javascript Programming Glossary: sk
How do I share content from a Facebook Page Tab's internal page? like this https pages PAGENAME PAGENUMBER sk app_PAGETABNUMBER app_data 5 The problem is when I try to share.. like this https pages PAGENAME PAGENUMBER sk app_PAGETABNUMBER app_data Redirect_Page Home.aspx You can then..
Passing a JavaScript Value to a PHP Variable (With Limitation) 'http pages FACEBOOK_PAGE 367117263337064 sk app_433576149993619' tabUrl will open fer.php linkUrl tabUrl..
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] there should be some kind of complete solution for such task. I was looking at this site http but.. ny va sc 01 h oo p sdk se c 0 1 47 mc nd ri sgh shar sie m sk 0 sl 45 id sm al ar b3 it t5 so ft ny sp 01 h v v sy 01 mb t2..
Convert digits into words with JavaScript I think its a little lengthy code to achieve a simple task. Two Regular Expressions and two for loops I want something.. if x 15 return 'too big' var n s.split '' var str '' var sk 0 for var i 0 i x i if x i 3 2 if n i '1' str tn Number n.. i x i if x i 3 2 if n i '1' str tn Number n i 1 ' ' i sk 1 else if n i 0 str tw n i 2 ' ' sk 1 else if n i 0 0235..
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript d M yyyy ro RO dd.MM.yyyy ru RU dd.MM.yyyy hr HR d.M.yyyy sk SK d. M. yyyy sq AL yyyy MM dd sv SE yyyy MM dd th TH d M yyyy..
Google maps Places API V3 autocomplete - select first option on enter feature on my input box as per http intl sk SK apis maps documentation javascript places.html#places_autocomplete..
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working? get 3rd party cookies to work in Safari question but I'm asking again because I think the playing field has changed perhaps.. session_start page_url http pages ... ... sk app_... if isset _GET start_session die header Location . page_url.. be less stable than the first version. Use at your own risk Feedback is appreciated. Thanks to CBroe for pointing me into..