javascript Programming Glossary: qa
GeoLocation API America PS Asia PT Europe PW Australia PY South America QA Asia RE Africa RO Europe RS Europe RU Europe RW Africa SA Asia..
Browser detection versus feature detection . They also have the advantage of practically infinite QA resources. On the other hand what you often see people doing..
Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed] img src Images before.png class alignLeft alt CMC and QA Icons p Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt consectetur adipisicing.. img src Images after.png class alignRight alt CMC and QA Icons p p Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt consectetur adipisicing..
Rails 4 turbo-link prevents jQuery scripts from working to review all of your JavaScript and you've done a full QA sweep. You should also test your site's speed to see if it is..
How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code For example lets say we have two identical servers QA and production but they clearly have different URL domains...
Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript yyyy es UY dd MM yyyy ar BH dd MM yyyy es PY dd MM yyyy ar QA dd MM yyyy es BO dd MM yyyy es SV dd MM yyyy es HN dd MM yyyy..
Determine IP# of domain from client browser to determine whether or not a certain domain is set to a QA address as opposed to the address live on the . The testing.. will have it's host file set to resolve a domain to the QA address. Pinging from the server won't help since the server..
JavaScript detect an AJAX event there but IMO these 2 are the major ones. I might possibly QA MooTools but other than that I'm fine with only testing those...
Parsing URL hash/fragment identifier with JavaScript allows them to bookmark useful searches. Best of all when QA finds a search defect they can link straight to the problematic..
Examples of XSS that I can use to test my page input? can think of the work done by the tool as the same as the QA testers for the site manually entering all of these strings..