javascript Programming Glossary: quirky
Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript still not perfect in Internet Explorer 6 which is a bit quirky about the back forward buttons. Internet Explorer 7 works fine..
What to do if “mousemove” and “click” events fire simultaneously? actually trigger click and only click . Since this is so quirky it seems like the only way to deal with it is times. As much..
How to inherit from the DOM element class inheritance is not really specified anywhere it could be quirky unpredictable and overall fragile and unreliable. Yes you can..
What is the scope of a function in Javascript/ECMAScript? function are scoped within that function. Javascript has a quirky behavior however which is that without the var keyword you've..
Can't select HTML5 element's children in IE8 with jQuery selector 8 share improve this question Internet Explorer 8 has quirky support for HTML 5 IE6 and IE7 plain just don't support it...
What are the most likely causes of Javascript errors in IE8?
Is there a more comprehensive JavaScript function reference than w3schools? [closed] in addition if you want to see all the quirky differences that Microsoft implemented then MSDN provides a..
IE Bug (window === top) === false of IE take advantage of this freedom and exhibit much quirky behaviour for which there is no specification whatsoever. Trying..