javascript Programming Glossary: queryinterface
Altering HTTP Responses in Firefox Extension else if topic http on modify request var channel subject.QueryInterface Components.interfaces.nsIChannel var listener new StreamListener.. this http on examine response QueryInterface function aIID if aIID.equals Components.interfaces.nsISupports.. getInterface function aIID try return this.QueryInterface aIID catch e throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE nsIProgressEventSink..
Redirecting Request (nsiHttpChannel?) in Firefox Extensions else if topic http on modify request implement later QueryInterface function id if id.equals Components.interfaces nsIObserver .. if topic http on modify request var httpChannel subject.QueryInterface Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel var requestURL subject.URI.spec..
Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control win if win NULL return IDispatchEx winEx win QueryInterface winEx if winEx NULL return int lenW MultiByteToWideChar CP_ACP.. long ref public IUnknown virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface REFIID riid void ppv virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef.. might be HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE JSObject QueryInterface REFIID riid void ppv ppv NULL if riid IID_IUnknown riid IID_IDispatch..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] seen as objects and not handles dynamic_cast rather than QueryInterface etc . No additional layers proxy objects etc between you and..