javascript Programming Glossary: simulator
forge.facebook.ui callback invoked with null on iOS Running this code in catalyst on either iPhone device or simulator causes the FB dialogue to show correctly. forge.facebook.ui..
How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag? 2 defines no such global variable so for that reason the simulator must pass in its local copy of event . share improve this answer..
access denied to PHP from Blackberry 10 platform using phonegap - closed a problem with my phonegap project working on blackberry simulator. The version is 10. When I say phonegap I haven't used any Cordova.. a database. Below is a screenshot of my error on BB 10 simulator. Can anyone please tell me why this problem is coming up Are..
How to prevent click events on the document body (maybe a bug in Cordova?) on a link. I compiled with phonegap build the compass simulator linked here it works but when you tap the pic of the compass..
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); on a div? But you'll probably only see the results on your phone simulator. I think that this element can only be used on links or javascript..
What are some methods to debug Javascript inside of a UIWebView? 10.8 or Safari 6 you can just Open the application in the simulator or your device in XCode 4.5.x . Open Safari go to Preferences..
What event fires when a WebKit WebApp is “terminated” page shown false script I have tested this on the iOS simulator and its working as I described above. share improve this answer..
iPad css3 animation flickers after keyboard use all the transitions flicker. Go to the URL inside the iOS simulator or on an actual iPad to see what I'm talking about. javascript..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android clear but I guess that's an iOS 4 thing . On an iOS 4 iPad simulator the Cordova plugin does not seem to render correctly basically.. 06 01 no matter which locale is used. iOS 5 on an iPad simulator does not hide the keyboard when that is already visible when..
How do I correctly detect orientation change using javascript and Phonegap in IOS? reference material. This works correctly in the IOS simulator in mobile safari but doesn't handle correctly in Phonegap. My..
Input placeholders for Internet Explorer 9 does not support it. There already are some placeholder simulator scripts out there. They typically work by putting the default..
Disable select option in IOS Safari iPhone. For iPad the picture is more confusing. The iPad simulator does grey out the disabled options and really makes them disabled..
xcode 4 + phonegap … not update JS upon build? the CSS file stop the app rebuild and push to the iPad simulator or my iPad. That's been working fine. Every update to the CSS..
Can Javascript read the source of any web page? h3 a' will get you results a href questions 414690 iphone simulator port for windows closed title Duplicate Is any Windows simulator.. port for windows closed title Duplicate Is any Windows simulator available to test iPhone application as a hobbyist who cannot.. kit locally on cygwin to compile objecti content iphone n simulator port for windows closed href questions 680867 how to redirect..
Move jQuery to the end of body tag?
iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari? to the user. Unfortunately at least when running in the Simulator the iPad visibly though quickly scrolls up and down again. Still..
What are some methods to debug Javascript inside of a UIWebView?
How to play song in Android - phonegap function err alert err I use Android 2.1 Simulator and I've tried 2.2 as well without success. I hope I was clear..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile as I found it in Library Application Support iPhone Simulator but I can't find any function names from..
Disable select option in IOS Safari not accept disabled options. This is shown in the iPhone Simulator as well as on the actual iPhone. For iPad the picture is more.. navigator.platform if nP iPad nP iPhone nP iPod nP iPhone Simulator nP iPad Simulator 'select option disabled ' .remove share.. if nP iPad nP iPhone nP iPod nP iPhone Simulator nP iPad Simulator 'select option disabled ' .remove share improve this answer..