javascript Programming Glossary: quick
Ajax, back button and DOM updates page cache . This allows them to re render the page very quickly when navigating via the back and forward buttons and preserves.. from being stored in the bfcache for DOM preservation and quick back forward . Update this has been fixed in jQuery 1.4 so that..
How to disable browser or element scrollbar, but allow scrolling with wheel or arrow keys? .scrollTop scrollTop Math.round delta script This is a quick mockup you'd have to adjust the numbers since for me this scrolls..
jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function [closed] Read before you start doing a search and replace For quick hot fixes on a live site do not just replace the keyword live..
Check if option is selected with jQuery, if not select a default of PHP functions in an app I just inherited so this is a quick fix while I get my head around those javascript jquery forms..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? that's fine. But for non trivial applications things quickly get confusing and hard to maintain. In AngularJS though the.. you really need to. There might be a better way. Here's a quick example that shows the pattern I see most frequently. We want..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site just alter the script from the question I hope to make a quick outline of how to script these kinds of pages and actions with..
Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile Your javascript will go here script div body This is a quick solution but still an ugly one. Working example can be found..
Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome? I'd recommend using an image's onload event. Here's a quick example var img img 0 Get my img elem var pic_real_width pic_real_height..
Cross browsers mult-lines text overflow with ellipsis appended within a width&height fixed div? jquery css share improve this question Just a quick basic idea. I was testing with the following markup div id fos.. side that leaves only a small overhead then it will run quicker . Again this is not a complete solution just an idea. UPDATE..
IE/Chrome: are DOM tree elements global variables here? typically optimise the getElementById call to use a quick lookup anyway all you get is problems when elements change id..
How do I add a delay in a JavaScript loop? return immediately. Therefore your loop will iterate very quickly and it will initiate 3 second timeout triggers one after the.. initiate 3 second timeout triggers one after the other in quick succession. That is why your first alerts pops up after 3 seconds..
variable hoisting tracemonkey I believe will take the JavaScript and do a quick static analysis and then do JIT and then try run it. If that..
Javascript isDOM — How do you check if a Javascript Object is a DOM Object? So for the 2nd object I came up with the following as a quick solution which mostly works. Problem is it depends on browsers..
HTML Text Input allow only Numeric input Text Input allow only Numeric input Any quick way to set an HTML text input input type text to only allow..
Preloading images with jQuery images with jQuery I'm looking for a quick and easy way to preload images with JavaScript. I'm using jQuery.. do this but they all seem a bit big in size I just need a quick easy and short way of preloading images javascript jquery image..
Set cursor position in html textbox with the onfocus event sigh . If anybody out there has quick access to some older browsers or any browser not mentioned above..
Difference between RegisterStartupScript and RegisterClientScriptBlock? when would you choose one over the other. I wrote up a quick sample page where I had an issue and I am not sure the exact..
How do I display a date/time in the user's locale format and time offset? be made into an mktime function. All very bare here for quick grasping. d new Date d.setUTCFullYear 2004 d.setUTCMonth 1 d.setUTCDate..
Object comparison in JavaScript [duplicate] leftChain.indexOf x 1 rightChain.indexOf y 1 return false Quick checking of one object beeing a subset of another. todo cache..
Mobile Safari back button alert From back forward cache. Quick solution to these problem is to reload the page when back button..
use of javascript array new Array(n) declaration by your assumption later on tongue firmly in cheek Cons Quick glances can easily confuse new Array 10 with new Array '10'..
How to remove only the parent element and not its child elements in JavaScript? just this .contents .remove just this .replaceWith cnt Quick links to the documentation contents jQuery replaceWith content..
JQuery: Slide left and slide right the additional effects in jQuery UI See here for details Quick example this .hide slide direction left 1000 this .show slide..
Please explain the use of JavaScript closures in loops [duplicate] wiki Question How to properly use closures in loops Quick answer Use a function factory. for var i 0 i 10 i document.getElementById..
Regular expression to remove hostname and port from URL? javascript regex share improve this question Quick 'n' dirty ^ ^# . . Everything after the hostname and port including..
Javascript || or operator with a undefinded variable several examples of its usage for such an assignment. Quick example http V76W6 var v 0 var x v 10 alert x alerts..
Preloading images with jQuery javascript jquery image share improve this question Quick and easy function preload arrayOfImages arrayOfImages .each..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] any with them. Which one should I go for when looking for Quick Start Good documentation Similar Web way development Good support..
How to detect internet speed in Javascript? is n speedBps bps n speedKbps kbps n speedMbps Mbps n Quick comparison with real speed test service showed small difference..
How to display a message on screen without refreshing like SO does? [duplicate] javascript html css header share improve this question Quick pure JavaScript implementation function MessageBar CSS styling..
Header message just like at Stack Overflow javascript html css header share improve this question Quick pure JavaScript implementation function MessageBar CSS styling..
Is there a DOM event that fires when an HTML select element is closed? time to close it. You can detect the page click however. Quick Summary Chrome Safari select.mousedown on open document.mouseup..
How to clearInterval with unknown ID? stop specific interval without knowing its ID of course. Quick test case proved to work on all major browsers mentioned above...
Make exe files from node.js app in theory they should work Iexpress native windows tool Quick Batch File Compiler commercial Advanced Batch To EXE Converter..
What does it mean global namespace would be polluted? collection. javascript share improve this question Quick Note On Garbage Collection As variables lose scope they will..
Remove Duplicates from JavaScript Array [duplicate] arrays duplicate removal share improve this question Quick and dirty using jQuery var names Mike Matt Nancy Adam Jenny..
Deploying a Google Chrome extension; Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation YouTube JavaScript API @author Rob W @global getFrameID id Quick way to find the iframe object which corresponds to the given..
Alternatives to JavaScript eval() for parsing JSON to JavaScript eval for parsing JSON Quick Question. Eval in JavaScript is unsafe is it not I have a JSON..