javascript Programming Glossary: slash
how can i validate a url in javascript using regular expression times. matches the colon symbol itself. matches forward slash without the backslash JavaScript would think it's the end of.. colon symbol itself. matches forward slash without the backslash JavaScript would think it's the end of regular expression ...
Facebook: Unsafe JavaScript issue (document.domain values should be same) action like a click on a login button remove the trailing slash from the Canvas URL in app ’settings like http edit..
JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? why are forward slashes escaped The reason for this escapes me. JSON escapes the.. The reason for this escapes me. JSON escapes the forward slash so a hash a a b c is serialized as a a b c instead of a a b..
How can JavaScript make new page that contains more JavaScript? file which is the simplest option or you can escape the slash characters on anything that looks like an end tag document.write..
Remember and Repopulate File Input a full path and extract the part after the last backslash or forward slash if you were lucky... . 1 2 Along came HTML5.. and extract the part after the last backslash or forward slash if you were lucky... . 1 2 Along came HTML5 and as you have.. from the end of the string that is not a back forward slash or an empty string on error so one can check if return_value..
how to remove and <br> using javascript or jQuery? case where the br appears in an XHTML context with closing slash. However more complete would be this br ^ share improve this..
Why does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes I'm wondering why php adds a.. replacing double quotes I'm wondering why php adds a backslash when i remove double quotes. input type text name number id.. ' ' ' '' number echo number echos 5 1 2 Why is the backslash there php javascript jquery share improve this question ..
javascript regular expression to check for IP addresses actual dot. For this you need to escape it so put a back slash in front of the dots. Secondly but you're matching any three..
Relative URLs in AJAX requests URL is simply ignored. The same request with a trailing slash in the URL http wiki Rome appends the foo to..
jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n use br ^ gi wich will match anything between the br and slash if you have for example br class clear share improve this..
Two part question on JavaScript forward slash part question on JavaScript forward slash What is the real reason that we must escape a forward slash.. What is the real reason that we must escape a forward slash in a JavaScript string and also why must we escape string no.. over this issue. Thanks in advance javascript forward slash share improve this question What is the real reason that..
Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute Only data image URLs are accepted Exotic flavours escaped slash html entitied characters are not supported to keep the function.. a search and replace http domain sub anything but a slash .. me to http domain sub me . replace_all_rel_by_abs Convert.. argument for replace . Parses relevant HTML entities var slashRE new RegExp ae 'g' var dotRE new RegExp ae . 'g' function by2..
json parse error with double quotes Even eval won't work here. But if i escape it with double slashes like this var result ' result lunch Show ' var tags JSON.parse.. 1 then it works fine. Why do we need to use double slash here in javascript The problem is that PHP json_encode function.. json_encode function escapes a double quote with a single slash like this show which JSON.parse won't be able to parse. How..
Javascript .pathname IE quirk? I get back something like bar note the leading forward slash . Is IE at fault here what's the deal javascript internet explorer.. question mark or hash mark # . This means the leading slash should be included which is consistent with Mozilla's implementation..