javascript Programming Glossary: singletons
Javascript collection JS. The singleton pattern Ok so what do I do for singletons I don't want to store random references. Here's a wonderful..
Javascript: best Singleton pattern [duplicate] singleton in JavaScript I'm using this pattern for singletons in the example the singleton is PlanetEarth var NAMESPACE function..
What is the difference between var thing and function thing() in JavaScript? instantiation with the new operator and also behave like singletons. Consider the following example Code var staticObject1 a 123..
javascript singleton question point is why don't people just use a simpler way to make singletons in javascript as I showed in the second snippet if there's an..
Javascript Best Practices objects YAHOO and YAHOO_config Use the Module pattern for singletons http blog 2007 06 12 module pattern Make your JS..
Difference between a constructor and an Object and used more often as configuration objects or global singletons e.g. for namespacing . There are a few subtleties about the..
Using RequireJS, how do I pass in global objects or singletons around? RequireJS how do I pass in global objects or singletons around Let's say I am writing code at the main page level and..
Dependency Injection with RequireJS to those of a given class instance. So you can create singletons by attaching functions and values directly to the module but..
Is it a bad practice to use the requireJS module as a singleton? question No I cannot think of a reason against using singletons with require.js. Your module definition should export the singleton...