javascript Programming Glossary: xmlserializer
Convert String to XML Document in JavaScript str code for Mozilla Firefox Opera etc. else var str new XMLSerializer .serializeToString t alert str EDIT The .ajax manual says on..
How do I do OuterHTML in firefox? pure.js function outerHTML node return node.outerHTML new XMLSerializer .serializeToString node To use it the DOM way outerHTML document.getElementById.. works cross browsers EDIT WARNING There is a trouble with XMLSerializer it generates an XML XHTML string. Which means you can end up..
What is the best way to serialize SVG from the client DOM? SVG. Firefox Safari and Opera provide the non standard XMLSerializer API so you could do something like this var svg document.getElementById.. 'svg_root' or whatever you call it var serializer new XMLSerializer var str serializer.serializeToString svg From there you can..
Generate XML document in-memory with JavaScript null report null return new XMLSerializer .serializeToString report function createXmlDocument string..
HTML5 Type Detection and Plugin Initialization Why not just use var inputAttr this.outerHTML new XMLSerializer .serializeToString this Yes as you can see there is a caveat..
How do I serialize a DOM to XML text, using JavaScript, in a cross browser way? a simple way to do it in Firefox et al var xmlString new XMLSerializer .serializeToString doc from rosettacode But how does one do.. and Webkit based browsers Firefox Chrome Opera. return new XMLSerializer .serializeToString xmlNode catch e try Internet Explorer. return..
JavaScript: Replacement for XMLSerializer.serializeToString()? Replacement for XMLSerializer.serializeToString I'm developing a website using the Seam framework.. Sarissa.clearChildNodes oldnode oldnode.outerHTML new XMLSerializer .serializeToString newnode The last line the one with XMLSerializer.. .serializeToString newnode The last line the one with XMLSerializer is where the exception is occurring in IE. I was wondering if..
Accessing the SVG data through JavaScript drawing commands . Per this answer and this paper use the XMLSerializer interface to get the SVG back as markup use that directly as.. that to the canvas. Using my above example var svg_xml new XMLSerializer .serializeToString svg console.log svg_xml svg xmlns http
getElementsByClassName returns [] instead of asynchronous appended node do it this way var doc this.responseXML var markup new XMLSerializer .serializeToString doc.getElementsByTagName response 0 .getElementsByTagName..
Save svg image rendered by a javascript to local disk as .png file JavaScript to serialize the SVG content. var svgString new XMLSerializer .serializeToString svgElement Create a hidden iframe whose src..
xmlserializer strips xlink from xlink:html svg image tag svgDoc document.getElementById 'SVGMap' var serializer new XMLSerializer var xmlString serializer.serializeToString svgDoc.firstChild..