javascript Programming Glossary: quota
Overloading Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript? this question given this JavaScript class definition var Quota function hours minutes seconds if arguments.length 3 this.hours.. and the following test setup code var q1 new Quota 23 58 50 var q2 new Quota 0 1 0 var q3 new Quota 0 0 10 console.log.. test setup code var q1 new Quota 23 58 50 var q2 new Quota 0 1 0 var q3 new Quota 0 0 10 console.log Quota 01 is q1.toString..
Overloading Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript? The best I can suggest is a class method for making new quota objects from several others. Here's a quick example of what..
Filesystem API not working in Chrome v27 & v29 the way as described on html5rocks only lets me request a quota from the user but the callback when requesting the filesystem.. is a new standard out from today https hg quota raw file tip Overview.html . I tried using navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.. function usage quota console.log arguments navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota..
How do I call window.openDatabase from a webView hosted in an android application? your WebChromeClient if you want to control your storage quota public void onExceededDatabaseQuota String url String databaseIdentifier.. estimatedSize long totalUsedQuota WebStorage.QuotaUpdater quotaUpdater quotaUpdater.updateQuota 204801 share improve this..
JavaScript implementation of Gzip fixed size server side cache via AJAX think Opensocial quotas . I do not have control over the server. I need to reduce the.. the size of the stored data to stay within a server side quota and was hoping to be able to gzip the stringified JSON in the..
Have I reached the limits of the size of objects JavaScript in my browser can handle? useful error in the console Error script stack space quota is exhausted In Chrome I simply get the sad tab page Cut to..
Writing to local file system in Chrome extension Since a dedicated browser UI does not yet exist for file quota management the API cannot be used without running Chrome with.. cannot be used without running Chrome with the unlimited quota for files flag Note if you're building an app or extension for..
Max size in IndexedDB grants permission for a site to exceed the 50 MB IndexedDB quota then as far as I know Firefox does not impose any more limits... user's disk space and operating system. The localStorage quota is 5000KB and there is no way for a web site to ask the browser..
Memory Leak When Pulling JSON from WEB 0 00 00 mb 8949.88 noofslots 1 nbDetails false eta unknown quota loadavg cache_max 0 kbpersec 0.00 speedlimit webdir queue_details..