javascript Programming Glossary: size
Calculate text width with Javascript especially supporting unicode and different type sizes and all browsers for that matter . Thanks for any ideas javascript.. with the following styles. In your JavaScript set the font size and attributes that you are trying to measure put your string.. of the DIV. It will stretch to fit the contents and the size will be within a few pixels of the string rendered size. HTML..
How to initialize javascript date to a particular timezone choose which zones you want to support making the data size much more palatable. There are five libraries for this that..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? binary search see below WebKit measure the preferred size of a div with webkit text size adjust none . WebKit broken since.. measure the preferred size of a div with webkit text size adjust none . WebKit broken since r72591 document.width jQuery..
JavaScript implementation of Gzip application that needs to store JSON data in a small fixed size server side cache via AJAX think Opensocial quotas . I do not.. do not have control over the server. I need to reduce the size of the stored data to stay within a server side quota and was..
Preloading images with jQuery out there that do this but they all seem a bit big in size I just need a quick easy and short way of preloading images..
How to remove the space between inline-block elements? The solution I had in my initial answer was to add font size 0 to the parent element and then declare a sensible font size.. 0 to the parent element and then declare a sensible font size on the children. http thirtydot dGHFV 1361 This.. July 2013 . Most of the possible issues with relative font sizes are not complicated to fix. However while this is a reasonable..
Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array) trying to do while causing the fewest bugs would be Object.size function obj var size 0 key for key in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty.. the fewest bugs would be Object.size function obj var size 0 key for key in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty key size return size.. var size 0 key for key in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty key size return size Get the size of an object var size Object.size myArray..
.prop() vs .attr() is an object with individual properties for each style the size property is a number. Where both a property and an attribute..
How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript? to get image size height width using JavaScript Are there any JavaScript or jQuery.. are DOM properties that show the current in browser size of the inner dimensions of a DOM element excluding margin and..
Javascript collection with examples HERE . A simple class definition function Size width height this.width width this.height height A simple size.. of it will create a new reference for every instance of Size. Adding methods to classes and why the closure pattern and other.. anti patterns are found. We can add a method to our Size class in two ways. Size.prototype.area function return this.width..
Optimized Algorithm to compare Templates of two URLs of any Shoes that contains Images in the left. Price and Size in the right. Reviews in the bottom. If two URLS are of any..
how validate file size using HTML and Javascript on client side var filesize document.forms 0 .file.files 0 .fileSize if there's a way to do this in IE I don't know it. It probably.. this here HOW TO DO THIS IN IE head script function getSize var myFSO new ActiveXObject Scripting.FileSystemObject var filepath..
Mercator longitude and latitude calculations to x and y on a cropped map (of the UK) use in Processing.js but could be used as js or anything Size of the map int width 538 int height 811 X and Y boundaries float..
Javascript incapable of getting element's max-height via of two or more words in camelCase e.g. maxHeight fontSize backgroundColor etc the standard way expects the properties.. name to css notation hypen separated words eg. font Size styleProp styleProp.replace A Z g 1 .toLowerCase return defaultView.getComputedStyle..
How to retrieve a style's value in javascript? of two or more words in camelCase e.g. maxHeight fontSize backgroundColor etc the standard way expects the properties.. name to css notation hypen separated words eg. font Size styleProp styleProp.replace A Z g 1 .toLowerCase return defaultView.getComputedStyle..
Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading jQuery Restricting File Size Before Uploading On PHP they have a way to restrict file size..
CORS not working on Chrome Control Allow Headers Content Type Depth User Agent X File Size X Requested With If Modified Since X File Name Cache Control..
How to know the size of the image to be uploaded with javascript? type content text html charset UTF 8 title Show File Size title style type 'text css' body font family sans serif style.. serif style script type 'text javascript' function showFileSize var input file if typeof window.FileReader 'function' write.. 0 write Please select a file before clicking 'Show Size' else file input.files 0 write The size of file '
Multiple Google Maps infowindow Add markers to the map Marker sizes are expressed as a Size of X Y where the origin of the image 0 0 is located in the top.. is 20 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. new google.maps.Size 14 26 The origin for this image is 0 0. new google.maps.Point..
Override jQuery functions possible to do something like this if console console.log Size of div div .size var oSize jQuery.fn.size jQuery.fn.size function.. this if console console.log Size of div div .size var oSize jQuery.fn.size jQuery.fn.size function alert this.length Now.. this.length Now go back to jQuery's original size return oSize this console.log Size of div div .size javascript jquery..
What are the current cookie limits in modern browsers? Count Per Domain 180 17 56 50.938 Guessing Max Cookie Size Per Cookie 4096 bytes 17 56 50.939 Guessing Max Cookie Size..
Capturing webpage as image in c#, ensuring javascript rendered elements are visible web private Timer tready private Rectangle screen private Size imgsize null an event that triggers when the html document is.. null web.Navigate url public void Create string url Size imgsz this.imgsize imgsz web.Navigate url void web_DocumentCompleted.. else imgRectangle new Rectangle Location new Point 0 0 Size imgsize.Value create a bitmap object Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap..
Jquery Change Height based on Browser Size/Resize Change Height based on Browser Size Resize I was wondering if there was a way to determine the..