javascript Programming Glossary: xhr.overridemimetype
Embedding external SVG in HTML for JavaScript manipulation needed if your server delivers SVG with correct MIME type xhr.overrideMimeType image svg xml xhr.send document.getElementById svgContainer..
jQuery .getJSON Firefox 3 Syntax Error Undefined to kick that error .ajaxSetup 'beforeSend' function xhr if xhr.overrideMimeType xhr.overrideMimeType text plain Now the explanation In firefox.. 'beforeSend' function xhr if xhr.overrideMimeType xhr.overrideMimeType text plain Now the explanation In firefox 3 and I asume only..
overrideMimeType alternative for IE i couldnt find a solution. GET fullurl true if xhr.overrideMimeType xhr.overrideMimeType text html charset ISO 8859 1 xhr.send null.. GET fullurl true if xhr.overrideMimeType xhr.overrideMimeType text html charset ISO 8859 1 xhr.send null xhr.onreadystatechange.. solved your a happy man. this is no longer needed. if xhr.overrideMimeType xhr.overrideMimeType text html charset ISO 8859 1 php javascript..
Making a Chrome Extension download a file xmlhttprequest responseblob var xhr new XmlHttpRequest xhr.overrideMimeType application octet stream Or what ever mimeType you want. xhr.onreadystatechanged..
Retrieving binary file content using Javascript, base64 encode it and reverse-decode it using Python file var xhr new XMLHttpRequest GET file false xhr.overrideMimeType text plain charset x user defined xhr.send null return xhr.responseText.. file var xhr new XMLHttpRequest GET file false xhr.overrideMimeType text plain charset x user defined xhr.send null return xhr.responseText..