javascript Programming Glossary: quirks
Keeping history of hash/anchor changes in JavaScript to manual changes to the current address. Beware of the quirks I've mentioned below though. While this solution seems to be..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events live handlers from firing multiple times pageChange event quirks triggering twice Sometimes pagechange event can trigger twice..
Find the exact height and width of the viewport in a cross-browser way (no Prototype/jQuery) get the viewport information in all browsers e.g. IE6 in quirks mode . But the above script should do a good job share improve..
Do HTML5 custom data attributes ?śwork??in IE 6? a while ago with IE6 and it functioned correctly even in quirks mode . But this has nothing to do with HTML5 specific attributes..
Does jQuery strip some html elements from a string when using .html()?
IE6 Hover Issue patches hover active and focus for IE6 IE7 and IE8 quirks letting you use them like you would in any other browser. Version..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] I found this page which shows some differences http compatibility.html Can you from your experience name.. applies to IE8 and below and to a certain extent IE9 in quirks mode. For example IE9 supports SVG canvas audio and video natively.. many times slower and has many more glitches than when in quirks mode when using VML. SVG IE9 supports SVG natively. IE6 8 can..
JavaScript - Get Browser Height
Facebook Login and Iframe redirection . I have pasted my javascript below this works with above quirks. var api_key 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' var channel_path 'xd_receiver.htm'..
JavaScript get window X/Y position for scroll to document.body.scrollLeft Top was only required for quirks mode or very old browsers. jQuery 1.10 now uses paraphrased..
Top-Rated JavaScript Blogs [closed] development can explain more clearly and concisely certain quirks and hidden features than most ' Official Language Specifications..
# or javascript:void(0)? way with no accessibility hit at all without hacks and quirks. javascript onclick share improve this question If you..
JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode? the page my script is loaded into could either be forcing quirks or forcing a specific setting. I'm hoping that IE9 will have..
Should the id of elements be made global variables? And FireFox also displays this behavior but only in quirks mode and even then its implementation seems buggy . The WHATWG..
What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference? [closed] documentation for javascript css html xhtml dom browser quirks and support. I've tried Sitepoint Quirksmode W3Schools but all..
What is the explanation for these bizarre JavaScript behaviours mentioned in the 'Wat' talk for CodeMash 2012? talk for CodeMash 2012 basically points out a few bizarre quirks with Ruby and JavaScript. I have made a JSFiddle of the results..
IE8 does not support querySelectorAll improve this question Check that your page isn't in Quirks mode or Compatibility mode. You can use the F12 dev tools to.. of the resulting window. If you see Compatibility or Quirks in the mode description then you've found the problem. Quirks.. in the mode description then you've found the problem. Quirks mode this is usually triggered by a missing or broken Doctype...
Javascript version in HTA IEs. Omitting doctype should always drop the app to run in Quirks mode which in the case of HTA is similar to IE5. However in.. least in IE8 9. It's always safest to use doctype if the Quirks mode isn't required. With doctype but without x ua compatible..
What are the most likely causes of Javascript errors in IE8? what mode you are in. In IE8 there are 3 THREE modes. IE5 Quirks your page has no doctype page renders like IE5 did IE 7 Standards..
When to use setAttribute vs .attribute= in JavaScript? text only . Different browsers confuse the two. See Quirks modes attribute in compatibility . share improve this answer..
Calling javascript function with php code to PHP. Incidentally your choice of Doctype will trigger Quirks mode in most browsers. This is almost always highly undesirable...
Simulate left and right arrow key event with javascript working in Firefox 3.6 Opera 11 Safari 5 IE 8 and IE 7 IE Quirks Mode. Of note Opera 11 doesn't fire repeated keydown events..
How to detect Render Mode of browser for current page? in ' document.compatMode 'CSS1Compat' 'Standards' 'Quirks' ' Mode.' For IE8 var vMode document.documentMode var rMode.. For IE8 var vMode document.documentMode var rMode 'IE5 Quirks Mode' if vMode 8 rMode 'IE8 Standards Mode' else if vMode 7..
Dynamically added form elements are not POSTED in IE 9 either with that id or name. Do you render your page in Quirks mode That might cause some problems. share improve this answer..
JS error 'redeclaration' of var when it's first line in program? redeclaration error HTML1113 Document mode restart from Quirks to IE9 Standards This suggests that IE finds what it thinks.. what it thinks is an error so loads the page again in Quirks mode. Loading the page twice makes it think everything is declared..