javascript Programming Glossary: query
What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files? which was suggested by SCdF would be to append a bogus query string to the file. Some Python code to automatically use the.. Python code to automatically use the timestamp as a bogus query string was submitted by pi . However there is some discussion.. as to whether or not the browser would cache a file with a query string. Remember we want the browser to cache the file and use..
Get escaped URL parameter server so I can't modify anything on it. javascript url query string url parameters share improve this question function..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? html head script src http ajax libs jquery 1.3.1 jquery.min.js type text javascript script head body div.. src http ajax libs jquery 1.3.1 jquery.min.js type text javascript script head body div id xy style.. this example or this answer FF3.5 ONLY screen.width media query screen width see below takes advantage of the fact that screen.width..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? name hidden1 id hidden1 form php salarieid _POST 'hidden1' query select from salarie where salarieid . salarieid echo query result.. query select from salarie where salarieid . salarieid echo query result mysql_query query table code for display the query result... where salarieid . salarieid echo query result mysql_query query table code for display the query result. table Thanks..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin null is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going.. is going on and can I get around this Am I composing my query incorrectly or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder.. url function data can use 'data' in here... javascript jquery xmlhttprequest jsonp same origin policy share improve this..
Best practice: escape, or encodeURI / encodeURIComponent escape or encodeURI encodeURIComponent When encoding a query string to be sent to a web server what is the best practice.. value2 javascript actionscript 3 actionscript encoding query string share improve this question escape Don't use it as..
How can I get query string values in JavaScript? can I get query string values in JavaScript Is there a plugin less way of retrieving.. in JavaScript Is there a plugin less way of retrieving query string values via jQuery or without If so how If not is there.. how If not is there a plugin which can do so javascript jquery url plugins query string share improve this question You..
Serving high res images to retina display high resolution easily. CSS solution is about Media Query and webkit min device pixel ratio or webkit device pixel ratio..
Identify & Extract the title/description of an Image (Data Scraping Pinterest) of an Image Data Scraping Pinterest How can Javascript jQuery be used to identify the description or title corresponding to.. from that one. The overall process involves using Yahoo's Query Language along with jQuery .ajax function to get the desired.. process involves using Yahoo's Query Language along with jQuery .ajax function to get the desired scraped data usually available..
switch statement in Jquery and List text javascript document .ready function function HotelQuery HotelName switch HotelName case 'TimelessHotel' var strHotelName.. query title head body a href # onclick javascript HotelQuery 'TetrisHotel' alert strHotelName strHotelDesc strHotelPrice.. alert strHotelName strHotelDesc strHotelPrice Tetris Hotel Query a body html javascript jquery switch condition share improve..
pros and cons of serverside javascript implementation? using cached prepared statements for database transactions Query and output fragment caching Database connection pooling Automatic.. access as well as table creation and modification. Myna's Query object supports maxRows paging SQL parameters custom row handlers..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection open source ones at least solutions mostly used with a jQuery jQuery Mobile. Also be warned this topic has the potential to.. source ones at least solutions mostly used with a jQuery jQuery Mobile. Also be warned this topic has the potential to start.. getCapability 'resolution_height' li ul p b Query WURFL by providing the user agent b p form method get action..
Why RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results? when I use the global flag and the case insensitive flag Query is a user generated input. The result should be true true ...
Variable inside a String inside a String at https fr docs DOM Text.splitText Query all the span data styled text elements and do whatever manipulation..
Best server-side javascript servers [closed] Persevere based on rhino include JSDB supports JSON Query by Kris Zyp the author of JSON Schema RingoJS based on rhino..
Query Wikipedia's API using AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) Wikipedia's API using AJAX XMLHttpRequest I am trying to implement..
How can I use a JavaScript variable as a PHP variable? 'level_var' 'training_name_var' 'training_date_var' or die Query not possible. script How can this problem be fixed php javascript..
Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery PUT POST DELETE with JSONP and jQuery I am working on creating a RESTful API that supports cross.. From what I can tell when doing a JSONP requests with jQuery it only supports the GET method. Is there a way to do a JSONP.. DELETE Ideally I would like a way to do this from within jQuery through a plugin if the core does not support this but I will..
Whose fault is it? CSS or JavaScript? display none Hidden by default will be later shown with jQuery .paging a padding 5px text decoration none color #fff .paging.. soap ' soapEnv listName NewsRotator listName soapEnv query Query OrderBy Override 'TRUE' FieldRef Name 'Created' Ascending 'FALSE'.. 'TRUE' FieldRef Name 'Created' Ascending 'FALSE' OrderBy Query query soapEnv viewFields ViewFields FieldRef Name 'Title' FieldRef..
Can Javascript read the source of any web page? share improve this question Simple way to start try jQuery #links .load Main_Page #jq p Getting Started li More at jQuery.. #links .load Main_Page #jq p Getting Started li More at jQuery Docs Another way to do screen scraping in a much more structured.. in a much more structured way is to use YQL or Yahoo Query Language. It will return the scraped data structured as JSON..
Get business type/industry from Bing Phonebook API json.aspx Common request fields required AppId _appId Query starbucks Sources Phonebook Common request fields optional Version.. So to find starbucks and define that it should be coffee Query starbucks coffee Another tip Unless distance is absolutely important..
jQuery Get Query String Parameters Get Query String Parameters Anyone know of a good way to write.. Get Query String Parameters Anyone know of a good way to write a jQuery.. String Parameters Anyone know of a good way to write a jQuery Extention to handle querystring parameters Basically I want..
Which are the best geo Coding APIs available for free? legal us yahoo maps mapsapi mapsapi 2141.html . YQL Yahoo Query language see http yql A SQl based query..