or an jqXHR object which contains a promise return cache val .ajax ' foo.. response which may or may not have been retreived using an XHR request. Basically if the value has already been requested once..
Access denied to jQuery script on IE IE requires you to use XDomainRequest instead of XHR for cross site you can try something like... if .browser.msie..
Chrome: timeouts/interval suspended in background tabs? like for example checking periodically on a server using XHR calls and setInterval I suspect to see the same behavior for..
How does the paste image from clipboard functionality work in Gmail and Google Chrome 12+? readAsBinaryString or you could probably put it into an XHR using FormData I haven't tested this yet . share improve this..
How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery? This interface enables appending File objects to XHR requests Ajax requests . Btw this is a new feature in the past..
Can scrapy be used to scrape dynamic content from websites that are using AJAX? the picture you can see that I've filtered request down to XHR these are requests made by javascript code. Tip log is cleared..