javascript Programming Glossary: xmlstring
Converting HTML string into DOM elements? this question You can use a DOMParser like so var xmlString div id 'foo' a href '#' Link a span span div parser new DOMParser.. span div parser new DOMParser doc parser.parseFromString xmlString text xml doc.firstChild div id foo ... doc.firstChild.firstChild..
How do I serialize a DOM to XML text, using JavaScript, in a cross browser way? is apparently a simple way to do it in Firefox et al var xmlString new XMLSerializer .serializeToString doc from rosettacode But..
JavaScript, JSONP and reading XML from cross-domain A can simply use it either by doing script function func xmlString alert xmlString you can parse the xmlString with jQuery or.. it either by doing script function func xmlString alert xmlString you can parse the xmlString with jQuery or something else script.. function func xmlString alert xmlString you can parse the xmlString with jQuery or something else script or if you use the second..
xmlserializer strips xlink from xlink:html svg image tag 'SVGMap' var serializer new XMLSerializer var xmlString serializer.serializeToString svgDoc.firstChild creating image..