javascript Programming Glossary: sinon.spy
How can I mock dependencies for unit testing in RequireJS? stubs cnt var map var i18n stubs.i18n stubs.i18n load sinon.spy function name req onLoad onLoad i18n _.each stubs function..
Testing backbone.js application with jasmine - how to test model bindings on a view? the last call in a series ie mostRecentCall And w sinon.js sinon.spy this.legendView.groupData 'bind' this.myView new MyView expect..
Backbone.js model with collection json' JSON.stringify returnData var callback sinon.spy var summarySnapshot new JobSummarySnapshot summarySnapshot.bind..
Why is this sinon spy not being called when I run this test? describe updateDatetime beforeEach @updateSpy sinon.spy @datetime 'updateDatetime' afterEach @datetime.updateDatetime.restore.. @datetime new DateTimeSelector create the spy @updateSpy sinon.spy DateTimeSelector.prototype 'updateDatetime' be sure to change.. your code describe DateTimeSelector beforeEach @updateSpy sinon.spy DateTimeSelector.prototype 'updateDatetime' @datetime new DateTimeSelector..
Stub out a jQuery selector call? this var el1 sinon.stub val function el1.returns 2 var el2 sinon.spy val function 'val' doubleIt el1 el2 assert el2.withArgs 4 .calledOnce..