javascript Programming Glossary: xmlhttp
How to call a JavaScript function from PHP? external xyz.js . This wait calls wait.php. function wait xmlhttp GetXmlHttpObject var url wait.php xmlhttp.onreadystatechange.. function wait xmlhttp GetXmlHttpObject var url wait.php xmlhttp.onreadystatechange statechanged GET url true xmlhttp.send.. var url wait.php xmlhttp.onreadystatechange statechanged GET url true xmlhttp.send null function statechanged if..
Simplest SOAP example using Javascript Test title script type text javascript function soap var xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest 'POST' 'https javascript function soap var xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest 'POST' 'https ' true build SOAP request.. some_api_call ' ' soapenv Body ' ' soapenv Envelope ' xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 if xmlhttp.status..
Javascript and AJAX, only works when using alert() work. Thanks for the help. function httpRequest var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari.. code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject code for IE6.. else if window.ActiveXObject code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else alert Your browser..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code console.log Calling startDownloadMonitoring ... var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari.. code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject.. Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript false xmlDoc.load file catch e try Google Chrome var xmlhttp new window.XMLHttpRequest GET file false xmlhttp.send.. try Google Chrome var xmlhttp new window.XMLHttpRequest GET file false xmlhttp.send null xmlDoc xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement.. new window.XMLHttpRequest GET file false xmlhttp.send null xmlDoc xmlhttp.responseXML.documentElement catch..
Javascript: How to filter object array based on attributes? num_of_beds 4 num_of_baths 2.5 ... more homes ... var xmlhttp eval ' ' json ' ' homes What I would like to do.. ... more homes ... var xmlhttp eval ' ' json ' ' homes What I would like to do is be able to perform a filter..
JavaScript detect an AJAX event code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject.. Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange.. for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 xmlhttp.status..
XMLHttpRequest status 0 (responseText is empty) with XMLHttpRequest status 0 and responseText is empty xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest GET http XML.. 0 and responseText is empty xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest GET http XML cd_catalog.xml true xmlhttp.onreadystatechange.. GET http XML cd_catalog.xml true xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlhttp.readyState 4 alert status..
Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js displayGuessStr displayGuessCnt function server xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest GET server.js true xmlhttp.send.. displayGuessCnt function server xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest GET server.js true xmlhttp.send string xmlhttp.responseText.. xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest GET server.js true xmlhttp.send string xmlhttp.responseText This should send the request..
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background? insight into this can anyone shed some light javascript xmlhttp share improve this question Below the covers javascript..
How to make an ajax call without jquery? script type text javascript function loadXMLDoc var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari.. code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject.. Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange..
How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser? in XMLHttpRequest object assume a modern browser here var xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest Assumes native object GET http.. here var xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest Assumes native object GET http false xmlHttp.send var statusCode.. native object GET http false xmlHttp.send var statusCode xmlHttp.status Process it and I'd love to..
How to use JSONP to overcome XSS issue? use this technique function sendPost url postdata callback xmlHttp GetXmlHttpObject if xmlHttp null alert Browser does not support.. sendPost url postdata callback xmlHttp GetXmlHttpObject if xmlHttp null alert Browser does not support HTTP Request return xmlHttp.onreadystatechange.. null alert Browser does not support HTTP Request return xmlHttp.onreadystatechange callback POST url true xmlHttp.send..
send arrays of data from php to javascript script language javascript function postRequest strURL var xmlHttp if window.XMLHttpRequest For Mozilla Safari ... var xmlHttp.. if window.XMLHttpRequest For Mozilla Safari ... var xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject For Internet.. else if window.ActiveXObject For Internet Explorer var xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP 'GET' 'jphp.php'..
Javascript AJAX function not working in IE? in IE I have this code function render_message id var xmlHttp xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest xmlHttp.onreadystatechange function.. I have this code function render_message id var xmlHttp xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest xmlHttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlHttp.readyState.. render_message id var xmlHttp xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest xmlHttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlHttp.readyState 4 document.getElementById..
Get value from AJAX using Javascript and ASP do i do with javascript script function ajaxNow _data var xmlHttp try Firefox Opera 8.0 Safari xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest catch.. ajaxNow _data var xmlHttp try Firefox Opera 8.0 Safari xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest catch e newer IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject.. 8.0 Safari xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest catch e newer IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e older IE try xmlHttp..
get values on server-side sent with [duplicate] values on server side sent with GET duplicate I am using this Ajax code. But I dont know.. do i do with javascript script function ajaxNow _data var xmlHttp try Firefox Opera 8.0 Safari xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest catch.. ajaxNow _data var xmlHttp try Firefox Opera 8.0 Safari xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest catch e newer IE try xmlHttp new ActiveXObject..
how to get cookies from a different domain with php and javascript javascript and ajax. But it is not working.I have got xmlHttp.status 0. sample code in the second domain readcookie.php file.. sample code in the second domain readcookie.php file var xmlHttp function createXMLHttpRequest if window.ActiveXObject xmlHttp.. function createXMLHttpRequest if window.ActiveXObject xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP if window.XMLHttpRequest..
typeof returning “unknown” in IE COM bridge. You may not know this or realize this but MS ™s XMLHTTP object is part of a different COM object that implements IUnknown..
Is there a reliable way to determine if a browser tab or window is inactive or not in focus? not in focus I've got a javascript timer that is making XMLHTTP requests on a constant basis once every 10 seconds . I'd love..
Javascript and AJAX, only works when using alert() code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else alert Your browser does not support XMLHTTP return xmlhttp.. Microsoft.XMLHTTP else alert Your browser does not support XMLHTTP return xmlhttp function validateRegForm reg var isValidForm..
Differentiating Between an AJAX Call / Browser Request libraries. At the lowest level given a XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP object you can set this header with the setRequestHeader method..
JavaScript Document.Write Replaces All Body Content When Using AJAX break catch e if http_request alert 'Cannot create XMLHTTP instance' return false http_request.onreadystatechange function..
Why are AJAX requests limited to same domain? files from external locations also servers making XMLHTTP requests seem to get and post to external locations fine. javascript..
javascript ajax request without framework else try return new ActiveXObject MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 catch ex return null function handler if oReq.readyState.. handler oReq.send else window.alert AJAX XMLHTTP not supported. I'm not suggesting the above exemplifies best..
Is it possible to use XMLHttpRequest across Domains code for IE try request new ActiveXObject 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP' catch e try request new ActiveXObject 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' catch.. catch e try request new ActiveXObject 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' catch E return 'Create XMLHTTP request IE' else code for.. ActiveXObject 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' catch E return 'Create XMLHTTP request IE' else code for Mozilla etc. request new XMLHttpRequest..