javascript Programming Glossary: silverlight
Application developers wanting to start web development? http doc servlet essentials Other Silverlight http Moonlight http www.mono Moonlight..
Shim for FileReader() in IE 9 [closed]
What browsers support HTML5 WebSocket API? [closed] Firefox 6.0 prefixed MozWebSocket IE 9 via downloadable Silverlight extension HyBi 10 Chrome 14.0 15.0 Firefox 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0..
Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5 two technologies. And I lack any experience in Flash or Silverlight. I should also mention that my test environment is Firefox 3.5..
Silverlight Hosted in Winforms Hosted in Winforms I would like to host a silverlight control.. control is your best bet. To do this you'll need your Silverlight app on a webpage then you point your WebBrowser at the page's.. false Calling methods on your form from within Silverlight is easy enough to do. To start you need a class that has all..
Facebook gives “Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL” error in Chrome was working great yesterday in Chrome. The page integrates Silverlight ad Facebook via the JavaScript SDK. I can check basic login..
HTML5 Local Storage fallback solutions thing not really a fallback. I understand that Flash and Silverlight can be used for local storage as well but haven't found anything..
HTTP-Push (Comet/Reverse Ajax)using Silverlight to Javascript bridge? Push Comet Reverse Ajax using Silverlight to Javascript bridge Is it a good idea to use PollingDuplexHttpBinding.. Is it a good idea to use PollingDuplexHttpBinding with Silverlight in conjunction with the function RegisterScriptableObject to.. heard about paid options such as WebSync and PokeIn . Does Silverlight implement the the Bayeux protocol Should it javascript
How to make a browser to browser (peer to peer) connection? [closed] connection between clients can be made using plugins like Silverlight Java or Flash but i would require a solution without plugins..
uploading a file via ajax with php available which may not work in some situations. Using Silverlight instead of Flash although I wouldn't really consider this as..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] in .NET Framework they rely on components written for Silverlight or WP7 are most likely to be reusable with no or minimal changes..
Alternatives to JavaScript Java Applets to me. Or ActionScript in Flash. Or C# in Silverlight. What about some kind of IL standard That has more potential...
Image resize before upload You have several options Java ActiveX only on windows Silverlight Flash Flex Google Gears the most recent version is capable of..
Detect via javascript whether Silverlight is installed javascript function I can use to detect whether a specific silverlight version is installed in the current browser I'm particularly.. to use the default method of having an image behind the silverlight control which is just shown if the Silverlight plugin doesn't.. Silverlight SDK Silverlight.isInstalled 2.0 javascript silverlight share improve this question Include Silverlight.js from..
Silverlight Hosted in Winforms Hosted in Winforms I would like to host a silverlight control in winforms via a winforms browser but for it to work.. it to work I need some way for the forms to talk to the silverlight and also the other way around. Would it be possible to somehow.. to the browser's javascript and have that speak to the silverlight control Is there a better way Or even a way at all other than..
How do I create a chromeless window? from the web with today's browsers javascript html css silverlight share improve this question Nope and because it was abandoned..
Why does 'add files' button in Plupload not fire in latest Chrome or FF on OS X? .pluploadQueue runtimes 'gears html5 flash browserplus silverlight html4' url ' uploads.js' browse_button 'pickfiles' max_file_size.. ' plupload js plupload.flash.swf' Silverlight settings silverlight_xap_url ' plupload js plupload.silverlight.xap' compv.steps.selectedUpload.uploader.. settings silverlight_xap_url ' plupload js plupload.silverlight.xap' compv.steps.selectedUpload.uploader 'div#uploader' .pluploadQueue..
How do i get a computed style? then there is no way its a complete lock down. flash and silverlight use crossdomain.xlm but who the hell remembered about iframes..
Why do script blocks grow endlessly in VS2010 Debugger when running ASP.Net page with partial postbacks? Websites where to go and how to enable it. Once you enable silverlight debugging JS debugging is turned off as both can't run side..
How to inject Javascript in the WP7 WebBrowser control? But I can't do this in WP7 please help me. c# javascript silverlight windows phone 7 share improve this question Unfortunately..
Gantt chart in javascript/jquery/extjs [closed] based on other microsoft technology such as ˜ and silverlight netronic We are initially discarding this alternative..
Web based large scale graph drawing library software like Gephi can easily handle or they are flash silverlight based. So far my best find is a d3.js based implementation ...